442: The Power of Living Foods

Tim James And Ashley James
- Core four secrets
- What cellular dehydration is
- Where chemicals come from
- How to eliminate chemicals from the body

Tim James is a farm boy who used to hunt and eat meat, but he is now on a raw vegan diet. In this episode, Tim shares what made him go on a raw vegan diet, and what benefits he experienced after switching to a raw vegan diet. He also shares where we can find some of the chemicals that are getting inside our body and how to eliminate them.
Hello, true health seeker and welcome to another exciting episode of the Learn True Health podcast. I took a little bit of a break. Sorry for not getting an episode out in the last week. My husband and I just celebrated our 12th year anniversary. And so a friend let us come up to her cabin in the middle of the woods five hours away from Seattle in the Okanagan Valley, 45 minutes away from the nearest town or grocery store. We were completely isolated, there was no cell service, and it was beautiful and pristine.
Our son caught bugs the entire time and played in nature. We swam, we walked in the forest, and we just sat in the sun, put our feet on the ground, took long slow deep breaths, and soaked in all the nature. I definitely encourage you to get out in nature as much as you can, as often as you can. Even if you live in the city, find some clean, pesticide-free grass, and just go lie down in it. Feel the earth rotating around this crazy universe. That ability to ground yourself is so healing.
Now this episode, this interview that you're listening to today is phenomenal. I love this man's story, and this is going to be a great episode to share with your husband, your brother, or I just think the men that are at the point where they're sick of being sick—this is going to be a great interview to listen to. The man that you're about to hear was the American cowboy. Growing up in a ranch country eating nothing but beef, and he had a lot of health problems that men sweep under the rug. He just got sick of being sick, and he was able to—through his journey and his story he's going to share, it's a wonderful story—discover how to heal his body. And he teaches how you can do the same. How you can nourish your body in a way that everything comes back into balance.
Now as you're listening to Tim James share his story, he also shares his website chemicalfreebody.com. And he has invented a few supplements that are whole food supplements. I am very picky when it comes to supplements, but his green powder that you just turn into a drink is so delicious, and really, my body buzzes when I drink it. After this interview, I went and I bought some, and I am loving it. I put it in my smoothie every day. Sometimes I just put it in a glass of water and drink it. What I notice is it almost like could replace a coffee or tea. It gives me energy, but not jitters. It's safe for children, it has a ton of raw food extracts from different superfoods, and it actually tastes good.
If you're looking to detox, you're looking to become more alkaline—and oh also, I tested my alkaline levels and this green juice, this powder that he sells that is extracted from raw organic superfoods—it is so delicious and it also balances pH. I did the test before and after drinking it, and I saw my pH come back into alkalinity, and I thought that was very cool. My husband is doing a fast right now, and he is drinking this stuff every day, because fasting, you definitely stir up toxins. If you've been listening for any length of time, you know that I’m really into supporting the body and removing heavy metals, detoxing and supporting all the organs of the body in detoxing, and becoming as healthy as possible.
If you want to give this a try, which I highly recommend you do, and basically it's great to get for your husband if you're helping the men in your life who are just coming into wanting to become healthier but maybe they don't have the time or wherewithal to make a special salad and make a special vegetable smoothie and you just want to give them something really fast, that's what Tim James created. He's very particular, very picky about the ingredients that he puts into his stuff so that the quality is there. He formulated them for his own health—for him and for his family—so I like that he's never going to compromise on the ingredients. It's chemicalfreebody.com, and then use the coupon code LTH for 5% off. His margins are so slim when it comes to supplements as it is so he gave us a discount, and I thought that was really nice of him. So chemicalfreebody.com, LTH for the coupon code. Be sure to use that, which will give you just a little bit of a discount. That helps to cover shipping.
He recommends doing the Total Energy and Detox bundle. I grabbed just the green drink to start and I love it, and I’m going to definitely dive in and try his other supplements, his bundle next, the Total Energy and Detox bundle. And he also highly recommends doing his protocol while you do any form of fasting, cleansing, or detoxing because it really helps so that you don't have any flu-like symptoms, detox symptoms, or any downtime when you're fasting or detoxing.
Enjoy today's interview. Make sure you go to chemicalfreebody.com, check out his videos, and do the coupon code LTH. Thank you so much for being a listener. Thank you so much for sharing this episode with those you love. Let's help all the people we love—the men and the women in our lives to learn true health.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
[00:06:24] Ashley James: Welcome to the Learn True Health podcast. I’m your host, Ashley James. This is episode 442. I am so excited for today's guest. We have Tim James on. He's the founder of chemicalfreebody.com. Tim James of no relation. We just coincidentally have the same last name. I’m really excited for the mission that you're on. In my own quest for health, I found that by cutting out chemicals and pesticides, my health drastically improved, and so I love what you're doing. Also, when I’m exposed to certain chemicals I notice I really, really feel it. It's pretty amazing how so many people are walking around with sluggish livers, full of chemicals, and not knowing that there’s a better way. There's a way that you can just hugely improve your overall health and well-being. The well-being of our children, the well-being at any age by eliminating chemicals and toxins as much as we can from our food, our water, and our air. Tim, welcome to the show.
[00:07:41] Tim James: Ashley, thanks for having me. I’m very excited to be here and share.
[00:07:44] Ashley James: Absolutely. Now you have an amazing story, so let's dive right in. What happened in your life? How young were you when you first started having health problems? And what happened that led you to discover that chemicals were the cause of your problems?
[00:08:03] Tim James: Well, I can take it back a little further just so people understand my background. I grew up in Eastern Oregon on a cattle and hay farm. We had Hereford cattle. Between me and my neighbors, we had horses, chickens, and ducks. It was just all their—goats and everything. I grew up hunting and fishing a lot, so meat was a huge part of my lifestyle. Played baseball at a high level, and at age 37, that's when the wheels were really falling off for me. I had gained 38 pounds even though I still, in my mind, I thought I was an athlete, even though I had hardly any energy to get up. I’d only do it to walk the dogs. I was a financial advisor at the time getting up early, long days, lots of traveling, and high stress. And then I had skin issues on my elbows like eczema, and it would bleed and crack. I had to start wearing black shirts because the white ones would you know. I’d bleed on people's couches on Super Bowl parties and stuff like that. It was embarrassing. And it didn't look good.
I had this big belly, my elbows were bleeding, my knee finally got eczema too—it was cracking and bleeding. And then I had acid indigestion really bad. I was on Tums and Rolaids all the time. The doctor wanted me to go into Prilosec, I didn't want to do that, and then finally it got really bad. I started bleeding rectally and I didn't tell anybody about this for almost two years. I never did tell a doctor, nobody. I’m just like, hopefully, that goes away. How stupid is that, right? It was just that guy mentality like ah, it's fine. It'll get better. Not even a pause. Not even a pause. Just oh, I hope that goes away. Back to work because it really wasn't a problem. I wasn't stopped completely. I just kept going.
I’m raising the kids and I got a mortgage payment, so I’m moving. Finally, it was on vacation. We were in northern Peru right below Tumbes, which is in Ecuador, and I had to get life-flighted to get an emergency surgery in Lima, and that's when that mask went over my face. That's when I knew my life was out of control, but I still didn't know what the hell to do. I didn't know what I was doing with my health, even though I thought I was healthy. I was eating trying to do five meals a day and eating more protein. Give me a chicken teriyaki bowl and give me extra chicken. And I thought drinking my milk for my bones, the meat for my protein, and all that stuff, but I was a mess.
A friend of mine got diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which is a supposedly rare supposedly incurable blood cancer. He's like dude, I can't die. I have to live. Because our sons played together so he's like I’m going to go to this place in Florida called the Hippocrates Health Institute. Have you heard of those people at all?
[00:10:44] Ashley James: I have not.
[00:10:45] Tim James: Okay. So they're one of the oldest alternative health institutes in the world. And he says I want you to go with me and support me. I’m going to try to heal naturally. Well, I’m thinking this isn’t going to work. I’m going to support you. I’m like yeah, dude. I’m all in, but in the back of my mind, he's dead. My grandma died of brain cancer, my aunt died of skin cancer. We just actually lost a guy in my baseball team that we played in the adult men's world series in Phoenix on the super nice spring training fields. Clay died of cancer. He had stomach cancer, and he went through chemo, surgery, and all that stuff. He died 80 pounds under his weight. We had already been through that. Clay didn't have any insurance, but he left three little boys behind at ages 6 to 17. It was terrible.
It was a whole bunch of these really strong tough men on this baseball team were all at his funeral just crying their faces off. Do you know what I’ll never forget? He came for his last baseball game. He was too proud to run out to the center-field because he couldn't run. He's just like, “I don't have the energy to run back and forth to my position. I’m sure as hell not going to walk. Can I pitch? Because I can just kind of jog out to the mound.” And I’m thinking pitching's going to take way more energy dude, whatever. He's pitching, and around the fourth or fifth inning he comes in on the bench and he's sitting there on my left and my buddy Jason’s on his left. Me and Jason were looking at Clay and he's sitting there spitting up blood. Jason’s like, “Man, what the hell are you doing out here?” He's like, “Look, dude. I love baseball. And if I’m going to go out, I’m going to go out doing what I love.” I was like, “Okay, man.” What do you say to that? Just okay, whatever you want to do.
I watched a guy my age. Now I’m starting to freak out because I’m bleeding rectally, I have all these problems. I’m looking at this guy. He's healthier than all of us, and he's dying of cancer. And then my buddy Charles, at age 43, gets it, and I’m freaking out, but I still don't know what's going on. Anyway, long story short, we fly to Hippocrates on January 1, 2011.
[00:12:40] Ashley James: This is you and Clay?
[00:12:42] Tim James: No, Clay passed away.
[00:12:43] Ashley James: Okay, so Clay passed away. When he was spitting up blood at the baseball diamond, did you have any light bulbs going off in your head? Like wow, I was bleeding rectally for years.
[00:12:56] Tim James: No, it was fear. I was just in fear mode, but I didn't know what to do. I just still didn't know what to do. It wasn't until Charles said, “Hey, we got to go to this institute.” Now we're on the plane flight there because he's got this blood cancer, and he's like, “Oh, Tim by the way, when we get there there's no meat, no dairy, no salt, no sugar, and nothing's cooked.” And I’m like, “What?” I’m literally freaked out. You have to understand, hunting and fishing were my life. Every year, I worked so hard so I could get another extra week off to hunt and fish. All my thousands of dollars of hunting and fishing equipment. Our motto was if it flies, it dies. If it's brown, it's down—just to give you an idea. I’m redneck, okay. Eastern Oregon farm boy. It was fun, we had a lot of fun doing that stuff, so I’m freaked out. And if it wasn't for Charles and him having cancer, there's no way I would have set foot into that place.
We made fun of vegetarians, and this place was like plant-based vegans. Not even eggs or dairy, which didn't make sense because I’m like how are you going to have strong bones? Anyway, I’m freaked out but I’m like, “Look, Tim, put your stuff aside. They probably got salads. Charles has got cancer, just focus on him.” I went there with a notepad, and I’m running around trying to disprove this place, talking to all these people, and trying to gather information from my friend because I really want him to heal but I didn't think it was possible. Well, it was amazing what happened.
They put us on purified water. They put us on these green juices. All sprouted nuts, seeds, grains, beans, broccoli sprouts, sunflower sprouts, pea sprouts, and all this stuff. Sprouts in the juice even. And what you do is you go through what's called a healing crisis. Now the first takes about three, four, five days for most people. It's like doing surgery without a knife, and all this stuff starts coming out of you. They teach you. The very first class is on internal awareness, and they teach you from the time you eat something or drink something—from it enters your mouth until it exits—what goes on. And they just break it down, they make it simple. I’m like, oh my God. Where's this information? That first class, they're trying to teach you about getting colon hydrotherapy or colonic. Have you ever heard of those?
[00:14:56] Ashley James: Mm-hmm.
[00:14:57] Tim James: And then I’m elbowing Charles going, “Hey man, you got me to come here to help you, but there's no way I’m doing that deal.” For those of you listening that aren't aware of that, you just sit on a tube rectally and water basically goes in and out, and they clean you out gently with water. That's a colonic or colon hydrotherapy session. He said that most people are carrying around about 6-12 pounds of impacted fecal material and mucoid plaques lining the small and large intestine, and you want to get that stuff out. Now the record at the institute—some lady did a colon hydrotherapy session and she had she dropped 29 pounds of impacted fecal material. And I’m like what? I was the first person to sign up on that thing. I’m like I got to clean that stuff out because I got this blood deal going on, right?
They weigh me, I do the deal for an hour, I come back, and I’m 10 pounds lighter. Just like Dr. Scott said, he goes, “Tim, you got 10 pounds of crap in a 5-pound bag, and we got to clean it up.” This is even before nutrition. What you brought up even earlier was about the chemicals and the toxins, well the pathway of elimination of the digestive tract is the first place to get cleaned up because it's the epicenter. It's the driving engine of your life. It's where all the nutrients flow and everything, so they taught us all that. I did that thing, I started feeling better. Day one, my acid indigestion was gone. The blood had stopped that week.
[00:16:14] Ashley James: When you say the blood you mean rectal bleeding, not the blood coming from your knees or your elbows?
[00:16:20] Tim James: No, that was still there. That was still going on. We do this. I had headaches, I had night sweats, I wasn't feeling good, I was irritable during that first four days, and this is what they call healing crisis or doing surgery without a knife. Your body is basically changing from an acid-based organism because of the environment it was in. Everything I was eating was acid. I didn't know meat was acid. I didn't know coffee was acid. I didn't think about it. I was drinking two big coffees a day. Dairy is acid, ice cream is acid, pasta is acid, and most cooked foods are acid. I was pouring acid into my body. I’d love picking apples and stuff like that and nature and vegetables, I love that stuff, but it was out of ratio, basically.
They put me on all this alkaline diet. What happens is you change the internal terrain of the body, and that's when the harmful organisms leave. They pack their bags because harmful organisms like viruses, bacteria, mold, yeast, fungus, parasites, and cancer, they love low oxygen, highly acidic environments. And that's the environment that I had created for them. Those little buggers were growing, proliferating, eating my food, drinking my drinks, urinating, and defecating in me and I had a build-up of them. We washed out and cleaned out my digestive tract. I started flooding my body, my cells, my blood, and my lymphatic system with all this purified water and green juices, and the body started removing all this stuff. Thank God it only lasted four or five days, and then I woke up the next day and I felt like I was 19 again.
I looked at Charles, I said, “Dude, you're going to live. I’ve interviewed all these people around here. There's a whole bunch of people that have already healed themselves of cancer. They're back now, they're bringing their friend with cancer, and they're helping people.” I’m like, “Dude, this is the fountain of youth that we found. This is what everybody's looking for. I feel great. Dude, how do you feel?” He's like, “I feel awesome.” I said, “Awesome, dude. I’m going to go back. I’m going to do this whole plant-based thing with you except I’m going to keep bacon. I’ll do that.” Because I figured I couldn’t make it work without—
[00:18:16] Ashley James: So you're going to eat a whole food plant-based diet plus bacon?
[00:18:19] Tim James: With bacon, with bacon. I was going to keep it. It was hard to give up. I read this book called The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell on the plane flight back, and that changed my mind because they dissected the hearts of 300 young soldiers in their early 20s that came back from the Korean War and they found like 76.3% of them had severe onset of heart disease already in the early 20s from the standard American diet. I’m like oh my God, I have heart disease. Not only do my elbows are bleeding, I’m bleeding rectally, but I have heart disease. Nobody eats more meat than me, and it's the animal fat that's causing the problem. That healing crisis really woke me up to like how bad it was, and I didn't have it as bad as some people. Some people had rashes breaking out all over their arms, their faces, over their bodies as the body was pushing and expelling out toxins, chemicals, pollutants, and harmful organisms. We saw parasites crawling out of people's pores. One lady had a parasite crawling out of her eye.
[00:19:16] Ashley James: Oh my gosh.
[00:19:17] Tim James: Many people, when you're doing enemas and wheatgrass implants rectally, which that's what they do at that place, parasites will come out in your stools, not just the big long ones, but your stool can be covered with white fuzzy stuff. All these little white ones will come out, and then there are also microscopic ones that you can't see that you have parasites in your blood and stuff. Again, it was a pretty awesome thing to get all that stuff out, and everybody on graduation day says the same thing. I feel 20 years younger. I feel 30 years younger. I’m off my medications. My elbows were hurting for 20, I can move my elbow. I can move my knee. On and on these people were just raving about how they were feeling.
So we went back home, we got serious. We implemented the lifestyle, and in two and a half years my friend Charles heals himself with this so-called incurable cancer, and he's alive today. He got to see his son graduate high school, graduate college. He picked up the guitar, started a band. He's living his life. He went from cancer and bankruptcy to thriving business and living his highest excitement. I just went crazy with it, and finally walked away from the financial services industry to tell more people about it.
[00:20:19] Ashley James: I love it. My husband, because he was just like you, used to say, “I eat vegans daily,” because he would eat the cow—cow's a vegan. But he—for many years—would only eat beef every day or bacon. Bacon and beef and nothing else. And then one day he woke up two or three years ago—it’s been a few years. He woke up and he just said to me, “I’m never eating meat again. He just woke up and he became whole food plant-based overnight. Just something clicked in him. Probably after one of my interviews with Robyn Openshaw, and he heard about the frequency of meat and how it lowers the frequency in the body until we're practically dead. Something in him just went, that's it, I’m never eating meat again.
And within days of eating just whole food plant-based, you got to get, I never was able to get vegetables into him, and all of a sudden he's eating only vegetables. About five days in he turns to me and he says, “If you told me that this food would taste this good I would have given up meat years ago. This tastes better. This tastes amazing.” He's always impressed with how great vegetables can taste in comparison to meat, but our brain is hijacked by fatty foods. A great book to read is The Pleasure Trap by Dr. Goldhamer and Dr. Lisle. I’ve had Dr. Goldhamer on the show, and he explains it. That's episode 230, so listeners can go back and check that out.
Part of our survival mechanism is to seek out foods that are highly pleasurable in that they're salty, sugary, and fatty because those help us gain weight and survive famines. Well now, we don't want to gain weight to survive a famine because those foods are highly readily available. Whereas they were very hard to find and it took a lot of energy expenditure in order to secure those foods 200 years ago. But now, you don't even have to expend any energy. You could just type in Amazon and they can deliver all those highly fatty foods to you.
Looking now, we see that 70% of Americans are obese or pre-diabetic. We're heading very quickly in the wrong direction. Now you have mentioned The China Study. One thing that Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn talks about in Forks Over Knives—I’ve had him on the show, also a really great interview. But Caldwell Esselstyn talks about how during the Nazi occupation, one of the Norwegian countries—it was between 1939 and 1945, the Germans who were occupying the Norwegian countries. They took over all of the food supply, and they took over all of the meat. Only the Norwegians could eat potatoes, grains, and vegetables and they were not given any meat to eat.
You'd think that heart attacks would have increased because of the stress levels of being occupied in a Nazi-occupied country, but in fact, they completely plummeted. In that population, they saw that the mortality rates for heart disease just completely fell to almost zero. And then when they were liberated and they got to eat meat again the heart attack rates went up. That to me shocked me because I always thought that stress—and stress obviously is a toxin to the body for many reasons. You'd think that stress would have somehow made the heart attacks worse, but no, just cutting out meat significantly decreased heart attacks. That really, really surprised me. Also, of course, increasing their vegetable intake and their fiber intake would then also play a role in their health.
You going to this center, coming back, what happened the first day? So the plane lands, you get home, you've read The China Study. You've interviewed a bunch of people who are on a raw whole foods diet. Your rectal bleeding has stopped. You feel like you're 19 again. What was the first day like at home? How did you wrap your brain around making these changes now that you're back in your old routine?
[00:25:00] Tim James: I already knew the changes were going to have to take place before I left because on Thursday before I left on Saturday, I was like oh, I don't have a juicer at home. I don't have all these things. I went to the store at Hippocrates Health Institute and I said, “What do I need to get this lifestyle at my house?” She's like, “Do you have a juicer?” I’m like, “No.” I said, “Which one?” “That one.” “Okay, I’ll take it. What else do I need?” “Are you growing sprouts?” I’m like, “No, but I grew up on a farm. We had a garden. I can grow anything. I’ll figure it out.” She's like, “Well, you need wheatgrass, sunflower, and pea sprouts to start.” I said, “Okay, I’ll take some of those.” I just ordered a bunch of stuff. I ordered like $1100 worth of stuff.
I called my wife up and I was like, “Hey, there's a package on the way so look out for it because it's got some stuff in there. She's like, “How much did you spend?” I was like, “I don't know what to say. No, I spent like $1100.” And she's like, “What are you spending $1100 for?” I was like, “Look, I’m changing my life. Charles is going to heal cancer. We're going to do this. I got to go.” I ordered that stuff. I got my seeds out, I started soaking my seeds. I went to the store, I started buying lots of produce—celery and cucumbers for juicing. To be honest, I didn't know what the hell to eat for a while. I basically created these things that are now—we're putting a recipe book together. I actually became a raw living food chef, believe it or not. From redneck cowboy type person farmer—my buddy was a cowboy. I really wasn't, but I have a cowboy hat—a real one.
I created these little tacos. I would take a lettuce leaf, I would take hummus, and I would just put some cumin and coriander in it to get kind of that Mexican flavor. A little bit of chili powder and then mix that up. I started sprouting lentils, mung beans, and fenugreek—red, green, and French lentils. They only take two and a half days and they're ready to eat. You can do it on your countertop in a glass jar. It's easy. I would throw those in the hummus and mix it up, and then plop that on the lettuce, cut some sprouts, throw them on top of that or vegetables or maybe some avocado. Squeeze some lemon or lime on it, put some lots of paprika on it so it looked like meat, and then I’d eat it. I pretty much ate that for almost eight, nine months because I didn't know what else to do, then I found another restaurant that made these living food wraps in town.
Once a week I’d go over and buy those on my way to the rotary club and eat half and eat the other half for dinner. I mixed it up a little bit. About nine months into it I’m like I need some recipes. But I was committed because I told Charles, “Look, dude, I’m going to do this with you. I will follow this protocol. I even started growing the sprouts for him too. I was growing it for me and him, and he'd come over and pick him up or I’d drop him off at his house because he was really busy. He's reeling from a bankruptcy type thing with his businesses and trying to keep the lights on, so I did that for him trying to keep his stress down and just deliver these beautiful trays of sprouts to him.
That's how we started doing it, and then one of my buddies actually came over and he's like, “Wow, what are all these plants you got grown over here?” And I said, “Oh they’re sprouts.” He's like, “What's that for?” I’m like, “Well, it's part of this protocol, and sprouts are living foods. They're like 30-50 times more nutritious than freshly picked vegetables out of your garden if you ate them on the spot.” He's like, “Wow, that sounds pretty cool. Hey, will you grow that for me?” And I’m like, “No way, man. This takes a lot of work. Just grow it yourself, I’ll show you to do it.” He's like, “Nah, but if you grow up for me I’ll do it.”
So he talks me into it, the next day he brings a friend over. I give the same spiel, and he wants me to grow for him. Before too long, between him and Eric, they keep sending people over, and I keep randomly getting home from work and I got to give these talks. Then finally, I told my wife it interrupted a date night. We're getting ready to do something. This lady showed up with cancer, and I’m just like, “Sorry, I have to help her.” So I do the spiel and doing all this stuff, and before too long, we started teaching classes regularly. Living food juicing classes on Tuesday nights. Those filled up quickly. Then it was Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And then I started speaking at schools, grocery stores, and hospitals.
I’d go to an apartment complex and speak at the little places that they have there where people can meet and gather. I just get the message out. I did this for five years, and I was still a financial advisor. I wasn't getting paid, I was actually paying people to come over and have dinner with me. I figured out I spent about $1100 a month on food extra to feed people in these classes. Think about it, I was feeding a lot of people. We'd have anywhere from 1-13 people. Probably on average about 6-8 people per class were coming. We're talking over 4000 people in 5 ½ years coming to my house.
I got a lot of experience sharing this message with people. I was just so passionate about it because in a little over two years, again, my buddy healed himself with cancer. I have the first-person experience on this, right in front of my face. So he isn't bs-ing me. It's right there. I healed myself. Within 60 days all the weight was gone. I could feel my ribs again. The eczema was gone. I had another skin issue on my shoulder that disappeared. And eight months later, the big huge patch of eczema was completely cleaned up on my knee too. I completely healed myself, and I’ve stayed that way.
Now I’ve been able to maintain it for 10 years, and I just keep getting healthier every year, and I’m 47 today. Nobody believes me. I’ll be in conversations, and “Oh, where are your kids?” “Oh yeah, Mike, I have a sophomore at the University of Oregon and a junior at Tualatin High School.” And they're like, “What? Wait a minute, how old are you?” I’m like those people that worked at the institute now because the people that worked there that were on that lifestyle, they looked 10, 15, 20 years younger than people their age, and it blew me away.
I made a decision back then because they said that in seven years you can replicate completely new you. If we took every cell out of your body, put it in a catalog, categorized it, and come back in seven years—completely new you, new cells. He goes, “You have a choice.” I thought about them. I’m like, well I can either keep doing what I’m doing and probably have heart disease and cancer, who knows what's going to happen with me. Or I could change, do what these people are doing, and build a new Tim. And seven years later there was a new Tim. I keep rebuilding new Tim all the time and finding ways to be healthier, younger, fitter, and make it simpler and easier for people so they can cut through all the minutiae online because there are so many people saying all these things that work and stuff like that, but in reality, they do a little bit but they really don't. It's confusing.
The problem is, the standard American diet, Ashley, is so bad that if you make any changes you're going to see some improvement. But I’m looking for optimal performance. What really works. The cool thing is most of these things are really simple, and it really boils down to what you said earlier, which is getting the toxins out. Our main job over here is not—even though I’m considered a nutritionist now, and I don't have a degree in it, but I’ve had tons of nutritious and dietitians come to my classes. I actually had one crying and she'd been a nutritionist for 30 years. I said, “What's going on?” She's like, “Everything that you said tonight resonated with me so well. It just makes common sense. Everything I’ve been telling my clients is mostly wrong. How am I going to face them?” I said, “Well, just tell them the truth and just say you've discovered something new and you're going to do that. You want to help them, right?” “Yeah.” I said, “Well, go help them. Look at me, I was a mess for 37 years. I got some new information, I’m flipping the coin, and I’m going down that path 100%” So she started going down that path.
[00:32:25] Ashley James: It's so true. We have to sometimes eat a little bit of humble pie, put our ego aside. When we find new information, we just have to open your mind so much your brain could fall out and be ready to receive new information that could help you change your life and let go of the egoic belief system that you were raised with around food. People believe that they have to eat bacon, eggs, or dairy because we've been taught since a very young age that those are healthy things. One thing that really surprises me is cereal, for example. I go to health food stores. We have local health foods, local co-ops here in and around Seattle, and I go to Whole Foods.
Whenever I’m in a different city I go to a health food store, but all cereal—it's very, very hard to find a cereal that doesn't have sugar in it. Just a whole-grain cereal, it's very difficult to find. There are a few, but most cereals—and I’m so surprised because when I was a kid, there were more cereals that didn't have sugar. Rice Krispies didn't have sugar in it. There were so many cereals that you could find that didn't have. Of course, there were sugary cereals back in the ‘80s, but I’m just noticing that even in health food stores, the second ingredient, or sometimes the first ingredient is sugar. And that blows my mind. Now, of course, I don't buy cereal. I’m just using that as an example of how food has changed in the last 30, 40 years.
Since we were children, I think a lot of people are eating like—even on an unconscious level—how they were raised to eat. How their grandparents told them what was healthy or their parents told them what was healthy. We developed belief systems. My mom was afraid of carbohydrates. She would get very angry at me—I was a child. I remember at a restaurant I ordered the fish and the rice with the side of vegetables. I thought that was a healthy choice to make, and my mom started literally yelling at me. Everyone in the restaurant was looking because she was so angry that I ordered rice because, in her mind, rice was very unhealthy for you. Any carbohydrate was very unhealthy for you.
I had these unconscious beliefs about food and my food choices that led me down a very unhealthy path. And then I had to re-examine why do I think this is good food or bad food? Or why do I believe I can't live without cheese or I can't live without eggs or dairy or I can't live without meat? Why do I believe that? You really need to wipe the slate clean of my own belief system, and look at what is the most healing thing I can do for my body? What's my body going to resonate with.
So trying out the whole food plant-based diet I was shocked. I remember my first meal without meat because I had never in my entire life had a meal without meat. I’d had lots of meals with just meat and no vegetables, but I’d never had a non-meat meal because it wasn't a meal in my mind. You had to have meat in a meal. And I remember my first meal, and at the end of it, I was shocked because I thought I was going to feel weak. I was going to feel tired. I was going to feel still hungry. I really assumed that it was the meat that filled me up and gave me energy, and it was the opposite. The more I went whole food plant-based and incorporated more complex carbohydrates from potatoes, for example, and sprouts—I love sprouting too. But the more I incorporated vegetables—both raw and cooked—I noticed I had more and more energy.
If we examine our own belief system and we are able to try on things that we said to ourselves I’d never do that, if we talked to you at 18, you would have been like no freaking way I’m going to eat that stuff that you're eating now. We have to be willing to make these changes and then notice what happens in our bodies. Now you mentioned you spent $1100, and to a lot of people, that would be enough of a barrier to not even listen any further. I couldn't do that. I can't afford that. I guess this isn't for me.
And I want to tell people that you don't have to spend $1100 to get a juicer and get all this stuff going. I know you did Tim, you did and you probably bought like the best of the best. I’ve actually twice bought juicers that were worth hundreds of dollars for $12 at a local thrift store. You can go to your thrift stores, you can go to Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, or even the Buy Nothing—there's buy nothing local groups on Facebook—and seek out a juicer. It doesn't have to be the best of the best but just get started. You could probably find someone who has an extra. I own five juicers. You could probably find someone who has an extra juicer that would be willing to lend it to you or sell it to you at a really cheap price. Don't let money be a barrier to your health.
Same with sprouting. Sprouting is so incredibly affordable. I buy my lentils organic, of course, but in bulk, and then I just actually use a colander. I soak them for 24 hours, and then I put them in a colander, and I put them in a dark warm place. And then twice a day—in the morning and at night—I rinse them off and I shake them up. For me, I like eating them at about day four day five because I like them when they're grown more and they're a little less crunchy. But that's just my personal preference. There are many ways, and I’ve only done lentil sprouts. I’d be really excited to try like the pea sprouts, the mung bean sprouts, and the other sprouts that you mentioned. That sounds delicious. Your whole thing is living foods as much as possible, we can do it on a budget for those who have a budget they need to adhere to.
[00:38:34] Tim James: Yeah, can I talk about that?
[00:38:35] Ashley James: Yeah, absolutely. I want you to.
[00:38:37] Tim James: You can save money and save your life at the same time eating this way, so it doesn't have to be expensive. Yeah, I bought a $600 juicer. I got after it, and I did it. I made the juice twice a day, and it can become expensive. I was teaching people what I learned. I went to this place, juicing twice a day, doing this, eating that, and it worked, so I brought it home, and I recreated it. Most people can't do it in their busy schedules. First off, you can't go cold turkey because you're going to go through that healing crisis, and you can't. You're trying to raise kids, soccer practice, school, taking care of aging parents, and all the things we got going on today. People are busy, they don't have time for a healing crisis. That's why you have to go away to an institute like that.
People would come to my classes, I would teach them the whole thing. We had a lot of people get juicers, but the problem was only 1 out of 10 would stick with it. Within 30-60, 90 days, most of them would have the juicers underneath the cupboard and they weren't using anymore. I was like, “Why? You saw what happened to me. You knew me.” I know thousands of people in Portland because I was in business for years, and I’m like, “You know Charles. He healed himself with cancer. Why aren't you doing this?” “Tim, it takes too much time. It's too much money. My husband won't help me with it. My wife won't help me with it. They're not on board. I’m getting made fun,” or whatever, blah, blah, blah. It's too much work, and I’m like man.
I’m like, what could I do to help these people? I went out and interviewed 100 people that came to a class, bought the juicer, got excited, and then stopped. They wanted something simple, and they wanted a plan. It just has to be easy. I went back to the drawing board, and right now I’d like to share my core four secrets that we teach everyone. This is the foundation for transforming your health, losing weight. getting the energy, boosting your immune system, and whatever you need to do. Is that okay if I share those?
[00:40:19] Ashley James: Absolutely.
[00:40:20] Tim James: Okay. So core’s four secrets. Core secret number one is drinking half your body weight in liquid ounces of purified water daily. And if you live in the city, then the water needs to be purified and restructured so you can actually absorb it because the high-pressure pipes in city water make the molecules stick together, and they will not go through the intestinal lining very well and you just pee it out. That's very important. That's it right there. And just on a side note, you can at least go to the grocery store in gallon glass jars and get single purified water for 25 to 44 cents a gallon. There's no reason you can’t at least get some 90% purified water in your life. Okay?
Less than 5% of people are doing this. If you're 200 pounds, that's 100 ounces of water a day. If you're 100 pounds, that's 50 ounces of water a day just to maintain health. Now if you're drinking caffeine-free teas or drinking a green juice with no sugar in it, we're not talking apple juice, orange juice, that kind of stuff—that doesn't count. Coffee doesn't. Just flax seed water. Green juices with vegetable juices and purified water itself, hibiscus tea—all these counts towards your water intake. That one right there, less than 5% of the population is doing this, and we are literally sitting in a situation called cellular dehydration. This is like a national catastrophe right now that nobody knows about or even talking about.
And if 95% of us are dehydrated, when your body needs water, do you know where the first place it goes to get it? It's the colon. It's the colon. This is why people have—this is what we learned—6-12 pounds of impacted fecal material in that colon because your colon has been dried up over the years because you don't drink enough water. And if your cells need water, your brain needs water, or your bones—your bones are 22% water. Whatever your body needs for a process or an organ system needs water and it doesn't have what it needs, it goes to the colon. So the colon then can't evacuate waste properly. It doesn't work properly. Do you see the problem? It's just day in and day out, it adds up and it builds up, then you get backed up, and then you get messed up. That's what ends up happening.
So simply by changing your water intake, you can allow your colon to start working, waste to start removing better, your lymphatic system works on movement, water, and oxygen, you can start getting the garbage out through the lymphatic system better, you'll have more intelligence, your IQ will go up if you drink more water—literally. The difference between not having enough water in your body could be the difference between finding your keys, searching around for your keys, or hunting for your keys for 10-15 minutes in the house trying to find them. That's the difference the water plays.
I had one lady, she implemented this at my class, eight months later I was teaching a class at a yoga studio and I saw her. I was like that lady looks familiar but I couldn't recognize her for some reason, and then I said, “Hey, you look familiar.” She's like, “Well, yeah. I attended one of your classes eight months ago.” And I was like, “Oh, wow. I don't know, I thought I noticed you but you look different for some reason.” She's like, “I hope you noticed, I’ve lost 50 pounds.” I was like, “Whoa, wow. That's awesome.” Now everybody's tuning in, listening, and taking notes. I was like, “What did you do to lose the 50 pounds?” She goes, “You gave me so much information that night, Tim. I just stuck with one thing—water. That's what I heard, so I did that. So every morning now I drink water. I do half of my body weight. I dropped 50 pounds.” I’m like, “Well, that's great. What are you doing back this time?” She goes, “I’m here to find out what's next.” I’m like, “Okay, here it is.”
Here's core secret number two, chew your food until liquefied. This is so important. We have two ducts in our upper mouth and four in our lower mouth that secrete the enzymes, amylase, and lipase. These break down our starches and our fats. And if you don't chew your food really well, they're not going to get digested, and instead of digestion and a simulation of nutrients, which is what we want, you're going to get fermentation and gut rot. You're going to destroy those intestinal villi, those little hair-like structures lining the intestinal tract, and you're going to end up with a leaky gut like me. 90% of people have leaky gut at some level, which is these little tears and holes in your intestinal tract where undigested food particles and microbes get into the bloodstream. And they start wreaking havoc, causing inflammation, causing headaches, weight gain, cancer, and all these other problems. Hashimoto's, arthritis, everything.
Chewing your food is of the utmost importance. It's the first domino in digestion, and if you don't chew your food well, the first domino doesn't fall and you're going to end up with a lifetime of gut rot, gas, bloating, and problems. This one's big, and less than 4% of the population, that I benchmarked, is chewing their food well. And for those of you suffering from depression, by chewing your food really well and hitting those meridian points on your teeth—this is right from Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Medical Doctor, MD—you can increase your serotonin up to 500%, which is your happy juice just by chewing and stimulating those meridian points in your teeth. So it's a huge deal.
Core secret number three is avoiding liquids with meals. People are like what? This is a tough one especially when you go to a restaurant—if you can nowadays—and they're trying to get some water, would you like some wine, you want some tea, you want a beer, or you want some coffee. They're always trying to upsell you that stuff. Even when I tell them half the time I don't want water they still bring it to me. Now that you've worked really hard to chew your food well and get it really small so it's easy to digest and you've pre-loaded it with all those enzymes if you drink purified restructured healthy water, apple juice, wine, or beer you're going to dilute those digestive enzymes and you're going to go from a simulation of nutrients and digestion right back to fermentation and gut rot. You're going to go right back to where you were—problems, your gut will be jacked up. Less than 2% of the population is avoiding their liquids with meals.
We give a rule of thumb. For beginners, stop 30 minutes before you eat and wait an hour after you eat to start drinking liquids again. For those of you with stage four disease, wanting to win an Olympic gold medal, or just be your fit top best stop drinking liquids an hour before and wait two hours after you eat and then start drinking a lot of liquids again. That's core secret number three.
And the last one is core secret number four. This one is doing some breath exercises before you eat, just for a minute. Maybe a minute or two. And it's as simple as this—taking a big breath in through the nose, pause at the top, and then release out to the mouth. And while you're going through this process you can think about how grateful you are to have that breath, to have your life, to have this food in front of you that's going to nourish your body. What ends up happening, Ashley, is most people—I mean, would you agree that we live in a stressed-out environment, a world?
[00:46:49] Ashley James: Right.
[00:46:51] Tim James: So even if you don't think you're stressed, you are. Your body doesn't know the difference. If you are in stress mode, which most of us are, and we're talking lots of stress—work stress, family stress, financial stress, COVID stress, and EMF stress. There are lots of stresses on us, right? Your body will—as a defense mechanism—go into fight-or-flight mode. The blood actually leaves the organ systems because digestion is not important now. You got to fight something to live or you got to run to live. So all the blood and all the energy goes out to your extremities. Cortisol gets jacked up, adrenals, and all these things.
So by simply doing this breathwork for a minute to two, you bring the blood from the extremities back into the organ system so you can actually digest your food properly. Less than 1% of the population is doing that. Now these core four secrets, besides getting some glass jars and packing the water from the purifying place, how much does that cost anybody? Nothing. It’s free, right? There they are. I have so many people when they order our products they hear me on a podcast or whatever radio show, they're like, “Tim, I’m already feeling better before I even got your products.” Because they started implementing these things. They're just common sense.
I’ve used this for 10 years. I’ve shared it with thousands of people. It works for everybody, every single person. I tell people until you've done it yourself, how do you know? You have to have a first-person experience. Don't believe what I say. You got to go home and try it. Because people are like, well I don't want to change my food. I’m going to exercise. I’m going to go get something. No, you don't even have your foundation in place first. This is the foundation. This is the sub-basement to build upon, and then after that, then we really get deep with our products, to the detoxing, to the nutrition, to the bacteria, and all the other stuff.
[00:48:37] Ashley James: Awesome. So cool. I love it. I love that you point out that anyone can start this, and you can start it slow. You can start one habit at a time. I think chewing the food more is something that is going to take a bit of conscious effort, especially if you're used to drinking a lot of water. I’ve seen a lot of people do this where they just take maybe two bites and then drink some water to help get it down. The food hasn't really been chewed.
[00:49:15] Tim James: I have a solution for this if I could share.
[00:49:17] Ashley James: Yeah.
[00:49:17] Tim James: I do private coaching, one-on-one. In the beginning, I didn't charge anything because I didn't value myself. Now I have people pay me thousands of dollars a month to coach them if they wanted to work with me. I have other coaches, it's not that expensive, but the first thing I do on our initial call, we do this onboarding calls. I have them pull out their phone, and I have them program these things into their life with recurring appointments. Now think about it, if I say plot, plot, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is, many people listening today know what I’m talking about. We're talking about Alka-Seltzer. Why is that?
It's because television programming actually calls it that. They're telling you, hey, we're going to program you. That's what they call a television program. My dad was like, “What program are we going to watch tonight?” We're getting programmed with commercials—the habitual repetitive motion. You say something long enough, and often enough, people believe it is true or they'll remember it because what you're doing is just simple. It’s programming the subconscious mind.
What I have my clients do is they wake up in the morning and it says drink water. They pick the time and they had a recurring appointment. And it's like [buzzing] and it says drink water. Then maybe 30 minutes later it'll say green juice, Gut Detox, Toxin Detox. Those are our products, and we have them programmed as a reminder. Then at lunchtime, it says chew food. You can put chew food, avoid liquids, breath, probiotics, and enzymes, and we have that as a recurring appointment. In the afternoon—green juice, and then at dinner—chew food, avoid liquids, breath, enzymes, and recurring.
So I have them set up that structure. And then every day, their phone [buzzing], they look down, they see it, they see it, they see it, they see it, they see it. They're smart. They're now programming it. They're using their phone to program themselves, and in three to four months you're going to have a hard time forgetting those four things. And everybody improves. That's the easiest, cheapest way I’ve found to do it because everybody carries their phone around.
[00:51:12] Ashley James: Very cool. What kind of juicer? Could it just be any juicer, or do you like the masticating juicer over the centrifugal juicer? Is it better just to get any juicer and just start doing it, or do you have a preference?
[00:51:28] Tim James: Well it really depends on what you want to do. If you're just going to do celery juice, then you could get a cheaper centrifugal one. It's really fast, but the ones that are the most nutritious—I’m putting sprouts and wheatgrass through mine. I can do wheatgrass juice. I can turn right around and make a nice sprout juice. I do cucumber, celery, sunflower, pea sprouts, and I’ll put some ginger in there, turmeric, or some lemons and limes. Maybe some vegetables from time to time like leafy greens or whatever.
What you want is a slow auger juicer that's going to turn under 72, 75 RPMs, very slow so it's not going to create all that oxidation like a wind tunnel that's going to oxidize and devalue the nutrients quickly. That's very important. It's just a really slow auger juicer. The one we recommend now is an Omega. Omega's got a bunch of them. You can pick them, but I can't remember the exact model number now because I used to be super into the juicers. I still use my old Omega 8006. It just works, but there are newer ones that actually work a little bit better and they don't get gummed up as much. They're awesome, but you can get one of those for $350 bucks and you're dialed. Or like you say, go to OfferUp. People are selling stuff like crazy now. Or they started juicing, they got all excited about it, and they gave up on it. Hey, take my juicer for $1000 and you can get a $300, $400 juicer for $100.
[00:52:55] Ashley James: Yeah, right. I’ve got them for even cheaper, but yeah. I have an Omega that I got back in 2008 for $30 or something.
[00:53:04] Tim James: That's a deal.
[00:53:05] Ashley James: I know, I know. There are people who just want to get it out of the house or whatever. There are so many juicers out there. You want one you can find one at your budget, but the Omega’s fantastic. I love Omega. I’ve had such great success with it.
[00:53:23] Tim James: Yeah, they're really good. I literally healed myself with juicing. I juiced twice a day for five years because I was like I’m healing Charles, I’m committed. I gave my word that I would do this with him, so that's another thing is to get a buddy and stuff. The first product that we actually developed—this could be a good segue—is our Green 85 Juice formula. It's basically as close to a fresh-pressed juice as you can get. This is where I met people where they're at. It's simple, it's easy. They just take a scoop, mix in water, shake it up, and they drink. It takes literally under a minute and they're done. And they're flooding their body with all this nutrition. If you still want to juice, do it. I totally do it. I made a fresh juice this morning and I put a scoop of Green 85 in it. Because I want more rights. That's what I do, but we have stuff like that available to people.
For those of you that don't want to buy a juicer, I recommend that you do at some point, but you can get this in yourself once or twice a day easily. There's no juicing, there's no cleanup, there's no mess. The grocery bills are way cheaper. When people are drinking these greens twice a day, your grocery bill drops about $100 a month. If you're drinking it once a day it drops about $50 because as the cells get hydrated from all this new water you're going to be drinking, hopefully, and you drink these greens and get the nutrients in there, the cells are going to send signals saying, hey, I’m not hungry. You just can't eat as much. It's impossible. Your body just whips right back up into shape, and your grocery bill drops. It's pretty cool. You can do this on a budget. You just have to be strategic about it.
[00:54:51] Ashley James: Very cool. Why is it called Green 85? Is it 85?
[00:54:56] Tim James: Yeah. We called it Green 85 Juice formula, not because I’m a marketer or anything, it's just because it replaces the 85% of the nutrition that's farmed out of the soil. Most people aren't aware of this that even if you're eating organic vegetables or organic meat, the soil is 85% deficient on average, so it's just not there. If it's not in the soil, it's not going to be in the plant or in the animal that ate the plant. Literally, almost all of us are actually walking around on 15% fuel or 15% octane. What I teach people to do is how to get up to 100% octane. We figured it out with our products now to make it easy for people so they can do it.
Our whole program, it's a clinic in a box. Literally completely from the inside out—gut health, blood health. It takes less than five minutes a day, so it meets people where they're at with their time constraints. That's why we called it Green 85 is because it replaces the 85% that's been farmed out of our soils today.
[00:55:55] Ashley James: How do you guarantee that your stuff has all of the minerals and the vitamins in it that we need? If the nutrients aren't in the soil, how do you get it in your sprout formula?
[00:56:06] Tim James: It’s all about sourcing. Sourcing the individual ingredients from farms and farmers that understand how to keep their soil healthy. Either they are doing permaculture, maybe they re-mineralize with rock dust, or even better, they're re-mineralizing with ionic ocean minerals. They get a concentrate out of the ocean. There's a company called oceansolution.com. I’ll just give them a plug because this stuff's awesome. You can get a gallon, and you should. You should get a gallon of this stuff. It's like $55 or something. And you can put a little quarter of a teaspoon or a half a teaspoon in with your sprouts when you soak them and deliver tremendous amounts more minerals because the plants will soak that stuff up. You can do your lawn with it. You can do your garden. We did my brother's garden. We sprayed one spray with ionic ocean minerals and the size of his garden doubled. And they were like what is going on. I’m like yeah, your soil's deficient, right?
And the other thing that you can tell is how you feel. When you start drinking this stuff on a daily basis, it's going to radically change your physiology from the inside out. I’ve personally made three runs at it. I wanted to do 40 days and 40 nights on just Green 85. The first time I tried it I made it 11 days, then I made it 26 days, and then last year I finally made it 40 days. And all I had was Green 85, 3-5 times a day. I had hibiscus tea, which is just water and hibiscus leaves, and I did some Irish sea moss in the morning and night. I actually did do a chai tea latte, but no sugar. That's what I lived on for 40 days was Green 85.
[00:57:50] Ashley James: So you were doing a fast?
[00:57:52] Tim James: Yeah. And the time before when I did it 26 days, it was only Green 85 and I never felt better. I don't want to blow people out of the water here too and think you have to do that stuff. Because I remember when I was at the institute and this guy was on a 10-day fast, I’m like 10 days you didn't eat? How is that even possible? See I wasn't even ready for that. It takes time to build up the mental strength, understanding, and how the body works. And then you have to be willing to go through a little pain to feel amazing because usually, the first two, three days of a fast it's like you're not feeling so good. You're freaking getting cravings, and then all of a sudden you're just not hungry at all and it just goes away. Your body kicks into ketosis and starts burning up all the fat and the dead cells in your body. It just starts cleaning you up.
We were nomadic people for almost the entirety of the time we walked this planet. So we'd walk for two or three days, and then we'd eat some food. Then we'd walk for two or three days, we wouldn't eat, and then we would allow our digestive tract a time to rest and clean itself up, and our blood to clean itself up. We're just literally eating ourselves to death. Like you said with the cereals and stuff, I mean, I don't want to get started on that, but it's terrible. They're putting genetically modified wheat, as an example, so it's grown in a lab, raised in soils that are deficient, sprayed with chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, fungicides, larvicides, and herbicides.
They grind it up in its dormant state, which if I gave you some hard red winter wheat and had your spring wheat and had you chew it you'd crack a tooth. You can't digest that. It would come out just how it looks when it went in your mouth, but they ground it in that dormant state into a powder. They add sugar, water, and yeast. They cook it at high temperatures, devalue it more, and then they spray synthetic vitamins on it. They call it enriched vitamins, and then they give it to kids. This is supposed to be healthy food. And then it's even worse. Now they're putting super sugars like high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup that are 50% by weight glyphosate. This is not me saying it, this is right out of MIT. It's bad. 50% by weight high fructose corn syrup is glyphosate, it's Roundup—so ketchup and stuff.
This stuff started freaking me out, but that's not good enough. They want more addiction so they hired these engineers types, they pay them big salaries, and they created these opiate derivatives that they put in cereals, and it's not even on the box, to further addict us and our children to eat cereals. So the cereal thing really ticks me off. The only one that I would purchase is Ezekiel Brand Natural. That's actually sprouted grains, that's it. They have sprouted grains ground up and you just put it in some seed milk and then off you go. Flaxseed milk or something like that so you've got proper food combining, and then then you've got cereal you could actually eat and it's not going to destroy your health.

Photo by Tomasz Filipek on Unsplash
[01:00:31] Ashley James: Right. Some of us have allergies to gluten or can't eat barley, wheat, rye, or oats so cereal is not even on the table. But you know what, I’ve gotten used to eating big beautiful salads for breakfast. Actually, what I do is I take my sprouts. I told you day five is my favorite. I take a big bowl of my lentil sprouts, I drizzle balsamic vinegar on it, then I take a little bit of either coconut aminos or soy aminos—the Bragg's aminos—and then I just mix it up. And I eat a big bowl of lentil sprouts for breakfast. I was surprised because then it was all of a sudden 2:00 PM and I’m like wow, I’m just starting to get hungry. A big bowl of lentil sprouts gave me energy throughout the whole morning, and well into the afternoon. It was really cool. Sometimes, on days like that, I just have that for breakfast and then I just make a really big beautiful dinner, and that's it.
We can get away from this idea of having to eat what we ate as children, right? Or what we are marketed to our entire lives. I love that you brought up that. We have to remember to not become relaxed and give into—because sometimes people say, oh, just in moderation. I don't want to get too strict. I’m going to be in moderation, and once in a while, we're going to eat the standard American diet. We'll just buy this Cheerios or whatever once in a while, but we have to remember that the glyphosate—the Roundup—is so concentrated. When they make high fructose corn syrup, it's so concentrated.
I’ve had two really great interviews with Dr. Stephanie Cena, who's the PhD, top research scientist from MIT who is an activist trying desperately to let us know. And she doesn't get paid to do any of it. She's trying to let us know that glyphosate is such a harmful chemical. It binds to heavy metals and releases them into our brain and into our kidneys causing major problems with developmental issues for children, but also can cause kidney disease and actually damage to the brain.
[01:02:56] Tim James: It's in over 70% of the rainwater today, just to give people an idea of how much it's out there. It's bad. That Stephanie gal, she's smart. I’ve seen some of her work. She was also talking about the laminate floors directly linked to autism in children—another contributing cause. Some really good work that she's done. She's done some really cool stuff.
[01:03:18] Ashley James: Yes. In cleaning up our diet, water, and food, we also have to consider the environmental factors that are in our home because the air quality in our home can have 10 times more pollution than outside, than being in a busy street in downtown whatever town you're in. And yet, we think that it's fresh air inside, but it's not because everything is off-gassing. We have to remember to open the windows.
[01:03:51] Tim James: Maybe we are related because you sound like me. I feel like I’m listening to myself. The paint's off-gassing, the glues are off-guessing, and we're bringing this stuff in. It's really cool to be chatting with you today.
[01:04:04] Ashley James: You might have heard of the Sternagles, have you heard of them?
[01:04:07] Tim James: Mm-mm.
[01:04:07] Ashley James: I’ll connect you guys. The Sternagles are a family. I’ve had them on the show. Their son, at a year old, and actually his pediatrician was our pediatrician. They now live in Utah, but we found out that we actually lived really close to each other. At one year old, their son was diagnosed with cancer, and so the last five years he's been fighting cancer and it came back. They got it to go away and then it came back again. So they really have been fighting it for five years, maybe six years now. He now has a clean bill of health—spoiler alert—but they tell a great story of how they've had to fight cancer twice.
The first time they used natural medicine and in conjunction with some allopathic medicine. And the second time it came back, they got the oncologist’s blessing—because they're very persuasive—to just allow them to do 100% natural medicine and watch, wait, and see. And they're able to 100% help their child to not have any cancer any tumors. He had tumors in his nervous system and in the spine—very painful. In their journey, like you, they've really gotten clear that the toxins in their house and in their environment needed to be thrown away. They moved to Utah, took the rest of their life savings, bought some land in a beautiful area, and they built from scratch a completely non-toxic home
He teaches people. He shares all this information, teaches people how to do it, but his whole thing is what kind of light bulbs are you going to use? What kind of carpeting? What kind of paint? What kind of caulking? What kind of tile? Just every single square inch of their house is the lowest toxic, and it's just amazing the things we take for granted that we don't realize are affecting and are contributing to potential cancer, contributing to potential disease, or slowing the development of our children.
Like you said, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, seeing there's even a link from laminate floors and the off-gassing to potentially creating autism-like symptoms in children.
You mentioned the Irish moss. Why did you take it? And how do you take it?
[01:06:40] Tim James: I take it because it's got like 92 minerals in it. It's chocked full of minerals. It can be used as a thickener. You can make a pudding with it, you can make a key lime pie with it, or you can just eat it plain or you could squeeze some lime or lemon juice, a little bit of salt, and then consume it in the beginning. It's just a wonderful thing. It's great for the gastrointestinal tract, for your skin, your brain health, and your gut health—everything. What I do is I try to get the purple stuff, it's harder to find, especially now with everybody home, everybody's buying all this stuff up. It's either white or purple. I try to get the wildcrafted purple stuff, and it can be more expensive like $35 to $45 a pound.
But then I take a half a pound of it, I soak it in water for 10-12 hours, then I rinse it off, and I pick out any little sea stuff or rocks that are leftover. It's pre-washed, but there's still stuff left, and then I put it in a blender with a little bit of water and blend it to a kind of a paste. Add more water, and I just keep doing that until I got about a half a gallon. From that half a pound I’ll turn into about a half a gallon of this gel, and then I put in the fridge and it gels up. Every morning and night I take a big huge scoop of it. That stuff's awesome. It really is.
[01:07:53] Ashley James: Does it taste good?
[01:07:54] Tim James: I wouldn't say that at the beginning because especially when it comes out of the blender it's kind of warm. It really needs to chill. I mean I can eat it warm now but I’m still like ugh. It’s still what it is. It's like a sea vegetable. It's not like dulse flakes. Dulse I think is really good. We put that in our green 85 formula because it’s got a lot of iodine in it, and that's one of the big reasons so many people have thyroid issues today is because there's a lack of iodine. It's one of the four halogens. You've got iodine, bromide, chloride, and fluoride. What I was taught was that the thyroid thinks that those other ones like chlorine, fluorine, and bromide are iodine, especially if it's not getting enough of it. So it grabs it. It’s like oh, iodine, but it's not. And then it doesn't communicate properly. It doesn't talk and give clear direction.
Especially for women listening with breast cancer, we've been taught to give them tons and tons of iodine. We like it through a root system of a plant so that it's converted from rock form to a carbon-based form. It works better, and this sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, sweep, and sweep that out and then get the thyroid chock full of a normal plant-based vitamin or iodine that's been through the root symptom of a plant. That really helps out with breast cancer. There's a lot of studies on that kind of stuff too.
[01:09:12] Ashley James: I love 01:09:12] iodine, which has been derived from sea vegetables. I like yours better because I love a whole food source of nutrients because then you're always going to get it in the right ratios. So you're getting iodine in the right ratios with other trace elements, and I love that you brought up that something that people are getting in their body every day—the bromine, the fluoride, or the chlorine. They're getting it in their tap water, they're getting it when they go in their hot tub, or when they go swimming in a swimming pool. We're absorbing these chemicals that confuse.
[01:09:47] Tim James: From their toothpaste or their bread.
[01:09:51] Ashley James: Oh, right. Processed foods would have bromide in it. Processed foods are made with tap water so they're going to have that. You know what's really interesting, it made me so sad, but frozen vegetables, which I thought was a good alternative if you can't get to the grocery store often. Frozen vegetables are processed by being washed in highly chlorinated water.
[01:10:17] Tim James: Yeah, genius.
[01:10:19] Ashley James: Because they’re supposed to make them disinfected or whatever. It's great because it's fresh, right? They're picking it from the farm and immediately flash-freezing it, but before they immediately fast freeze it, they wash it several times with highly chlorinated water. Then that chlorine is getting into your system or those chemicals are getting into your system from your tap water, from swimming, from your bread, from taking showers. I live on a well so I feel really blessed, and I haven't used fluoridated toothpaste in 12 years because I woke up back then discovered why fluoride is so bad. Not in its naturally occurring state in the ground because we can eat fluoride when it comes out of the ground.
It's one of those trace elements the body needs, but not in the chemical form sodium fluoride. It confuses the thyroid, and the thyroid is absorbing these instead of the iodine. And then the thyroid can't make the hormones, so then we go to an MD and the MD gives us what? Gives us a prescription when the thyroid isn't working because we're giving the body chemicals.
[01:11:25] Tim James: Yeah, so you get more chemicals. This is really important because this really helped me. All the listeners have to do is type in the umbilical cord and the word chemical. Just type that in—umbilical cord and chemical. You can go back to 2005 and you can see the studies showing that they actually take the umbilical cord blood from these brand new babies and young mothers, and they tested for like 400 chemicals. They found 71% of what they were looking for. For about 250 toxic chemicals, 180 cause cancer in humans, 212 cause developmental and brain disorders, and on down the list it goes. The scientists and doctors refer to this as a body burden. How come this is not being blasted on mainstream media?
You'll see it in 2005, 2010, 2013, 2012, the different studies that come out. Environmental working group, different places, and nobody's talking about that. That's when I realized, I’m like, oh my God. If the youngest of young—the young babies and the young mothers, the healthiest of everybody—is already being born into this world with a body burden, we're all polluted. Everybody's polluted. I realized that. I’ve been on a mission, that's what we call our company chemical-free body because you can look at the studies. And if that doesn't hit you upside the head like a frying pan and you realize that you're polluted, even though you can't see it doesn't mean it's not the case because we're all breathing the same air, drinking the water, eating these foods, and we're exposed to all these personal care products that you don't think.
Like you were saying, everything's off-gassing. You got people spraying chemtrails, automobile exhausts, rubber compounds coming off of tires. Where does that go? Well, the tires started out with a lot of treads and then you got to get new tires every year or two, why? Where'd the rubber go? It goes into the environment microscopic. You breathe it in, it attaches to your mucous membrane in the back of your throat, and down into your gut, it goes. That's where the problems are. That's why we have really focused on teaching people how to become a mechanic for their own self, be doctoring themselves. You're a mechanic. If the car is not running right you got to check body light or check engine light.
Here's the example, car's not running right check engine light comes on. Do you just keep driving that car? No, nobody does that because they know if they keep driving it and they don't take it into the mechanic, the repair bill could get huge. Or the car could explode, or break down and they're stranded at the side of the road they can't get where they want to go anymore. When check engine lights come on people take them in and get them fixed. It makes sense. It's common sense, but as our own bodies—the most important vehicle that you're ever going to own, it's the only one you got—has a check body light like you've gained weight, you have low energy, you have headaches, you have heart disease —
[01:14:02] Ashley James: You're bleeding rectally.
[01:14:04] Tim James: Yeah, yeah you're bleeding rectally, you have cancer, all these things. You have eczema on your elbows, you're on medications, your body is just flashing the lights like hey, hey, stop, stop, take me in, take me in. Tune me up. This is where self-care comes into place, and you have to start loving yourself and realizing the only person that's going to take care of your body is you. Not me, Ashley, some doctor, your aunt, your uncle, your grandma, your brother, your sister, your husband, or your wife. It has to be you. Look at animals. They take care of themselves. The cat wakes up, it stretches, does its yoga poses, and it licks its fur—it takes care of itself.
We don't do that. We don't expect everybody else to do it. We take really good care of the outside. We wake up, we shower, we brush our hair. We got our face—put our makeup on, we got our earrings, and everything's looking good. The coat's looking good, the skirt's looking right, but what do we do to the inside of ourselves? You can't see it so it's not paid attention to. What we do is we teach people to take care of the inside. If the car's not running right you flush the transmission fluid, you flush the engine, new spark plugs, new fuel filter, new air filter, and new water filter. Then you put in the good fuel and then you maintenance that sucker, and that's what we're teaching people to do with their bodies.
You clean out the digestive tract. We have a product called Gut Detox, it's a thousand ancient-year-old formula from India. It works beautifully for that. You want to purify the blood, we have a product called Toxin Detox. It was originally two formulas for the military that will purify the blood of heavy metals, radiation, and toxic chemicals like glyphosate as an example. And then where are you going to get the fuel? Well, you need to flood the body with those green nutrition twice a day.
We have a product for that, and then you got to recolonize that bacteria—probiotic spores. We do the spore base rather than regular probiotics because they die in the stomach acid, and for those of you eating yogurt and thinking that's a health food, it's a dessert. Probiotics are bacteria, okay. When you heat them, which by law you have to do that to all that yogurt, it's pasteurized. It's 190 degrees, they're dead. So yes, you're getting probiotics, but you're getting the corpse of a probiotic. It's dead. There's no benefit. You're just having breakfast, or you're having dessert for breakfast with yogurt, that kind of stuff.
All these things come into play, and it's really about internal health. When you clean out the gut. you clean the blood, and you start flooding the body with nutrition, flood the body with these bacteria and eating fermented foods like sauerkrauts, kimchis, and these types of things, and more bacteria, getting outside, getting your hands on the dirt, more bacteria. Petting dogs and let the dog kiss you, more bacteria, the healthier you're going to be. That's how it works.
[01:16:39] Ashley James: I love it. There are plant-based fermented yogurts you can find that are raw.
[01:16:48] Tim James: CocoYo is one.
[01:16:49] Ashley James: Yeah, CocoYo. So what I do, I learned this from my friend Naomi. Naomi and I created a whole food plant-based course, videos. We basically just made videos in her kitchen because she's amazing at whole food plant-based. I was doing it before her then she started because she had a heart disease diagnosis, and then she started spreading it. Her whole family started doing it, her parents started doing it, and then they all saw these great benefits. She's really creative in the kitchen at getting people with very picky appetites to like the food. So she figured out, she soaks raw cashews, and then takes cashews, puts in the Vitamix, blends it, and then mixes in a few spoonfuls of the CocoYo and a very little water and then ferments it for about 24 to 48 hours on the counter. It makes the most delicious, and it works best when we use CocoYo because of the live culture. We can really tell the difference, but it makes the most delicious like cream cheese, sour cream, and you don't need a ton of it because it’s—
[01:18:03] Tim James: Strong.
[01:18:04] Ashley James: Yeah, it's strong. It's very. It's strong. It's very dense nutritionally, very calorically dense, but her kids will fight over it. She had to take it and put it in individual little containers with their name on it because they would literally fight over it, which is really cool. She's made other great delicious recipes where the kids will fight over it, and not leave any for the dad when he gets home from work. And that always surprises her because she made a vegetable dish the other day with mushrooms, and her kids hate mushrooms, but the way she made it was so delicious they ate it all up and they didn't leave any for the dad. So she had to make a second dinner.
It's just so cool when she never would have thought that her kids would get excited over a whole food plant-based diet. There are just ways of making it really delicious. When I used to cook years ago, I would start with, okay, well, we're going to have a roast for dinner. We're going to have the salmon for dinner. We're going to have the pork chops, or we're going to have the chicken. You would start with what's the meat, and then what complements the meat. Well, I guess I’ll make some couscous, or I guess I’ll make some broccoli. You bring in the side dishes, right?
Now, my focus is on what can I eat to heal my gut? What can I eat to maintain my energy and my vitality? What can I eat to get nutrients in my body? And that becomes the compass or the foundation of that meal, and then what can I eat that’s raw today? What can I eat that has all those delicious raw enzymes that my body needs? And then I build the meal upon that. If you bring your focus to what you want to heal in your body, and what you want to support your whole family, what can I eat to support my immune system? What can I eat to help my liver detoxify? And then you build the meals upon the premise of healing the body.
So your kitchen becomes your pharmacy instead of what can I eat that's just delicious? Because these foods are delicious. They can absolutely be delicious, but we have to make our focus be what can I do to support the 37.2 trillion cells in my body, so in seven years, I’m a totally new person but I’m actually going to be younger cellularly. I’m going to be younger in seven years. What can I do to make me younger? Now, as women, we spend thousands of dollars in our lifetime on face creams to make our skin appear as young as possible, but we've got to actually work on the nutrition on the inside. And when we do that, then our skin will develop younger-looking cells.
So instead of focusing on what I can schlop on my face, we should be focusing on what nutrients we give our body that will make healthy cells, and then we actually look younger and younger? It's so true.
[01:20:51] Tim James: Yeah. It's usually coming more from our women clients, but in six months on our protocols, people look five years younger. You'll know once you start getting about three to four unsolicited comments like maybe your hairdresser will be like wow, your skin's looking good. Or your roots are coming in thicker, what are you doing? Somebody will just say, wow, you look younger. And in the beginning, it feels weird because I started getting this from people. Especially from a guy, redneck, supposed to eat meat, drink whiskey, and shoot guns or something. Now it's like, hey, Tim. You have really beautiful skin. I mean that made me feel my skin crawl in the beginning when people started telling me this stuff because I didn't even know how to take it because nobody ever talked to me like that before. Now, I’m like, my skin is beautiful. Thank you so much. I love it. I love getting the comments. And I like freaking people out. I can't wait till I turn 50. I can't wait till I turn 60 because I like people going what?
I want to be that guy that's like 110, sprinting down the beach, playing tag football with my great, great, grandkids, and they think I’m like their old dad or a healthy grandparent, you know what I mean? Because I know that's possible now because I’ve met people that are doing this.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, he lives a living food diet. You should have him on, he's awesome. He goes deep into diabetes and stuff, wasn't trying to do that, but he's got books written on it. The dude's like 80 something, he can do like 30 pull-ups. He did a rain dance for the Indians. He was telling all the Indians you got to stop eating the buffalo, you got to start eating plants, and they thought he was crazy. Nobody had done this rain dance in a decade, 4 decades, or 10 decades. It's been a long time because it's two days no sleep doing this dance. Well, he did it. He did it in the late ‘70s, early ‘80s, and then afterward, all the chiefs were like well maybe we should start eating plants because somebody's been able to do that dance for 40 years or whatever it was.
The results speak for themselves. People see other people. If you want people around you to change, you have to make those changes for yourself. There's no question about it. That's how you do it.
[01:23:07] Ashley James: Awesome. I love it. In the last few years since you've been working with people and helping them to adopt a more whole food plant-based, even more raw foods lifestyle to support their overall health, what diseases have you seen people reverse? What medications have you seen people get off of because they became so healthy?
[01:23:27] Tim James: Everything. I’ve seen everything.
[01:23:30] Ashley James: Can you give us some stories or some examples?
[01:23:33] Tim James: Yeah. One of the first ones was this guy that had multiple sclerosis. His name was Bob, and this guy had come to me. Actually, I met this other guy in the grocery store at Whole Foods. He had a whole bunch of stuff. And I’m like, “Wow you must be juicing.” He's like, “Well, actually, I got horses, and we feed all these carrots to the horses.” I was like, “I just started juicing so I thought you were because when I first started juicing, I was doing carrots and that kind of stuff.” He's like, “No, it's for horses.”
Anyway, he came over, went to one of my dinner classes. He was an attorney, really nice, just a gentleman. The guy was a sweetheart, and we became friends. Then he was part of this men's bible group. This guy Bob had MS. He's like, “God, Tim, will this help Bob?” And I’m like, “Yeah, actually what I heard was that people with MS, they actually really need this. Besides the lifestyle and the juicing, they need a blue-green algae.” It comes from Klamath Lake down in Oregon here. It really bolsters and strengthens the fatty tissue of the brain. What I was told is that MS is a virus that's attacking the fatty tissue of the brain, so we want to bolster and strengthen that up. It's one of the protocols they use at the Hippocrates Health Institute for people with MS.
Well, this guy couldn't even walk. He had a caregiver, and I don't know how long it was—a few months or whatever he was on the protocols. All of a sudden, he was driving up to his house, and the guy was walking across the street and getting his newspaper. He pulled up. He's like, “Bob. Look at you.” And he's like, “What?” He's like, “You're getting the newspaper, man. You're walking.” He's like, “Well, yeah. I guess I am.” And then a few months later, all of a sudden, I get this knock on the door and it's Bob and his caregiver. He's walking. I never met the guy before. It was just somebody through osmosis.
He's like, “I just want to come by and say thank you because the stuff that you've been sharing with my buddy has helped me. I’ve been able to get out of the house. I can walk now. I’m getting around to do things. I feel a lot better.” And believe me, he wasn't fully on the whole program at all, but the changes he made had made a significant impact on him. It wasn't just the blue-green algae, the [inaudible 01:25:29], it was the brain on version. That's very important for those of you that are writing that down who might have somebody with MS. But it’s like a super-duper omega is what it is. You're looking for those omegas. It's the sub-basement of where all omega comes from.
We recommend people do that for a two to three year period, and then after that, you can do it periodically. Human beings aren't supposed to eat algae all the time, but for healing, it can be a good thing.
[01:25:52] Ashley James: Absolutely. I totally agree with you. I’ve had several interviews with Catharine Arnston, who's the creator of energybits.com. She gives us a great discount. Listeners can use the LTH coupon at energybits.com. But she shares her story, and she sources blue-green algae. It's chlorella and also spirulina. She has it tested, has the water that it's grown in tested—it's all purified.
[01:26:21] Tim James: Yeah, it's important.
[01:26:22] Ashley James: Yeah, it's very important. There are zero heavy metals. There are other companies out there. You can buy it cheaper, but the problem with buying it cheaper is it's full of lead, heavy metals, and pollution. There are only a handful of companies out there that will test it. She actually has it tested twice. She has tested where it's grown and also has the final product tested for purity to make sure there are no heavy metals and there's no pollution in it. I’m really impressed with the quality of hers, and hers actually don't taste fishy like other companies do. Hers tastes like it's fresh.
[01:26:57] Tim James: Clean.
[01:26:58] Ashley James: Yeah, it tastes clean. My son loves them. He's five but he's been eating them his whole life. He calls them green crackers, and he loves that it turns his tongue different colors depending on which one he's eating. He loves that game. So if you want to get kids into it, it's like look at my tongue, you can make your tongue green. You can make your tongue like this bluish color, and then they freak out and they want to do it too. That's a great way to get kids to eat it, but it also helps to chelate the heavy metals from the body. That's part of the protocol that a doctor here, I’ve had him on the show, Dr. Klinghart. He's just outside of Seattle, and he has a clinic where he basically reverses autism.
He gets kids that are non-verbal, rocking themselves, hitting their head, or banging them themselves against a wall. He gets them from the point where they're completely shut in their own nervous system and unable to communicate or connect with people, to where they're able to go to college. Where they're totally no longer on a spectrum. I think it's because they don't actually have autism. I think most of the children that are diagnosed with autism, it's autism-like symptoms, and that it's the chemical toxicity.
What he does, Dr. Klinghart has a whole protocol where he cleans the child's body out of all of the heavy metals and nutrifies the body—like you've been talking about. And has them remove the chemicals in their life—like you're talking about. They just come back online. He has them do green juicing—just like you're talking about. He has them do chlorella, spirulina, and do saunas—depending on their age.
[01:28:44] Tim James: Is he having them do chlorine dioxide?
[01:28:46] Ashley James: I don't know, but I will find out. He has a whole protocol. A lot of it is food-based as well. He puts herbs in their green smoothies that also are natural chelators. It’s easy to put just these herbs. You can grow yourself in your own garden into your into your green smoothies every day. But that's when I first learned that he specifically uses it with children very effectively. That he gives them the algae, and he will only recommend one of the few brands out there that are so clean like Catharine Arnston's brands.
But we've had had her on the show a few times because she went into all the studies and talks about the nutritional profile of chlorella and spirulina, and it's fascinating. You can get your vitamin K.

Photo by Vita Marija Murenaite on Unsplash
[01:29:42] Tim James: It's amazing. It's amazing. Our top four ingredients—spirulina and chlorella are in there. We test them like crazy. It's very important that people understand the ingredients. You can't even believe labels anymore today. You have to know the people behind it, that's the only way. The only reason I have the supplement brand now is because of frustration.
As a health coach, I would do all this research. I’m like okay, I got to clean their gut—this product. Okay, we need to purify their blood—this one. We need a green juice—this one. And then we need digestive enzymes—that one. We need probiotics—that one. And then six months later, I’m looking, I’m like what? Xanthan gum? That wasn't in there before. And I’m comparing the bottles and I call them up, I go, “What's this?” It's mutated corn syrup fermented in bacteria. I’m like, “What? I’m not putting that in my body.” And then I started reading the labels and I started looking up every little ingredient—dicalcium phosphate, the wrong type of silica that would cause hardening the arteries, gallstones, and kidney stones.
After research, research, research, I’d finally get something. I tell everybody about it. My coaching clients are using it, and then they'd switch the ingredients. I mean after this happened three or four times, Ashley, I finally said this is enough. I found Dr. Scott Treadway, who's one of the top formulators in the world, and he actually studied in India under two lineages of thousands of years of apprenticeship at herbology. Then he studied Chinese herbology, and then Western herbology. So he's got this trifecta of knowledge. He did practice clinical work with patients, seeing his own patients for 10 years besides when he was getting trained in India, and then now he's one of the top supplement formulators in the world.
When we met, I was looking for somebody. I went through 30 labs until I met him. And I’m like, “Do you know what Kirlian photography is?” And he's like, “Oh, yes. We have two of those machines.” I’m like, “Really?” For those of you that don't know what that is, it's a machine that can actually measure the energy or the frequency from whatever you're pointing it at like a night scope. What's cool is we can process—anytime you process anything you're devaluing the nutrients. What we do in ours on our wheatgrass juice extract, spirulina, oat grass juice, wheat sprout, broccoli sprout, meringue leaf, or anything that's in our products, they're air dried or sun driesun-dried10 degrees to keep those enzymes or that life force active. It's actually a charge. Not only are you getting the vitamins, the minerals, and the trace minerals, but you're literally getting a frequency charge from the product itself. It's literally charging the cells instant contact.
And we've had those people that are intuitives or Reikis people that are really into energy healing. They'll come to booths that we have at events and they'll take one sip of our greens and they'll go, “What is this stuff?” They just flip out. And then, “I’ll take six cans.” And then the people working there are like, “What's going on?” They see that they're in tune and they know. So that's what we tell people on our greens. Don't blend it because 90 seconds in a blender you're going to kill 85% to 92% of the nutrition of whatever you put in there. Make your smoothie if you're going to do that, add the greens in later, stir it in, spoon it, and then shake it up, and drink it that way to not kill that life force. That's very important. And then please read your labels.
On my products, you'll see in red on all of them no magnesium stearate, no silicon dioxide, no dicalcium phosphate, and I can't tell you how many people have called in and are like, “Dude that stuff's in all my stuff.” So if you're buying supplements, you have about a 95% chance that you're consuming a toxic chemical even though it's purported to be health food. Keep in mind, 85% of the supplements on the market today are synthetic versions sold by pharmaceutical companies. So 85% of the entire supplement market is big pharma.
[01:33:25] Ashley James: Right. I've been working with Dr. Joel Wallach for the last nine years, and he had the same problem. He is a Naturopathic physician, but back 20-30 years ago, he was working with patients. He had clinics actually from Washington all the way down to California. We'd drive down I-5, go to a different clinic, meet with people, and work up and down the western seaboard. He was getting great results because of all of his research that went into understanding that we're minerally deficient, and so he was using another company. And all of a sudden people stopped getting results. He looked into it. He analyzed the supplements and found out the company that he was working with decided to dilute their product to make a bigger profit, and he was so upset.
He obviously stopped telling his patients to use those, but he just didn't know what to do because he couldn't find the quality that he wanted to get the trace minerals and all the 90 essential nutrients for his patients. And then his family begged him to start their own company. He said, “I want to be helping people. I don't want to be building a company or running a supplement company.” So his family begged him. “Okay, logistically, we'll run the company. You keep working with people.” That's over 22 years they've been doing that, but that's the same story is companies will keep changing their supplements.
And also, with Kristen Bowen who has the magnesium soak that I love, she was getting amazing results with it and then the company overnight—her, and she actually had 200 people. She just kept telling people about it, telling people about it, and over 200 people that she became friends with were all using this magnesium soak. It's concentrated or undiluted magnesium from the Zechstein Sea, and she reversed major health issues with it. And then out of nowhere, someone says, “It's not working anymore.” And then she grabs an old bottle and a new bottle, takes it to a lab, and sure enough, the company started diluting it hugely to increase their profits.
[01:35:33] Tim James: This happens all the time. People that are listening, it's not easy to step into the supplement business. I could see because I only did small batches for my coaching students. Now that things are expanding and the supplement thing is growing, it's very difficult to compete because my raw material costs are through the roof. I build this stuff for my body and my coaching clients. I build this stuff for me. I want it to freaking be the best, the top of the pyramid. That's what I want, and every time we build it, I go to the formulator. I’m like, “Look, I want to be the best.” Well, if I was to sell my greens at regular retail value, it'd be like $117 to $127 a jar. Most people can't afford that.
I can't really compete on the marketing because I don't have this huge marketing budget because I’m not making an extra $60 a can or $50 a can on people on top of what I sell it for. It's just numbers at that point. If I ever sell my company, probably don't buy the products anymore. But we're not going to do that. I’m going to put it in the bylaws. We're family-owned, and it'll be probably employee-owned. We'll probably turn it over to the employees and they'll be bylaws soon. The formulas have to stay the way they are, they will never change, and that kind of stuff so that after I’m dead and gone, it'll still perpetuate. Because I have a lot of people, they have to have my stuff. Once they get on it, they're progressing, they do not want to get off of it, so they get on auto-ship and they stay consistent with them.
[01:37:00] Ashley James: It has been such a pleasure having you on the show, Tim. I know you've got to go. Thank you so much. Do you have any final words that you'd like to say to our listeners to wrap up today's interview?
[01:37:09] Tim James: Yeah, I do. I always like to end these talks with a challenge, and I would like you to challenge yourself to start putting yourself first—100% loving self. You have got to be first. I see this with men, and I see it with so many women, especially young mothers, mothers in general. They do everything for everybody. I mean taking care of the kids, washing the clothes, making the food, cleaning the house, trying to have a romantic life with the husband, and taking care of people. They put themselves last, they put their health last, and then eventually, a wheel falls off. Then they find themselves in the hospital with a nervous breakdown, they’re on anxiety medications, depression medications. They're not happy and they're not feeling good.
Well, the reality is you have to put yourself first if you truly love your children. You have to because they're watching you, and monkey see, monkey do. Literally, do you want your children to follow your footsteps and be worn out, worn down, sick, tired, overweight, and all these problems that people have today? No. My people ask me, “What's more important, you or your kids?” I’m like, “I’m more important.” And people think that I’m a jerk by saying that. I say, “Let me finish. If somebody shoots our way, I’m going to jump in front of my kids and take the bullet. Obviously, I love them unconditionally, but I put myself first because I want my children to put themselves first. And I’m going to lead by example.”
And I can tell you in my own life, it works. You lead by example, and what you're doing by leading by example is giving other people permission, not that they will do it, but you give them permission and inspiration to do it for themselves. That's all you can do. You can't get people to do anything. I mean, you've probably experienced this. It's hard. It's like pushing a rope or trying to herd cats. Look at your husband. When he finally made the decision is when he changed, not when you wanted him to, when he wanted to. And the best way to do it, change yourself, that's how you change your world.

[01:39:15] Ashley James: I love it. Thank you so much. It's been such a pleasure having you on. You should definitely come back. I’d love to have you on and continue sharing and teaching. I love your mission and the work that you're doing to help people to live happier, more vital lives. It's wonderful. Thanks, Tim.
[01:39:35] Tim James: Thank you so much. Yeah, I’d love to come back. We could go deep on whatever you want. Also, on my website, my podcast is there too where people can find me on the Health Hero Show. That's my podcast, and I go deep on some stuff like proper food combining and things like that.
[01:39:53] Ashley James: Absolutely. And the links to everything that Tim James does is going to be in the show notes of today's podcast at learntruehealth.com. Thank you so much, Tim.
I hope you enjoyed today's interview with Tim James. Wasn't his story amazing? I love it. I feel like all men should hear it, I mean women too, not excluding anyone, but men need to hear his journey. Because I think a lot of us, we can stop and go what symptoms have I been sweeping under the rug? What symptoms have I been writing off?
I have friends who take Advil every day because they have aches and pains. They just keep going, and like Tim said, if you're sick, you have all these symptoms but it doesn't stop you, it doesn't stop you from doing your daily tasks, then it's really easy to keep ignoring or keep self-medicating. That down the road is going to lead to bigger problems.
My mom died when she was 55. I was 21 years old, my mom died when she was 55, and she was the epitome of health. She was the healthiest person we knew. She exercised seven days a week. She ate incredibly clean. She took supplements, and she didn't manage her stress levels. She ignored certain symptoms, and she died of cancer. My dad died of heart disease. These are diseases that when you listen to enough episodes, you gather that there are many diseases we're dying of that are lifestyle diseases, that are caused by our choices.
I can't get in a time machine and bring my parents back, but I can show you this information. Maybe we can share this information with your family members, with your friends, with your loved ones. Maybe we can save some of the loved ones in our life. Maybe you can help someone in your life to stop ignoring some of the health symptoms they have and do some simple changes to their diet or their lifestyle to help their body correct itself. We can extend the quality of our life. We can put years on our life by changing our diet, by changing certain health habits.
This is what we explore in this podcast, so keep listening. If you're a new listener, subscribe. Please give us a five-star rating review. That helps our show get to more people. And then please, go back and listen to past episodes. The most current episodes are on iTunes, but we're also on Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and Google Podcast is an app now. We're on all those, and you can also go to learntruehealth.com. All the episodes are on learntruehealth.com. The most recent episodes, the most recent 100 or so, have been transcribed. You can even just read the transcripts. And you can use the search function on the website to find episodes about specific illnesses or correcting certain things, certain topics.
Please check out Tim James' website chemicalfreebody.com and use the coupon code LTH. I invite you to try his green drink. I absolutely love it, and I’m very picky. It is organic. He sources the highest quality ingredients, and it is gluten-free. I had to make sure that myself. So chemicalfreebody.com, coupon code LTH.
Come join the Learn True Health Facebook group, it's free. A great resource, great community there. Go to learntruehealth.com and check out all the resources there. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can reach out to me on Facebook, or you can reach out to me through email ashley@learntruehealth.com. I’d love to hear from you. Thank you so much for being a listener. Thank you so much for sharing this podcast with those you care about.
If you have any suggestions for future topics, or if you are grasping at straws with your own health, I’m also a certified health coach, and I’ve been working with people for nine years. I’d love to help you as well. You can go to learntruehealth.com, and on the menu, there's a section for working with me. You can also go to learntruehealth.com/chat and fill out the form for a free consultation to see if we'd be great working together.
Excellent. Thank you so much for being a listener, and I can't wait to meet you either on Facebook, through a phone call, or an email. I’d love for you to reach out. Just know that you're not alone. We're all in this together. Have yourself a fantastic rest of your day.
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Recommended Readings by Tim James
Supplements Exposed – Dr. Brian Clement
Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
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The Power of Living Foods – Tim James & Ashley James – #442
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Ashley James
Health Coach, Podcast Creator, Homeschooling Mom, Passionate About God & Healing
Ashley James is a Holistic Health Coach, Podcaster, Rapid Anxiety Cessation Expert, and avid Whole Food Plant-Based Home Chef. Since 2005 Ashley has worked with clients to transform their lives as a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming.
Her health struggles led her to study under the world’s top holistic doctors, where she reversed her type 2 diabetes, PCOS, infertility, chronic infections, and debilitating adrenal fatigue.
In 2016, Ashley launched her podcast Learn True Health with Ashley James to spread the TRUTH about health and healing. You no longer need to suffer; your body CAN and WILL heal itself when we give it what it needs and stop what is harming it!
The Learn True Health Podcast has been celebrated as one of the top holistic health shows today because of Ashley’s passion for extracting the right information from leading experts and doctors of holistic health and Naturopathic medicine
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