106: Holistic Health Coaches – Joshua Rosenthal

“Why Are We Treated Better At Starbucks Than We Are At Our Doctor's Office?”

Joshua Rosenthal MScED is the founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, an online higher education school where students are trained as Health Coaches and receive the holistic nutrition education and business skills to go out into the world and make a contribution to the health and happiness of everyone.

Founded by Rosenthal in 1992, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition has grown from a small classroom of passionate individuals to a global community of over 100,000 students and graduates in more than 120 countries worldwide.

His revolutionary approach introduces a wide variety of dietary theories – from Eastern to Western, ancient to modern and everything in between. He identified that the food on your plate is secondary to healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career, and a spiritual practice – all of which can fill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life.

Joshua is a highly sensitive healer with a Masters of Science degree in education and 30 years in the fields of whole foods, personal coaching, and teaching.

How I Started

Six months ago, I interviewed a graduate of IIN. I never heard of the institution before then. But he impressed me so much that I looked into the school after our interview.  Consequently, I called the school and enrolled right away.

I've been involved in their program for about six months now. I highly recommend it for anyone who is interested in joining the Holistic Health field. It is also exciting for anyone who simply wants their own health back.

I want to turn this ripple into a tidal wave. Let's help as many people as possible. Help others gain their health back naturally.

For listeners who don't know, I started the podcast about a year ago and have had such an amazing response. We stayed #1 in iTunes under the Health section. I've interviewed some Health Coaches and I really didn't know anything about Health Coaching. However, I do know a lot about Naturopathic Medicine because that is my passion and Holistic Medicine as well.

Getting To Know Joshua Rosenthal

It's really scary that what Joshua Rosenthal wrote on his website that only 3% of our health care dollars are spent on prevention disease. It's madness what's going on.

“I started like anyone. Going to school and wondering what's going on in the world. They were teaching us one thing in class. But then outside of classes a whole different world,” said Joshua Rosenthal. “I knew there had to be something more.”

Then in college, Joshua Rosenthal studied Psychology and he was still searching. Eventually, he got a Master's Degree and he said one of his professors mentioned something about the food changes everything. And you have to ask patients what they eat.

“I thought, how crazy is that? To have all these education and no one ever talked about food,” said Joshua Rosenthal.

So he started using his food background but emphasizing the food part. And creating much faster results for people than spending years in therapy.

He also went to India 10 times. Because he was really curious what the ancient cultures said about wisdom. Then another time, he was living at a yoga center in the United States.  There, he was interested in the connection between yoga and Ayurveda, and Tantra among others. Hence, that affected him deeply.

Bio-Individuality And Primary Food

“It's really a matter of taking your health into your own hands and finding what works for you. That's what I call ‘Bio-Individuality'. One person's food is another person's poison,” he says.

Rosenthal also says being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy and it doesn't mean you're happy. There are some people who eat perfectly but they're not happy. What feeds you isn't just food. The things that make us happy is actually loving relationship. In addition to that, it feeds our heart and soul. That's what Rosenthal describes as our ‘Primary Food'.

I truly agree with that. When we find joy in what we do, it becomes our Primary Food. Food becomes secondary. When we are unhappy, it leads us to disease and food will not counteract that level of stress.

Starting The Institute For Integrated Nutrition

Joshua Rosenthal was actually in Toronto when he started it in 1992. He was trying to bring in some teachers for occasional classes.

One day when he was in New York, he realized he could express his thoughts better if he did it himself.  Starting from a small basement in Broadway, his student body grew over time when he offered more Health Coaching classes and cooking classes.

First of all, What is unique is that IIN is university-affiliated and they have famous personalities as the mentors. Students can use their credits towards a Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree.

Institute for Intergrative Nutrition is the largest health coaching program in the world. They currently have around 100,000 students and graduates in over 120 countries worldwide.

It took 20 years but he finds joy knowing he has helped and is still helping people lead a holistic life. Furthermore, he is also proud that there are numerous famous students in IIN who went on to become famous personalities.

I love college.  I went to the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy.  My first career was massage therapy. I loved everything I learned but IIN has a unique learning process for you to actually integrate what you learn.

IIN also has a module wherein you can get more information about the courses.  The link may be found at the end of this blog post.

Clients Of An IIN Graduate

Most of the students are women. Joshua Rosenthal loves giving women the opportunity to be at home with their kids.  It allows them to earn more money per hour and help people with their health.

So the classes include learning how to market themselves through social media. The are also modules on how to write a book.

Working With A Health Coach

He describes it like having a personal trainer. Like a personal trainer, a Health Coach makes sure you get most out of the time you spend.  They teach you how not to injure yourself.

He says these are basically the things a Health Coach would ask:

  1. What are you doing with for health?
  2. What are the three things you're doing that you shouldn't be doing?
  3. What are your main health concerns?
  4. How long has it been that way?
  5. How much longer do you want it to stay that way?
  6. How long do you want to tolerate this?
  7. Would you be open to moving this to a greater priority?

Health Coaches do not treat diseases.  Rosenthal says there is only one disease — Human Imbalance. And Health Coaches try to fix that. Typically, working with a Health Coach is a 6 months program. It's a tried and true process.

I love that we initially thought that we're setting out to become a Health Coach at IIN. And then we realize we become part of the mission to change the world. If we can create this ripple effect, we could have that tipping point that enough of us can help people.

Steps On How To Be Happy

  1. Close eyes and take a deep breath. Realize that in this moment everything is perfectly wonderful.
  2. Make sure your body is hydrated because cravings are based on dehydration.
  3. Take off the computer and connect more to people on a more personal level.
  4. Follow your heart.
  5. Follow your dream. Go for it.

Joshua Rosenthal MScED is the founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, an online higher education school. 


Integrative Nutrition – Joshua Rosenthal

Online Health Coach Training Program

If you are interested in becoming an IIN Certified Health Coach, please feel free to email me, support@learntruehealth.com, and I can answer any questions you have as a student of theirs and also share with you a link to their course material. If you give them a call remember to mention my name and podcast (Ashley James with Learn True Health) so you are given their special that they set up for my listeners. :-)

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Ashley James

Health Coach, Podcast Creator, Homeschooling Mom, Passionate About God & Healing

Ashley James is a Holistic Health Coach, Podcaster, Rapid Anxiety Cessation Expert, and avid Whole Food Plant-Based Home Chef. Since 2005 Ashley has worked with clients to transform their lives as a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming.

Her health struggles led her to study under the world’s top holistic doctors, where she reversed her type 2 diabetes, PCOS, infertility, chronic infections, and debilitating adrenal fatigue.

In 2016, Ashley launched her podcast Learn True Health with Ashley James to spread the TRUTH about health and healing. You no longer need to suffer; your body CAN and WILL heal itself when we give it what it needs and stop what is harming it!

The Learn True Health Podcast has been celebrated as one of the top holistic health shows today because of Ashley’s passion for extracting the right information from leading experts and doctors of holistic health and Naturopathic medicine


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