412: Colon Hydrotherapy

David DeHaas And Ashley James
- What colon hydrotherapy is
- What happens on their 10-day cleanse
- Benefits of doing colon hydrotherapy
- Importance of eating organic food
- What liver cleanse is
- Contraindications for colon hydrotherapy
- Two types of colon hydrotherapy: open and closed

In this episode, David DeHaas shares with us what colon hydrotherapy is. He shares different stories and testimonials of people that have undergone colon hydrotherapy. He shares how the health of the people who have undergone colon hydrotherapy has improved.
Hello, true health seeker and welcome to another exciting episode of the Learn True Health podcast. When it comes to building true health, no stone should be left unturned. Today's episode is going to turn over a few stones that might not have been on your radar and it's very exciting. Colon hydrotherapy is something that for some people is the missing link, the key, the final step to helping them get to the next level in their healing. So, it's very exciting that we have on the show with us a man who specializes in colon hydrotherapy. He teaches us everything we could possibly want to know about cleansing detoxifying and restoring our health using colon hydrotherapy. We just jump right into the interview. So when we start, it's just jumping straight in. We just start going, hitting the ground running so I know that you'll really enjoy this wonderful conversational interview today.
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Photo by Frank Flores on Unsplash
[0:04:40] Ashley James: Welcome to the Learn True Health podcast. I’m your host, Ashley James. This is episode 412. I have been on your site but I forget, what town are you in?
[0:04:54] David DeHaas: Boise, Idaho.
[0:04:55] Ashley James: Boise, right. Idaho, that's not too far from me.
[0:04:58] David DeHaas: Where are you at? You're in Seattle aren’t you?
[0:04:59] Ashley James: Yeah, yeah. I mean it’s still a day. I could drive there in a day.
[0:05:06] David DeHaas: 19 hours. Yeah. You've been doing this a while. You've been doing this for what? You got about 300 something episodes?
[0:05:13] Ashley James: Yeah. We have 407, I'm publishing 407 today. I started four years ago in March.
[0:05:22] David DeHaas: Wow.
[0:05:24] Ashley James: Yup. 2016. March 2016.
[0:05:27] David DeHaas: So, I just started a podcast a bit ago. Had some of couple of cool people on. You know who Ann Louise Gittleman is?
[0:05:35] Ashley James: Yeah, yeah. I've interviewed her. She's awesome and her husband. You got to interview him too.
[0:05:39] David DeHaas: What? I don't know anything about him.
[0:05:41] Ashley James: Oh my gosh. Yeah, I interviewed him too. You got to definitely check him out. He beat cancer. You should listen to my interview with him because it's wild. He escaped the hospital. They were killing him with the chemo. He actually broke out of the hospital and drove away. He's like, “I am never going back there.” Anyway, so he healed his cancer after that. His journey of health is what led him to meet Ann Louise. So now they're together, but he now interviews people on YouTube who have beat cancer. He has this one interview that is wild and will blow your mind. This guy healed his cancer with an $8 deworming medication used in animals. Apparently, it really works. A ton of people, tens of thousands of people have used it and reported that their cancer went away. So they figured out there's five reasons. It actually turns back on the body’s, the immune system's ability to detect the cancer. But the pharmaceutical knees don't want you doing it because it only costs $8 and it's over the counter.
[0:06:51] David DeHaas: Well, it's kind of like me. I used red salve. Cost me what, $10.
[0:06:57] Ashley James: Well we should get into that in the interview. That would be interesting. So anyway, yeah Ann Louise Gittleman. That's great. You got her on the show. Now that you've had her on your show you should interview her husband because he's wild. Well I mean you could contact them and get his information, but I can give it to you too. Yeah. James Templeton is his name.
[0:07:17] David DeHaas: Yeah. When I had Nicholas reaching out to people, reaching out to you for example, yeah. I didn't get to talk to him of course. She was a blast. I mean I’ve watched her on because I think she's a member of I think I-ACT. I’ve spoken there many time International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy.
[0:07:37] Ashley James: Well, I knew her because when I was like 10 years old or nine years old or something like that, our family got worms. So we got tested. The test show that we got one parasite from Mexico and two parasites from owning cats and dogs. My mom brought home her book Guess What Came to Dinner. We read it and we got on a cleanse. Isn't that funny? So, I've known her for so many years. So to interview her was kind of a trip.
[0:08:09] David DeHaas: Yeah. I’ve had that book forever. In fact I thought the book – yeah I've had it for a long time. Did you know that when she was a young gal, she was in New York City and she was telling me in the podcast she said, “So I was at New York City. I was working in this hospital, this kid come in. He had leukemia and I determined he had whipworms and heavy metal poisoning.” She says, “We did a lot of colon hydrotherapy, a lot of cleansing,” and I go, “Whoa, whoa, who. You mean the hospital had a colon hydrotherapy?” She goes, “Oh no. They didn’t.” I had to go and search really hard to find a colon hydrotherapist because this was in the 1970s. She says, “So he got completely cured,” and she says, “And I got fired.”
[0:08:48] Ashley James: Oh my gosh. Of course she would get fired.
[0:08:51] David DeHaas: It devastated her. She went away for a year and then she said, “I'm going to go back into this field. I'm going to get back on the horse,” so to speak. Yeah, isn't that wild?
[0:09:00] Ashley James: Oh, that's so wild. What's the name of your podcast?
[0:09:03] David DeHaas: Detox with whole body cleansing.
[0:09:06] Ashley James: Great. Well, we'll make sure the links to your podcast is in the show notes. Yeah. In the show notes of this episode. So listeners can check it out. Normally I do a really formal start to an interview, but since you and I just got chatting and it was so cool I think I'm just going to include our chat in the interview. So, we already got started. David DeHaas, it's so good to have you on the show this is going to be so much fun. I know you've listened to my show. You know my interview style is a casual conversation where we get to really dive into some interesting information. When your office reached out to me to come on the show, I was thrilled. I love colon hydrotherapy. It's a tool that not many people know about. I think a lot of people are really afraid of and there's a lot of misconceptions. So I'm really happy that you can demystify colon hydrotherapy and show us that it's actually a very powerful tool that we can use for healing and it's safe and effective and gentle. So, welcome to the show.
[0:10:15] David DeHaas: I'm glad to be here.
[0:10:17] Ashley James: Absolutely. You're really passionate about holistic health. You yourself have a story. Can you share with us your journey that led you to want to specialize in colon hydrotherapy and Naturopathic medicine and helping people to heal their body naturally?
[0:10:36] David DeHaas: Yeah. I didn't choose to be here. I think I’m more of got chosen, but backing up years ago when I was a young lad, I started having children. We had an issue with my daughter. She had been vaccine injured. Our house cleaner says, “Go check out this guy. He's a homeopath.” I go, “What's that?” This is 1991-ish, somewhere in there. So it began there and then it was like, “Oh, there's a whole another world here.” I was always kind of sick, not sick. I mean, if you looked at my physique you'd say, “Okay, this guy is really healthy,” and doctors would tell me that, but yet I was always tired, aches and pains, walk like an old man in the morning. I mean, I hurt all the time. I love to play basketball. I was just, it take me an hour to warm up to play. It was like, “What's going on with me? I'm 30 years of age.”
So, eventually I met a gal and get this, she had no credentials. She was learning iridology and herbology. She was in a little farm in Dietrich, Idaho and a little a single-wide trailer house on a little dairy farm, seven kids. I went and sat on her couch and she looked at my eyes she says, “Oh my gosh.” She says, “How often do you go to the bathroom?” I go, “I don’t know. Maybe once a day, once every three days sometimes. Why?” She goes, “Well, you need to cleanse. You need to do some colonics.” I go like, “What's a colonic?”
So, she shared with me. So, I said, “Okay.” I mean I'm always been the guy that's, “Okay, what else is out there?” I'm always the curious cat. I'll try anything once, maybe twice. So, I was looking to get better. So then I met a lot of cool natural, like all-natural healers. Many of them didn't have any degrees, no backup but they were very very wise, very very sharp. So that's where I began with colon hydrotherapy model myself and I actually started in my own home. In the meantime I was transitioning from a real estate career to a career in network marketing talking about nutritional supplements. So that path kind of led me to explore, got me to traveling. I got to travel around the world and I got to meet a lot of really cool people that knew a lot more than I did and other people did.
I mean one time, I had fungus on my feet so bad my feet were black, it itched like crazy. I was like, “What am I going to do about this?” The doctors looked at me and says, “I don't know what that is. It's not fungus.” I'm going like, “Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's fungus.” So finally I realized, I got to figure this out on my own. I had to become the master of my health. So I'm a voracious reader. I read all the time. I fall asleep at night reading all I can about health and nutrition because I had to get well. I knew that one day I might have cancer. I'm lying in bed at 38 years of age thinking like, “Am I going to live to see my kids graduate from high school? Am I going to be able? Am I going to be on earth in 10 years?”
Eventually I found out I did have cancer. By the time I knew I had it, I already knew what I would do if I had cancer. So I didn't go the medical route, I went David's route. Part of that was doing deep tissue cleansing with colon hydrotherapy. So, long story short, eventually I thought I set this business up for my daughter to run, which we did, but I was only going to be referring people to her. I was going to be involved at all. That was not my path, I thought. Anyway, long story short I was just watching the amazing changes. I got all of Dr. Bernard Jensen's books. I was reading about Dr. Bernard Jensen. In fact, I just interviewed Dr. Ellen Tart Jensen a few weeks ago. Oh my gosh, amazing stories. Anyway, divine intervention basically inspired me to stick around here and do more than just be the connector. I mean, I've always been a networker. I've always been the connector, the one who's telling the story, who’s getting people involved in whatever it may be. So, now here I am teaching and leading the world to understand that colon hydrotherapy is an easy, effective, it's not embarrassing, it's very private, it's easy to do. Once you do it, it's no different than showering. It's just basically a shower on the inside. Here we are.
[0:14:41] Ashley James: Right. A lot of people who are don't realize that the gut is on the outside of us. We think that when we put something in our mouth it's now inside our body. Anatomically really, the gut is just another part of us that's outside of us because it hasn't been absorbed into the bloodstream yet so it's still technically outside of us. It's an interesting way to think about it like the inside of a doughnut is still outside of the doughnut not inside the doughnut. Thus, cleansing the colon, you could think of it like washing your skin. Cleanse your colon. People who have eaten the standard American diet often have the fecal matter caked on. It dried up and caked on. There's a very unhealthy biofilm that can accumulate parasites and be an environment for unhealthy things to thrive in our intestines.
So I love that you said, you take a shower on the outside then we should do some colon hydrotherapy. Can you tell us a bit more about the history of colon hydrotherapy? Because obviously, cavemen weren't washing their colon. So, how did this get started?
[0:16:06] David DeHaas: Well, doing enemas and cleansing actually goes back into the age of the Egyptians, in the Essene Gospel of Peace back in Jesus' time. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, they actually discovered that back in that day the Essenes advocated for cleansing. I don't have the script in front of me, but basically it said this, go out and find a long trailing gourd the height of a man, clean out its inwards and fill it full of water warmed by the sun and stick it in your hinder parts. Let it run every day until the water runs as clear as the rivers foam. You will see every evil foul-smelling thing of fear come out of you. Fear, false emotions appearing real. So, there's a whole emotional connection to this as well. So, 2,000 plus years ago there was not 80,000 chemicals, right? There wasn't cars and automobiles. Why were they saying you should need to cleanse? Because we have fear and our autonomic nervous system runs 95+ percent of our innards, our insides. That colon in the small intestine can get twisted and distorted. The average person listening to this podcast, that's you out there, is packing 12 to 15 pounds just extra gunk plus parasites.
What's amazing about the intestinal tract is you have the surface area the size of his tennis court in your intestinal tracts. It’s about 30 some feet long. More neurons in it than your spinal column. Every organ and part in your body, whether it be your eyes, your ears, your spleen, your heart, your kidney, your liver, your legs, your arms, your ears, connects to the intestinal tract. So basically, how it lives is how you live. If you're packing around parasites, which every one of us are. If you've eaten pork you got parasites. If you’ve had sushi, you definitely got parasites. Have you walked barefoot, have pets, have sexual relations you're just passing parasites back and forth. So, we all have parasites. They outnumber us. You cannot avoid them, but we want to minimize the amount that we have. They're pooping and peeing in us and maybe create their own energy. You definitely get rid of them.
I mean, think about full moon. Full moon, those parasites are birthing new babies. What happens on full moon? Well, if you ask the hospitals, the police departments, the fire departments they're busy because people are doing things they normally wouldn't do because the parasites, their beings, their energy and they will make you do some crazy stuff. Some more than others. So, it's really important to understand that that 30 to 36 feet of intestinal tract is very important to know how to manage it. Back in the early 1900's you had two amazing pioneers, Dr. Harvey Kellogg who was a gastroenterologist himself. Who after doing 20,000 surgeries says, “You know what? There's got to be a better way. Well, what if we do cleansing?” So, he'd bring people to Battle Creek Michigan where he would do enemas and do all his cleansing and teach them how to eat right. After that, most of his patients all but after 40,000 treatments, all but a handful needed surgery.
So you’ve run 20,000 surgeries to just a handful after doing 40,000 treatments. Then he have Dr. Bernard Jensen. Dr. Bernard Jensen was very sick and he discovered cleansing and was one of the developers of developing the current day Colema Boards and Colon Hydrotherapy systems. So, it saved him from his disease. So he began teaching others. Here, he became a chiropractor and of course became known to create the iridology charts. He treated over 350,000 people in his day. Most amazing story about all this is at age 88, Dr. Bernard Jensen got prostate cancer. Now, I have seen many people who through bowel management and deep tissue cleansing using colon hydrotherapy have healed their prostate cancer including my dad, which I'll share that story in a bit.
So anyway, he gets at 88 years of age. He gets down to 88 pounds after having prostate cancer and he gets hit by a car. He's paralyzed in the waist down. Now, when you get down to 88 pounds at age 88 the doctors told him chemo wouldn't work. Well, first he healed himself from prostate cancer then he got smashed by the car. So, now he's down to 88 pounds and the guy says, “Okay, well it's going to be a lucky boy for you to live.” He says, “Okay, I'm a lucky boy.” So he went, get this, he went to North Idaho. Sought out a doctor friend of his to help him out and be his coach. Now, the moral of this story is that everyone needs a coach even everyone who knows what to do. Basically, this guy coached him through Jensen's own process. He needed to get away. He need to get to Southern California where his ranch was. He get away from everyone to just focus on healing his body. He healed it, he did. He went back to work. I have met some of his students who in the early 2000s, prior to him passing at the age of 93, took classes from him in iridology.
So he completely healed. His daughter-in-law, Dr. Ellen Tart Jensen, told me that she says, “Yeah. I think he would live to be far older than that but he had so much he wanted to express, so much he wanted to get done. He began teaching. He was a tireless worker. He just worked all the time.” But anyway, he recovered and lived until 93. God bless him. Amazing person that brought this technology to us. Of course since then, the colonic beds had become really very sophisticated and very easy to use, very private. Much easier than what they used to do in the old days. So, pretty cool story.
[0:21:54] Ashley James: I bet. Very cool. One of my mentors, Dr. Wallach, who was a veterinarian and a pathologist before becoming a Naturopath says that prostate cancer, men who die from prostate cancer die from the treatments not from the cancer. It is such a benign form of cancer that is so, it’s one of the most easily reversible forms of cancer. The best thing to do is to wait and watch and not let them poke it and prod it and administer the chemo and surgery and all that. He says that if you have it, that's the kind of cancer you go really slowly into any form of treatment like you just sit and wait and watch and do natural medicine because he has seen so many men reverse it. That the men that give in to the chemoradiation, surgery will die within five years. The men who don't do that and do natural medicine survive. He says you could live years with prostate cancer because it's not it's one of those ones that are very benign. It doesn't metastasize quickly.
So, he really warns people to just slow down and don't jump into the chemoradiation, surgery route, the cut, burn and poison route, but to slow down and look at all your options and see if you can use natural medicine. Of course now there's Naturopathic oncologists out there who will work with their patients and help them to navigate natural medicine. You mentioned that you had cancer yourself and you healed it. I didn't catch, what kind of cancer did you have?
[0:23:40] David DeHaas: So my cancer showed signs of exiting on my back in the form of a mole, but it also was connected around into my liver. Let's go back to prostate for a hot moment. I got two great stories to share with you. The first was when we were just getting involved in this, there was a guy that came and he had his PSA number was over 42. He'd been measured by the University of Utah at least three times. He was trying herbs and different things, parasite cleanses and so forth, which is all fantastic. He did the deep tissue cleansing with the colon hydrotherapy and he went back and he got measured and his PSA number had dropped to zero. So, the doctors looked and says, “Must have made a mistake. Let's measure him again.” So they measured him three different times. They say, “Well, either our machines were all wrong the last three times you were in or you're a miracle.” He says, “Yeah. I guess I am.” He didn't tell them what he did.
My dad’s story though, my dad was amazing. My dad knew something was up, went to a doctor, doctor says, “Yeah, your PSA is about 13.” Within about a month it's up to 38. So of course they say, “Well, it's fast-acting…” I talked to my dad and I say, “Well, yeah there's an oncologist here, but I think what you need to do dad is you need to get back on and do some more cleansing.” So, he'd already done some cleansing. I think he had already done a couple of 10-day treatments, but he went to the oncologist and says, “Yeah, with spot radiation we could probably get it down to about seven-eight but it's going to come back. When it does, nothing we can do.” So my dad says, “Okay. All right.” So he started the spot radiation and he started cleansing same day.
Before he was finished with his 10-day protocol, the numbers had already dropped significantly. The doctors looked at him every day going like, “This guy's just changing so fast.” They gave him two years to live. My dad has lived 12+ more years. Very healthy, very active. He can do anything a 50-year-old can. In fact, he and my sister put up 10 cord of wood in three days last fall. His PSA number has been 0.00347 ever since. He just did another 10-day cleanse. He's 86 years of age and he's looking great.
[0:26:04] Ashley James: That’s cool. It would have been interesting if he had done the cleanse and then waited to do the radiation to see if he even needed it. Because now it's like someone could argue, “Oh, the radiation was what did it and everything else is just placebo.” The fact that he is still here 12 years later and still super healthy. I could not do that. I couldn't cut that many cords of wood. So, he's definitely healthier or more physically fit than I am right now.
[0:26:32] David DeHaas: Yeah. The doctor looked at him and says, “Do you want to just do your own thing?” Dad says, “Well, maybe I should do both.” Anyway, it was a hard decision for him to make.
[0:26:42] Ashley James: Yeah, it is. A hindsight, yes, but you know what, he made the right call. He's still here today. He's still healthy. So, he listened to his gut. I think that's really important to listen. Don't go to a doctor that tries to pressure you into anything but instead educates you on all your choices and allows you to listen to your own intuition after giving you fully informed consent. So, the fact that he wasn't pressured into anything and that he was given his choices and he got to make his own choices and he was empowered as a patient is really important. I think that also helps with outcome, patient outcome when they believe in the process that they're going and they're actively part of choosing it. So, I love that you shared that.
Interesting about PSA numbers for the men listening and for the women with men in their life, Dr. Wallach says that now, this is something they didn't always used to do, but just watch when a man who's about 40 or 50 years of age, that's when they start to get their prostate tested by their doctor. You bend over and cough and all that. What Dr. Wallach says is now, doctors will test. Basically put the finger up the rectum to palpate the prostate, which irritates the prostate. Then they take their blood work. He says that artificially will elevate PSA levels because you stimulated the prostate. So he says to get accurate levels, get your blood work done before you have your prostate checked. So, I don't know if you've ever heard that, but I thought that was really interesting because you can get some false positives from taking the blood work after getting the physical exam or falsely elevated.
So, yeah. Can you just explain what a colon hydrotherapy session is for those who have never heard of a colonic before?
[0:28:45] David DeHaas: Yes. So most people have heard of an enema. So, this is a lot more than an enema. An enema you’re going to put a little tube with a bag full of about to two pints of water, maybe a quart. You’re going to get on the floor and insert the tube in your rectum and you’re going to put the water in there. Then you’re going to go, “Oh my gosh, I got to get on the toilet and let go of this.” Now, in a clinic session you're in the privacy of your own room and you're on a specially made bed. There are two filters that filter the water and kill all any bad things that should be in the water. There's a rectal tube, it's going to be inserted into your rectum about an inch, inch and a half. The farthest that tube can go in is about three and a half, four inches at best so it can't hurt you, it won't harm, it can't poke a hole in you. There’s no danger.
[0:29:31] Ashley James: It’s the size of a pencil so it doesn't hurt.
[0:29:33] David DeHaas: Size of a pencil, yeah. Size of a pencil. Then you're going to turn on the water and you have on there, our systems we use you have control if you want to turn it off but now that water comes in. In a session, about 45 minutes to an hour, you'll have about 15 gallons of water that's going to gently go in and go out. So it's kind of a washing machine action if you will. So water is going to go in and the fecal matter is, anything that's in there very hard, if you've got pockets of diverticula for example, that's going to help dissolve that. Those can pop out of there. You'll begin basically to create peristalsis. Most people, is listening, are constipated. Now, they may go once a day well the problem is, that's not enough. If you eat, what's that food doing? If you eat three times a day you should be pooping three times a day. If you're eating twice a day you should be eating and evacuating. Most people do not and so what happens is because of stress, the colon gets distorted, twisted. The colon should be about three inches in diameter. It get as big as sixteen.
[0:30:36] Ashley James: Oh my gosh.
[0:30:37] David DeHaas: It can also become what we call spastic colon, which it can get down to maybe half-inch, inch. So now we've got a blockage especially if you’ve got hard stuff. We've had clients come in I mean regularly. This is a regular deal we’re doing. Have them go in once every three or four days, once a week, once every two weeks. I've had a client that came in here, once a month. I mean that's just shocking to me. How do you go once a month?
[0:31:07] Ashley James: Wait a second. They only pooped once a month?
[0:31:11] David DeHaas: Once a month.
[0:31:12] Ashley James: Oh my gosh. That's really dangerous.
[0:31:16] David DeHaas: Especially in women, a lot of women got taught that you shouldn't fart, you shouldn't have anybody smells. So they will hold on. When you do that holding on, which is what I used to do that's what created my constipation I think, part of it. Now you've taught that colon to constrict and you get constriction in your colon. Some people are embarrassed to go poop in public. I've known schools where teachers go, “No, you can't use a bathroom until we go to recess. You got to wait until you go to lunchtime.” Of course lunchtime where they give you 15 minutes to quickly eat, go out to recess and get back and sit in the seat. So, you don't have time to properly go evacuate. So we create this from 3our children the taboo of not going in public, not going using a public restroom. I know many people I've interviewed that said, “I'm embarrassed to go poop at work or when I was going to school.” That's usually when it starts. A lot of people for severe constipation started sometime as a young child or maybe in their teen years or a lot of people in their college years when they had some emotional traumatic event happening. Maybe it was a bad deal with a boyfriend or a lot of stress in the classes at college.
It's pretty amazing to see people get on the colonic bed. What that's going to do, that whooshing action is going to re-get that muscle start to push back and recreate peristalsis. First, you got to clean out that 12 to 15 pounds. The average person on a 10-day cleanse loses about 12 pounds, the average.
[0:32:48] Ashley James: That weight loss, you're not saying is fat. You’re saying it's caked in fecal matter that is toxic and fermenting and decomposing inside of them causing toxic buildup.

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash
[0:33:01] David DeHaas: Right. So think about the neurons. You have more neurons in your gut than your spinal column. Neurons are like little cellphones. What would happen, Ashley, if you cover up your cellphone with poop? Would you be able to get a call? Well, no. So, in your gut these neurons aren't firing and wiring the nerves. So, if those nerves aren't firing and wiring, you're going to have an issue in your body. So it's triggered by there. Give you an example, I referee a lot. I had what I thought was a groin pull. My left leg hurt. Now if you look on an iridology chart, the connection to the groin is just on the, if you feeling your left side of your body down low on the left by your leg, that's the connection in the colon to the groin. So I think like, “Dang it. I can’t referee this week and I got nine games coming up. This kind of bummer.” I had to lift my leg in and out of bed. It really hurts. So I thought, “You know what, I'm going to do a colonic.” I did a colonic. I got it done and I went home and thought, “Wow, 85% of my pain is gone. I think I could referee.” So I went out two days later and I refereed. I refereed nine games. I was like, “Wow. That's amazing.”
I had a hip pointer same thing. Those aren't very sore. I was refereeing one night then, “Oh gosh, I can't run anymore.” Same thing. Came to the office late at night, did a colonic, pain next day was gone. So it's amazing to see the connections. I'll give you another example. I had a contractor. Been swinging a hammer with his left arm and shoulder for 40 years. Now he couldn't do it. So for four months he went away and he did parasite cleansing, which is great. He did some chelation therapy. That's all fine, but the problem was he had an issue in his colon. I said, “Look, until you clean this out, it's not going to get better.” He says, “Well.” He's just so embarrassed to come in. He's just so embarrassed. So he didn’t want his friends to find out. So I talked into doing three colonics. Did three colonics and says, “Oh, I get it. I'm feeling starting to feel better.” Five days later, he walked in the office and he could swing his shoulder and swing a hammer again.
[0:35:07] Ashley James: I love it. That's really interesting that there's this connection between the colon health and the health of the rest of the musculature and the nervous system.
[0:35:19] David DeHaas: We'll watch face color change as we're going around that. We take 10 days to do our 10-day wellness retreat. Each day they're getting deeper and deeper and deeper. We'll literally watch the color on the face change like the sun coming up in the morning. We'll see it go all the way around the face. It’s pretty amazing.
[0:35:36] Ashley James: Wow.
[0:35:37] David DeHaas: So a little bit more about digestive. So people don't realize this, but in your small intestine, well first of all most people don't chew well enough, right? That's where everything starts. Your mouth should be your blender. I got a little ditty. I say, “No. The thing you got to do is chew, chew, chew because it's the right thing to do. Chew, chew, chew cause it's right thing to do.” Make your mouth be your blender. Masticate that food, the saliva comes up. Now starting to the digest. Enzymes are being created down below. The pancreas is getting fired up saying, “Hey, I got some stuff coming my way.” The gut acids are starting to be produced. Now, when the gut or the stomach receives, it's starting to do its thing.
People who have acid reflux, for example. What do the doctors give them? Stuff just to decrease acids. You want more acids. You want those digestive acids, juices to help break down the food and then flow into the duodenum and then to the small intestine. Once it gets in the small intestine, now we got the food. What happens, it breaks down further. The gallbladder, if you still had your gallbladder, has squeezed out some bile to break down fats. Things are breaking down. Now you have about the surface area the size of a tennis court of what I call shag carpet.
So shag carpet is what is called a villi. Villi is what absorbs the vitamins and minerals that have been broken down from the food you eat, into the bloodstream to go the cells. Because at the end of the day, what we got to heal? We got to heal the cells. Let's heal the cells. But the highways to get there, the small intestine, the colon and the blood, the blood if you're getting stuff dropping into the blood that shouldn't be there, well you've got a problem in your intestinal on tract. They call that leaky get, in other words the junctures between those shag carpets, the villi, gets really big and now stuff drops in there and the body says, “What the heck? This is bad,” and attacks. Now you get a label called leaky gut or I've got food allergies or food sensitivities or I've got lupus or fibromyalgia. No. What you've got, you got a very toxic body.
Let's reduce those toxins. Let's clean up the blood. Who cleans up the blood? The liver, but the poor liver, the poor thing, it's like the furnace filter. If you never change your furnace filter in your home pretty soon that furnace is going to blow up because there's no airflow. If you don't change the oil filter in your car, guess what, eventually the car's going to break down. So that liver does about 2,000 different transactions and one of us cleaning up the blood. So people now are changing, “Well, I got a thyroid issue. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, my hormones are out of balance.” Yeah. They are because your blood is dirty. The poor old liver can't do everything it needs to do.
So pretty soon you've got, and I see this in young kids today, teenager, young adults. I've got fatty liver. Well, a fatty liver is a toxic liver. In other words, your body is really toxic. Pretty soon the liver says, “Well, geez, I'm full. Let's see, what else I can do here. Oh, I know. I'll create fat. I'm going to create some fat stores.” Now people are gaining fat. They're going like, “Oh my gosh, I need to go into weight loss. Maybe I'll do this diet or that diet.” Maybe they’ll lose some weight and they gain it back. They go, “Why am I gaining my weight back?” I tell you why, you're toxic. I've seen people with gastric bypass. Oh my gosh. They come in here they go, “Yeah. I did well. I lost 180 pounds, but now I've gained back 30.” I'm looking at them with their dark circles under their eyes and their skin is very patchy and greyish. I'd be like, “Yeah. It doesn’t surprise me at all. You're really, really toxic. We got to drop the toxic load. You're never going to be able to keep off fat.”
So, I always say first order protocol, the amount of heavy metals and pesticides and all these parasites pooping and peeing in you all this toxicity, let's clean out that. Let’s clean that stuff out. You'll feel better. You'll have more energy. Your joints won't hurt. It's just going to change. I remember when I first cut to do my first one, I walked onto the court, played basketball. The thing that hit me was like, “Oh my God I didn't have to stretch out for 45 minutes.” I didn’t have to jog for a while. I just went out and played. When I got done I had no body odor. I went, “Whoa, no body odor. Wow. That's amazing.” So, yeah. Getting this deep tissue cleansing is the best amazing gift. The coolest thing is, because I see people come in here all the time and they've got arthritis.
So let's just take Megan. This a great case. Megan came in, 32 years of age, about a year ago. Deep dark circles under her eyes. Had two kids, basketball player in college, amazing athlete, but now, all of a sudden, she started getting fatigued and not feeling well. Gets married and has two kids, she's teaching school and she could just barely get through the day. Her dad's a physician. He tried everything. They put her on Adderall at one time to give her energy. Of course, they gave her the diagnosis, “It's all in your head. You're depressed.” Well, heck yeah she's depressed. No one can figure out what's going on. She tried all kinds of different things. I mean long list. I walked in, I looked at her. Of course I knew right away. She filled out her intake form. I looked at it. Of course the first question we ask is, “How do you poop? What's it look like? What's the smell like? What shape is it in? Is it diarrhea-type? Is it fluffy-like? Is it little rabbit pellets?” So, she of course explained that to me. I go, “Yeah. No one's ever ask you how you poop before have they?” All these years she goes, “No.” I say, “Yeah. Basically Megan, you're full of poop and you need to do some cleansing.”
So she did. Everyone wants to stick their toe in the water and say, “Okay. I’m kind of nervous. Should I do this?” Then they go and they do their first colonic. They come down and go, “Okay. It feels a little better.” They do a couple more. She did our 10-day protocol a year ago. Oh my gosh. She went from pooping once every 3 to 4 days to pooping daily. Dark circles went away. We then nicknamed her Miss Sparkle. Her mother and father looked and went, “Whoa. What happened to you?” Kids had their mom back. She's able to get through the day easier. I mean before, she told me when she went to the zoo with her kids for a day she'd have to sleep for three days. At age 32. There's lots and lots of people like Megan. So if you're like Megan listen to this. You got to find a colon hydrotherapist. You got to do some deep tissue cleansing and not just one or two. You need to do more than one or two. When you're constipated, I tell people that you're going to have to do 7 to 10 immediately and then it's going to take a while to rebuild that muscle and get that back. You're going to get it back. Everyone's different. I don't know how long it's going to take you. But I can tell you this, I did a bunch of colonics early on and then we figured out this whole 10-day process. I have now done 500 colonics. Someone say, “David, why have you done 500 colonics?” Because I keep feeling better and better. I'm 62 years of age and I'm doing stuff I couldn't do when I was 30.
[0:42:16] Ashley James: I love it.
[0:42:17] David DeHaas: Four years ago I refereed 55 basketball games in the span of three weeks, 21 days. I figured I ran about 15 plus miles a day and went skiing on Sunday”. I thought, “Oh my gosh. That is such amazing that at 58 I could do that.” I know. I’m like this old miracle. I've done a lot of research of course throughout the years. I’ve met people who've been in the industry a long time. We all get reinfected of course with the ball of pollution we have. You're going to get reinfected, it's just life. So, think about it, the Essenes were saying 2,000 years ago, “Let's cleanse.” I say to you today, if you want to be well, your first protocol, bowel management. What's the bowels look like? How do you poop? Let's get that well first? Because what if it does work? It's so cheap. It's so inexpensive compared to everything else. I mean everyone comes in here they spent, like I did I spent lots and lots of money, hundreds and thousands of dollars to try to figure out how to get well. You can do some colonics for very, very inexpensive. Average cost of colonic across the country is probably around $100-$125.
[0:43:23] Ashley James: It's a lot cheaper than getting on medications and needing a surgery and being depressed and sick.
[0:43:30] David DeHaas: Oh my gosh. I had a gal come in here. Oh my god. This is a cool story too. So she came in on a Monday. I showed her around. She says, “Okay, I want to do your 10-day wellness retreat.” I said, “Okay.” She said, “But I got seven doctor's appointments this week.” I said, “Okay.” She says, “Can we work around this?” I said, “Well, are they really necessary?” She says, “Well, they're all checkups.” I say, “Well, your choice but if it was me, I'd probably hold off. I mean, that’s about 14 hours of your time. Wait 10 days. Let's see what happens.” She says, “Okay. I'm in.” So she jumps in, 10 days later different lady. Didn't have to go to the doctors, which doctors don't want to hear that.
I always say to people, “Look, this might not be a totally a 100% fix, but if we get your gut clean, if we get the body functioning, you're able to absorb the nutrition then you're going to be able to change. If you go to your Naturopath or whatever, you're going to give absorb those nutrients. The amount of money you spend is going to be a lot less and you're going to make your Naturopath, your homeopath look like a champ because you're getting absorbed. Chiropractors, same thing. I got some chiropractors in town who know what we do. They'll talk to their clients, they'll find out, “Oh yeah, the adjustments aren't working, right?” He says, “Hey, well how often do you go poop?” They'll tell them, “Oh you got to go see the poop guy,” which is me. Dr. Rosie calls me Dr. Pooper, the poop daddy, yeah.
[0:45:00] Ashley James: That is so funny.
[0:45:01] David DeHaas: Anyway, so we get them in here. Then they go back to her or their chiropractor and guess what, the adjustments work because neurons are firing and wiring. You got to get things firing and wiring. If you've got toxic gut, it's not going to fire and wire properly. We got to get that clean, get the gut clean.
Lymphatic fluid. How many people that you've interviewed have talked about breast cancer? People don't understand that lymphatic, taking out lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are not an accessory. They are a very important part of your anatomy. So think about lymphatic. To paint a picture, you've got about 800 lymph nodes in your body. What it does is it basically, think of it kind of as a fancy sponge with a kind of suction tubes and there's these little nodes. They're kind of a one-way flusher. Then what they do is they pick up the intestinal fluids from around the capillaries of your body. It sweeps it up and it takes it up and it dumps it in your vein. Now, for it to get there there's no pump. The pump is us jumping up and down and running and moving. Most of us don't do that enough.
So, we have a machine, we have a vibration machine. We put people on and help move that lymphatic fluid. Most people get done they start itching. I go, “Yup, that's a sign. Your bucket’s full. Your toxic bucket’s really full.” So now that dumps that fluid, 45 pints. Now you got 10 pints of blood, so put that into perspective. The blood’s got to pump, it’s got the heart. Lymphatic doesn't have that luxury. So we got to be moving. Most of us don't move. So it’ll be a mini-tramp, these vibration plates like what we sell here and use here, awesome. Two minutes on that is like one hour of work. So, they're great. So we put them on there, we're moving that, we're getting that lymphatic fluid cleared out, it's dumping into the blood, poor liver’s getting hit with more toxic soup, but as we do that those lymph nodes are not going to get stagnant.
We had a guy come in and he had, I mean, really a lot of blockage and his lymph nodes under his left arm. So we put on that vibration plate and had him basically wipe his hand across his armpit and in five minutes he had stuff moved out of there. Of course you need to do some liver cleansing. So, that's the other part of what is really important to be doing but you can't do liver cleansing until you've done colon cleansing. Because if you're doing coffee enemas for example which, is pretty popular today, what that does, coffee enemas basically help you stimulate the liver to kick out bile, which is great but if your colon, small intestine’s toxic, guess what, the liver says, “Oh my god. There's some toxic stuff down there in the colon. I better reabsorb that.” Now you could get sick.
[0:47:29] Ashley James: Let’s break that down though. I think you’ve hit so many important points and you spoke so quickly. Those that have never heard this before may not have fully gotten the lesson. The liver removes toxins from the body. Actually, we've had a few guests discuss this in detail, but there's a really interesting system where it's almost like part of the immune system that tags, like attach a tag to a toxic chemical to be removed from the body like pesticides and also even hormones. When women are finished with estrogen, the liver converts it into a non-active form of estrogen to get rid of it. Too much of that though can become a toxic level of estrogen and have estrogen dominance. So we have hormones that the liver has to get rid of. We have metabolites the liver has to get rid of. Then we have all of the 80,000 chemicals in our food, water and air plus the artificial crap that's in our food today the liver needs to get rid of it.
So the liver is getting rid of healthy, though doing healthy functions, but then also all the unhealthy stuff that's in our diet the body tags it, the liver detects it, the liver pulls it out of the blood, puts it in the bile to then be released into the small intestine and to hopefully exit the body quickly through our poop. But if we're constipated, meaning if we are not pooping three times a day, we're constipated. If the poop slows down then it gets reabsorbed because bile is a very costly thing for the body to make. So the body is really smart, it will reabsorb as much bile as it can. The problem is that when we were invented, when God invented us or however we arrived here, there weren't all these chemicals so it was safe for our body to reabsorb some bile. Now, there's obesogens and Bisphenol A and microplastics. All of these horrible chemicals, 80,000 plus chemicals in our environment and in our food and water, that the colon cannot tell the difference between healthy bile that it's allowed to reabsorb and bile that actually has attached into it these toxins.
So by having a slower poop basically, having slower bowel movements, we are now reabsorbing these toxins. If we are really constipated as women, we can reabsorb toxic form of estrogen that it gets reactivated and it's an unhealthy form. So there's a lot of bad stuff that can go on by the bowel not moving healthfully enough. So we're obviously, most people are not eating enough fiber, that's one thing. Most people are chronically dehydrated, that's another. But then you're saying most people don't have a really great diet, most people don't have a great microbiome, a healthy microbiome, most people have dysbiosis of some way like bacteria, parasites, fungus, yeast. They've got some kind of overgrowth, some kind of imbalance. If you've gone on antibiotics you likely don’t have a healthy gut biome, unless you really, really, really worked at building a healthy gut biome. So we have that going against us, then they have years and years of eating highly processed crap food, the standard American crap diet like dairy and meat, will rot in the intestines especially if they have constipation on top of that.
So, we have toxic foods. We have toxins getting reabsorbed into the body. We have gut dysbiosis. Now, the colon itself, the muscles have been overstretched, like you said, don't have tonicity. So now physically we have a problem plus all of the nerves that are around the gut and 70% of the immune system that surrounds the gut that has now been compromised. The microvilli that you mention or the finger-like projections like a shag carpet that help absorb nutrients are not functioning because they've been whittled down. Also the small gaps in between them, those junctions in between them, have been compromised. So now there’s leaky guts. We are absorbing partially digested particles, which the immune system is reacting to creating these illnesses like you mention, creating the immune system to overreact to foods and create allergies.
I know many people that heal their seasonal allergies after changing their diet and cleansing. So, all of these things domino. Changing one thing may not make a huge difference like, “Oh, I ate more fiber,” or “I drink more water.” You'll notice actually people do notice some positive results, but it's really this is accumulation of a lifetime of toxic colon that has just tipped over. Now the person is in pain and stiff and feels like they're 90 when they're 30 and is fatigued and just downing the Starbucks every day because they have to just get through the day. They don't know what's wrong with them and they go to their doctor, which MDs have almost zero training in nutrition. They have something like five hours of training. They don't have the tools to teach you what to do. They never ask you how your poop is unless they want to give you a drug. Meanwhile, this is the beginning of health. The beginning, the root cause, the beginning of health is in the gut. So I love that you're painting this picture that it all starts here, but it also all dominoes here.
So we have to look at all of those factors. If you have had a lifetime of this, then changing everything but not doing colon hydrotherapy is really you're missing a big key. You're missing a big component of healing if you still have a toxic colon. So that’s why I think this so important because for some people, it is the last missing key that puts everything back in place.
[0:54:16] David DeHaas: Yeah. The picture I always paint is imagine if you left food in your refrigerator that got moldy and rotted for maybe two or three months or two or three years or how about twenty years or thirty years, right? You can't just throw a probiotic in there or fresh food and expect it to change. I mean, “I'm taking probiotics.” That's great, but the problem is, I mean, it's not going to help much because you're so toxic. Well, we got to clean out the refrigerator. You mentioned some good points. Most people are dehydrated. I was one of those. Makes a huge difference. Give you another great example of a story. A lady came to see us 84 years of age. Her poop problem started when she was in her 20s. In between children, she had her gallbladder out. Next child she had her appendix out. They did a hernia. So hernias, appendix, tonsils the trifecta there says to me you are constipated and of course she was. I remember after her second colonic she called me and she says, “Oh my gosh.” So she just got done cleansing, right? But she went home and she had to poop. She says, “David, that's shocking.” Because she goes once every four or five days. All she could do all day long is just sit in a chair. She said, “I can get up make breakfast, the rest of the day I’m just sitting there.” When she was done she goes, “You know what, I'm 84, I'm going to go back taking up painting. I'm going to start doing some fun stuff.”
It's funny too, I get people come in and they go and they're kind of hunched over and they're shuffling and their joints hurt and they'll tell me, “Well, I really don't have anything wrong.” They got arthritis, they got brain fog. I look at them I go like, “Oh man, you're only living part of your life.” I mean they say, “I'm normal.” What's normal? Jack LaLanne, in my opinion, that's the normal I want to be, right? I want to be able to pull a rowboat across the San Francisco Bay with my teeth at 72. I want to be still strutting around and working my buns off at 90 something years of age. I mean, that should be the normal. Dr. Jensen, he had people hired all around the world and interview and really research who's living long and why are they living long. Of course he did truly determine, it was all because of nutrition value they were getting. Their teeth weren't falling out because they were getting proper nutrition. We don't get proper nutrition. We're buying stuff in boxes and our stores are a 100,000 square feet when we basically need about 3,000 square feet for produce and a few meats. We're eating out of the wrong kind of cookware. We're eating out of the wrong type of containers. You should be drinking out of glass. You shouldn't be drinking out of plastic. You need to throw away your Teflon pans, those non-stick pans are one of most toxic killers. I mean that stuff is just – when I got cleansed, when I got my body cleaned out, what's really amazing, now here's a guy I mean as a kid I raised hogs. I loved pork, I love bacon. Everyone loves bacon, right? So, what I noticed after getting clean is if I eat a food that’s bad for me, if I eat pork, I begin to sweat. If I eat out of a pan, if the food’s been cooked in Teflon, I break out in a sweat. I literally get a, I guess you might say a fever. My body or my teeth will hurt. My body will tell me, “Bingo. Dude, you just put something that they shouldn't put in.”
When your teeth are well, they're secreting a fluid. When they're not well they're taking it in. That's why we get cavities. So, if your body is really at homeostasis it's going to give you a sign. So, I don't even go close to touching any of those foods anymore like I used to.
[0:58:24] Ashley James: I love that you brought up plastics. Don't eat out of plastics or drink out of plastics. I interviewed a Naturopath that was, oh shoot. What's one of the Beatles that’s still alive? Not Ringo, the other one. Paul McCartney.
[0:58:40] David DeHaas: Yeah, Paul McCartney.
[0:58:41] Ashley James: Paul McCartney's wife and Paul McCartney were big vegan activists. She would travel with them and she would bring all of her own food with her. She ate a whole plant-based diet. So when she got breast cancer it was really curious. She was eating so healthy, why'd she got breast cancer? Well, unfortunately she came to this Naturopath and I interviewed him. It was really fascinating because he does a lot of work with cancer. I think he's in Arizona. He's a really old school. He's been, I think, practicing for 40 years. He said, “Let's test.” He figured it out. He actually figured it out. He goes, “Tell me about your routine for the last 50 years. Tell me about your routine. Paint the picture.” He figured out that she was bringing all of her own food. She'd cooked beautiful, beautiful vegan food and put it in Tupperware containers and bring it on tour and heat it all up in the microwave. Then eat her food heated up in plastic. Well, they tested her tumor. They found the exact, he said, “Bring me your Tupperware.” They tested the Tupperware and they tested her tumor. The plastic in her Tupperware was in her tumor. Unfortunately, she came to him too late to save her life, but they got to the root of it. Because there's so much now we know, so much more now than back then that plastics are endocrine disrupters. The body does not know how to handle them. So, if the colon is backed up and the liver is backed up, the body really doesn't know how to handle it and also can't eliminate it. It gets built up and built up.
So, what happens is the body then puts it in our fat cells and stores it there and it disrupts our endocrine system. So it's just so bad. We have to definitely be cautious. I keep saying this in the podcast. If you want to be a statistic, if you want to – one in three people will have a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. That’s the truth in the United States and in all the industrialized countries, it's very similar statistic. One in three people are diabetic or pre-diabetic, one in three people have obesity. The number one cause of death is heart disease. So, here we have these statistics. If you want to be a statistic, keep doing what everyone else is doing. Keep doing what the masses are doing. But if you want to beat the odds and not be a statistic, you have to be a salmon and swim upstream and be the oddball weirdo that doesn't drink out of plastic, that doesn't have Teflon that doesn't do what everyone else is doing. I have right here beside me, you could hear this, this my mason jar. I drink my water out of a mason jar. I like drinking a lot of water.

Photo by Syed Hussaini on Unsplash
[1:01:42] David DeHaas: Awesome.
[1:01:43] Ashley James: So, I got my mason jar here. We travel with all of our food in the glass version of Tupperware basically. My husband bought me as a gift because I told him I wanted it. So, a big purse that's actually a thermos. You could get them at Bed Bath & Beyond. I cook all my food at home. We pack it up in these glass containers and bring our own. We don't you do one-use plastics so we bring our own utensils. When we go out for the day, we bring snacks and bring healthy food with us. We just went to the zoo with our son the other day. We sat by the zebras and I had brown rice, steamed green beans, instant pot sweet potatoes. We just sat there and ate that. I think we had some fruit also. But you have to be kind of oddball. You have to be the black sheep. Yeah. Some people are going to think you're weird or criticize you. You might lose some friends but those people weren't going to support you in your health goals. You'll find new friends and find a new community that are totally into wanting to be healthy.
I just got to this point where it's like I rose above it. I'm like, “Yeah, this who I am. I'm that oddball health nut that won't eat something that isn't organic. You know what? Because my body notices the difference.” Because when I ate the standard American crap diet, I was so sick. I was in my 20s. I lost my 20s. I did not get to enjoy my 20s. I was so sick. I was a prisoner trapped in my body and I was incredibly ill. I'm in so much pain emotionally and physically from being sick. I had to really make some big changes. I'm still making changes. I'm still adjusting. I'm still growing. I'm still gaining health.
You're never done with this. You’re never done learning to be healthy, but it does start with this mindset. I think that when you shift to this mindset of I'm going to do the opposite of what the masses is doing and look towards natural medicine, then going and sticking a tiny tube up your butt and washing your colon with water really isn't that far-fetched.
[1:04:05] David DeHaas: Well, exactly. I was like everyone else. I was the addicted two Reese’s peanut butter cups, two Snickers bars, 5-6 Coca Cola's a day, hardly drank water.
[1:04:21] Ashley James: Well, you only ate two Reese's? Isn’t there three Reese's in a package?
[1:04:24] David DeHaas: Well, back in the day it was two.
[1:04:26] Ashley James: Oh, okay. I was going to say what happened to the third one man? It’s three Reese’s for me.
[1:04:29] David DeHaas: I got gypped. Anyway, of course there’s Big Macs, fries, Burger King, Wendy's. Yup, that's all the fast-food. That was the life that I knew. I remember people telling me, “You need to drink more water.” Why do I need to drink more water, I'm drinking Coke, right? So, when things get bad enough you got to start making some changes. I always convey to people, look at it, whether you're a meth addict, a heroin addict we've had smoking people coming here that’s been smoking for 40 years can't quit. It's all the chemicals. What happens now is your autonomic nervous system it goes like, “Yeah, we want those chemicals, David. You know what, we're going to turn things on to make you go get those chemicals. We want that Snickers. We want that Reese’s. We want that dose of heroin. We want that cigarette.” It's all the same. The addiction’s an addiction. It's just that your body's been conditioned to fire and wire based upon what the chemicals you've given it.
So, when we start detoxifying the body, I've had people smoked for 40 years and in three or four days they're like, “You know I had no craving this morning to smoke, David,” or “My sugar, I tried to eat sugar and they didn’t taste so good,” after the fourth or fifth, sixth day when they're in here. Sometimes the first day we were getting them organic soups and juices. In the first day, “Oh, I didn't like that so much.” But day three or four they're like, “Oh, that was really good. What was it?” I go, “Same food we had the first day.”
So, your autonomic nervous system, look at it, it's telling you, “Dude, give me a cigarette.” You're going like, “Well, I don't want to.” Of course there's people that will, “Just do mantras and look in the mirror and say I am smoker-free and I am going to run and blah blah.” Anyway, you can say that all you want to your brain. Your autonomic nervous saying, “Dude, it ain't going to happen dude. We got you wired. We got you where we want you. Give us some sugar. Give us some smokers. Give us give us whatever.” So, the transformation, you know it's a couple steps forward. Maybe it's half a step back and you keep going forward, you keep doing more cleansing and the toxins start pouring out. Those skin issues you had, the can't sleep at night, you got the frequent urination going on, you're walking like an old man. All these things can be healed and changed but we've got to begin within. Chasing it with chemicals is not going to chase it long-term. So we've got to get this cleaned out well. When you do that, when you get the parasites out, you get the heavy metals start to flowing out. Now your hormones start humming a little better. You start getting, “Oh, I'm making some progress.”
So then, things begin to change. But yes, it's a process. You got to begin someplace and begin doing it and just don't stop, keep going.
[1:07:19] Ashley James: I have a fun, fun story. My experience with colon hydrotherapy, when I was a kid I was totally grossed out by it. My mom brought me to Dr. D'Adamo, the man who wrote the book Eat Right for Your Blood Type. He was our Naturopath when I was six, not his son. He's passed away because he lived a ripe old age. His son now has continued on the legacy. So there's Peter D'Adamo and James D'Adamo. So the father, the original D'Adamo, he was my Naturopath growing up. I went from being very sick to being incredibly healthy overnight. It was amazing. He looked at my eyes and my ears and took my blood. He said to me, “You are allergic to milk, yeast, wheat and sugar. Stay away from them.” I looked at him and I knew those were the ingredients of chocolate bars because my favorite chocolate bar was a Coffee Crisp, which isn't sold here, it's a Canadian chocolate bar, at age six. I said, “Well, when can I have a chocolate bar?” He said, “Once every blue moon.” I thought that meant once a month so I was pretty happy about that. Little did I know my life was totally going to change. We came home and she threw out everything in the pantry. We basically ate a more whole foods diet, switched to soy milk, really gross thick soy milk because there wasn't really cool options like there are now. We went wheat-free. So, we didn't eat much gluten because we were wheat-free. They didn't know what gluten, gluten wasn’t a thing back in the 80s.
So we just ate a lot of real food: brown rice, legumes. We did have meat because he said O blood type should eat it and lots of vegetables and I took his supplements. Overnight I went from being sick all the time to not being sick once. If I caught a flu, it lasted 12 hours. If I’d get a fever, I go to sleep, I'd wake up I'd be fine. I even had German measles and it was kind of like a three-day cold. It wasn't that big of a deal. I just sat around and watched some movies and then it was over. It was pretty interesting that my body was buzzing with health. Then I hit 13 and I rebelled. I stopped the supplements and I started eating all the cafeteria food at school. I totally rebelled against my mom and all her hippy woodoo, voodoo health stuff because she was totally into it. I spent my teenage years totally rebelling. I paid for it in my 20s and then I had to spend all my 30s up until now reclaiming my health. So, I've had the experience, it's sort of like rags to riches to rags to riches again.
In that, in my childhood, my mom would go for colonics. She'd come home and tell me how amazing it was. I think she was a wackjob, crazy and thought that was the grossest thing in the world. Of course a 7-year-old or a 9-year-old or a 12-year old doesn't want to hear that a doctor is putting a tube up their butt and water and all that stuff, but my mom would say, “You can see your poop and you can see what's coming out of you. It's so cool. There's this little viewing tube and you could see stuff.” My mom totally thought it was the coolest thing. Her girl friend who's Japanese saw a giant tapeworm because the water comes out slowly and there was this viewing tube. She saw a giant tapeworm as long as her intestines and she stopped eating sushi that day. I was just like, “Are you kidding me?”
Interesting that Dr. D’Adamo’s clinic when it was in Toronto, they would use an enzyme in the water from a cactus. Have you ever heard of this? It wasn't just pure water, it was water plus an enzyme that they said would also help to break down the stuff that was kind of caked on. Have you heard of that?
[1:11:07] David DeHaas: No, I haven’t.
[1:11:08] Ashley James: Yeah. I've talked to a lot of other colon hydrotherapist and no one's ever heard about it. So, I was just really curious that they would do that in the water along with everything. So, my first experience was my mom basically telling me it’s cool. Of course I'm a kid so I think everything my mom tells me is not cool. That I had to come back around and realize how cool it actually was. I wish my mom was alive today and I could go back and tell her, “Oh my gosh, everything you said it was right.” It's so funny. We come around. We come full circle and we realize our parents were right.
When I was really, really sick in my 20s I had some sessions of colon hydrotherapy. It felt as though I got some relief from it, but I hadn't changed my diet, I hadn't changed anything else so it wasn't a permanent lasting change. I think I did about 10 sessions in my 20s. I got bought like a punch card with this woman, like a whole package and kept coming back every few weeks. Like I said, I didn't change anything else. So, you can't just do it and keep eating crap food and keep smoking and keep drinking alcohol and still think that it's going to save your life. It's really helpful but you have to also make the changes throughout your whole life.
Then back in 2011, I was probably at the peak of my, well almost at the peak of my sickness. I had gone organic. We had figured out to eat organic food, which stopped my constant chronic infections. I thought that was really neat that just by switching to organic, my body responded really quickly to that. I still had polycystic ovarian syndrome. I was still type 2 diabetic. I still had chronic, chronic adrenal fatigue. I was exhausted all the time. I couldn't lose weight. No matter what I did I was constantly dieting and constantly felt like I was a failure because I would fail every diet. What happened was I get really sick every time I lost weight. Well, I didn't realize until years later my liver was so backed up that every time I lost weight my liver couldn't process all the toxins being released from the fat. Then I would get very sick and I'd have an over toxic reaction.
Well, in 2011 I met a Naturopath who got me on supplements and told me to go gluten-free. He told me to eat more whole foods. Within days of doing that I started to drop pounds of water like just pounds of water came off of me from cutting out some bad foods. What's really interesting is that I noticed that my body put off an odor and my stool put off an odor, a heavy, heavy burning rubber. Like if you ever smelled tires, like car tires that were burning. It was a stench so putrid and it was coming off of my breath, off of my body odor, but mostly out of my bowels. I was feeling really off. So I called this Naturopath and I told him what was going on and he said, “You need a colon hydrotherapy session now.” So I called up the one in Seattle. It's called Tummy Temple. I called them up and I was their last appointment of the day and I went in and it was like amazing. It was amazing. So I had already, I changed my diet. I was on supplements. I was moving in a healthy direction but then adding the colon hydrotherapy was exactly what I needed. The funny thing is, you know it's serendipity. The colon hydrotherapist, it turned out she used to be the neighbor of my Naturopath. They actually knew each other on Vashon Island. So, it was just really neat how it all came. It all kind of was confirmation. She's like, “Yeah, who sent you?” Then I told her and then she goes, “Oh my gosh, we used to be neighbors. I’m friends with his wife”
So, I just thought that was interesting because he was in a different state so I didn't think like, “Why would they know each other?” But that was confirmation. So I did about 10 sessions. In addition to the eating healthier way, in addition to supplements, in addition to everything I was doing, it was the final sort of key. I dropped 25 pounds in that month, between the water weight that I lost. My ring size went down one-and-a-half ring sizes so I know I lost water weight. My rings went flying off my hands. Six months later they were still flying off my hands so we got them resized and that was nine years ago and my rings still fit fine. So I really lost a ton of water weight kind of edema and inflammation. I know I also lost whatever was caked on in there in my gut.
My husband, his bowel movements for his whole life were between one poop every week sometimes two poops a week. I didn't know that about him until we started working with Naturopaths because they asked. That's something I didn't know about him. Because it’s not like you follow your husband around and want to know like what he's doing in the bathroom. I thought that was really crazy because for me at least I went every day. I knew I did but he was going like once a week. So he had some colon hydrotherapy sessions, which were great. What really helped him though was eating a gut-healing soup and I have the recipe on my website. It's just a soup that is just filled with cabbage and beets and other gut-healing vegetables and we made into a puree. He drank it every day for one meal a day. So he still ate all the other food he ate but he just added it. So for one meal a day he had the soup. After seven days, and that was coming up on six years ago, he now goes three times a day.
[1:17:14] David DeHaas: Woohoo.
[1:17:15] Ashley James: I know. So, food can also heal the gut. The food could harm the gut and food can heal the gut. But colon hydrotherapy was we both used it at this moment in our life when we made the shift. We shifted our diet to eat heating healthy food. We shifted supplement. We shifted our lifestyle. We started drinking water instead of crap. Shifting everything and then adding colon hydrotherapy was like I don't think we would have gotten the same results if we hadn't added it, if that hadn't been part of shift.
[1:17:49] David DeHaas: Speeds up everything, yeah. I've got a couple of chemo doctors who are patients that went through chemo and they're sending people here to now detox and clean out the body afterward. So some people are going to choose that. Yeah. So, let's get those chemicals out of the blood and out of the liver. That's awesome though. I mean, what a big win. Actually, the dairy industry they've got a slogan, “Three a day, your yogurt your cheese and your milk. You got to have three a day,” which of course going to make you have asthma and plug up things. I’m thinking, “No, no.” We even have a shirt that says, “Three poops a day.” “Poop like a boss.”
[1:18:28] Ashley James: If a food has to market to you, don't eat it. When they have to promote something to force you, there's no commercials for broccoli or kale. The really good healthy foods, the advertising dollars come from an industry that wants to make sure you eat it. So, just don't take your nutrient nutritional advice from marketing. You know what I mean? That's just…
[1:18:59] David DeHaas: Exactly. Well, right now I mean, so people are on a celery stick right now, which is celery’s great but it's got to be organic. If you eat non-organic celery you are just speeding up the amount of pesticides and chemicals in your body. You're just getting a straighter shot of pesticides, really. So, yeah it's going to make things, “Well, but I can't afford it, David.” I say, “Well, you're going to be spending some money here in the future.” “Oh, but I have insurance that covers it.” “Yeah, but you’re going to be sick and you're going to die earlier.” So, choose how you pay, choose when you're going to pay, but an investment now in good food and it's not that much more. It's really not that much more. I mean, I tell people. They'll employ people I said, “Look.” I had a gal come in if I have to call her employer to tell him what she would be doing. She already missed two months of work. She had to cover one eye to be able to see the screen. She couldn't squeeze her hand to hold the remote. I'm thinking, okay, he's paying her $10 an hour. I go, “No, you're not. You're paying her about $60 an hour because she's only working, you're not getting a full day out of her. So I mean about 30% of your employees I mean they’re brain fog. The lack of critical thinking, the no energy to get things done. Everything that slows down and it's costing the employers in this country. Billions of dollars just in lost time and wages because people are, “I got to get coffee and a doughnut so I can stay awake,” or “Oh, I'm sorry I missed that order. I couldn't finish that sale because I wasn't thinking clearly enough. Oh, I forgot to dot the Is there on that contract. Whoops.”
So, this goes deep. I mean, not being able to function and be cognitive is affecting a whole host of industry and businesses.
[1:20:52] Ashley James: But it’s profiting. It’s profiting some businesses and industries.
[1:20:55] David DeHaas: Well, the chemical industries love it, but if you're an employer and you got people working for you, spend the money. Don't spend it on insurance. Spend it on getting your body detoxed and cleansed and some nutrition in people. Rip out those Coca-Cola and Pepsi machines. Rip out the microwave, throw that away and let's get whole food in the gut. Let’s get the gut well.
[1:21:20] Ashley James: Yeah. I had the CEO of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition on my show recently.
[1:21:24] David DeHaas: Yeah, I listened to that.
[1:21:25] Ashley James: You did? Yeah. They have free avocados.
[1:21:27] David DeHaas: I got bowls of avocados. Yeah. Avocados. I was going like, “Awesome.”
[1:21:32] Ashley James: Right, because if someone owns a business and they have employees, “They're thinking, man free avocados. That's going to add up. But if you have your employee eating healthy fats, healthy whole foods, that's a healthy snack instead of some kind of packaged food with MSG that's going to jack up their brain. The quality of their work is going to be better if they're eating healthy. That just makes sense. I mean, to paint the picture of the contrast between my life now, the quality of my life now and the quality of my life five years ago, I was on a health kick five years ago. I've been on a health kick since 2008. I've been desperately seeking health actively, daily every minute of my life and every moment of my life since 2008. The contrast, even five years ago to now, I wake up and my brain is on. I am jumping out of bed. I am effortlessly going to the gym. I was just thinking that this morning in the gym when I was doing cardio, I'm like, “This is effortless. I could not do this five years ago. The feeling of ease in my body and my brain and my brain's ability to be here with me. Even at night, it'll be 7:00 at night now. I won't want to wind down, although I know it's healthy, I know I should be winding down. I still have my full cognitive ability to be here and to keep going if I needed it.
I thought that was really cool because five years ago, I even then felt really strained in the morning. Brain fog would happen. I'd have to really push myself to motivate myself or I'd need a substance like some kind of beverage to get me going. I don't have that anymore. That makes a huge difference in the quality of a worker, right? In both respects, I was still on my health path. I was still doing healthy things, but the changes I've made in the last few years have made it so that I am like always on. So I'm just thinking, imagine if all of the employees out there were at their 100% capacity? How much more profitable would an employer be? So it really is in the best interest of an employer to invest in the health and the environment, the health of the environment and the health of the individual employee. That makes total sense. What would you say? You think employers should pay for their employees to come do your 10-day detox?
[1:24:15] David DeHaas: Yeah, definitely. If you think about, every business has got their ROI, the return on investment, right?” If you're missing out on sales. You’re missing on getting things done properly in your business that money is leaking. It's seeping out of your business. I see it all the time. I’ll give you a great couple of other stories. This gal was about 21 years of age. College wasn't great for her. She had a hard time with college. So, she was working here part-time and working someplace else. She'd come in here. She's always smiling happy. Her church sent her on a mission. I’m thinking, “Oh, man. She's going to go to Boston Massachusetts.” Yeah, go away from home. There’s going to be stress. She’s kind of in that sick not sick state. I told her, “So McKenzie, we're going to give you a 10-day cleanse.” She was so excited.
So, before they go on this mission I guess they have a talk at the church. She was like, “Oh my gosh. I never talk. I escape talking. I don't want to be in front of the public.” Now she's got to go on a mission she’s going to be talking to a lot of people. So, she does her cleanse and during this cleanse, she had to give her talk. On day eight, she’d just done her liver cleanse. She comes in, of course her skin's looking brilliant. She comes in the door and she's smiling. I go, “McKenzie, how'd it go?” She goes, “Oh my gosh, it was amazing.” I said, “Well, tell me about it.” She says, “People come up to me after. I talked.” Then they say, “Oh my gosh. McKenzie, where have you been? That was an amazing speech. That was incredible. We've never heard you speak like that ever.” She goes, “You know what, David?” I go, “What?” She goes, “I can't think.” I went a couple of weeks later and she had to speak again. I listened to this and she like knocked it out of the park. The missionaries that have been away for a year or two years, some of them came back. They've been out two years. They came back, they talked. She nailed it. I mean, here's a gal who struggled with school.
So, if you got kids out there struggling with school, you might want to give him some colonics, you might want to start thinking about, “I need to detox and cleanse to get those neurons.” Because brain, let’s talk about brain. Where does the brain connect? Transverse colon. If you got headaches, migraines, brain fog, bipolar all the transverse colon. Our colon hydrotherapist Chandra, she came to us in 2013 and she had been having migraines once a month for 12 years since 9/11/2001, interestingly enough. This put her out for about a week. For a week. 144, and my wife looks at her and says, “Oh yeah, you got parasites.” My wife's amazingly intuitive. She goes, “I do?” She says, “Yep.” So she does the 10-day process. Guess what, it's been six years, no migraines.
[1:27:10] Ashley James: Love it.
[1:27:11] David DeHaas: I know. I mean, it's just firing and wiring neurons to nerves. Let's detoxify the body. If you're not pooping like we've talked about, three times a day. If you eat and you don't poop, you've got a problem. So, let's poop. Poop well.
[1:27:28] Ashley James: Okay. Well, this idea of parasites being in the biofilm of the gut. The biofilm is like this film that coats the gut. When we have a colon hydrotherapy session we're washing the colon. Do we lose good bacteria? Does it wipe out the microbiome that's housing the good bacteria? How does it get rid of the bad stuff but not get rid of the good stuff?
[1:28:01] David DeHaas: Great question. Okay. I’m getting back to my refrigerator analogy. If you've got old rotting gunky stuff in your trunk, in your colon guess what, your microbiome is already destroyed. If you've had antibiotics, your microbiome has been destroyed. We've got to clean it out and re-establish. So, you're not going to get out all the bacteria. I mean, this colon hydrotherapy session is going to go into your colon. It will not going to go into your small intestine, but once we get the colon working right, guess what's pulling it’s creating peristalsis and then stuffs coming out of your small intestine. We're doing some other things up top to push things through. Once you start cleaning that out and getting that well and you give it a way to move, then you can put again like putting fresh fruit in the refrigerator that's been cleaned, there's no molding anymore. Then that microbiome is going to be reestablished. Look at it, my feet were totally black. I had fungus, severe Candida `yeast and I was able to use cleansing to reestablishment. I had psoriasis. My arms, it blew up. Oh my gosh, it was so horrible.
Let's think about what happened to old David? Well, when I was young kid my mother says, “Oh, I think I should have the kids. I think I should take them to the dentist. I think I'll go take him to Dr. so-and-so, okay.” So, of course he was one of those that was the drill fill-in bill and next thing you know I've got a cavity. Every time I went to him I had a new cavity. I got what in my mouth? I got mercury? Then later, “Let's put a gold filling in there, David, that’ll be better.” No. So mercury, and I met Dr. Hal Huggins in 2004, I had 13 amalgam fillings and a root canal. I got them all removed at once. Had to go out of the country to do it up to Toronto. He supervised it. But what was amazing is that when you have mercury leaking yeast Candida is there to protect your body from mercury from converting to methyl mercury, which is far worse. So, of course I had yeast Candida, which means I'm craving carbohydrates. So if you're craving carbohydrates and you've had mercury in your body and by the way, there's so many sources of mercury. If you've had them out and you didn't have them out properly and even if you did, there's still mercury in your tissues of your body.
So it's a process of continuing to cleanse out the body and using chelators and herbs and things to help pull those out the whole time. But again, if the pathway is blocked things aren't sailing out like they should be. But I got those mercury fillings out and I went to Huggins the next day and I say, “Oh my god. Doc, I dreamt last night. I saw movies in full cinematic color. It was like freaking awesome.” I used to have frequent urination at night. I'd go to the bathroom seven-eight times a night, which means I wasn't really sleeping. That went away. That went away.
[1:31:04] Ashley James: Interesting.
[1:31:05] David DeHaas: I know. Of course, most people had antibiotics. What do antibiotics do? They destroy everything. So you've had your antibiotics, I just had a customer here to cleanse, he had tons of antibiotics every day for a long time. It’s amazing. So, antibiotics are destroying your microbiome. So most people have probably already destroyed it, but we got to clean everything out and let's reestablish it. You can do that pretty quickly through nutrition supplements and through foods and so forth, but until you get the old gunk out and get that those heavy metals out, it's a tough go.
[1:31:43] Ashley James: So you, for example, have been doing cleansing for a long time so you don't have this rotting gunk for 20 years in you. So when you get a colon hydrotherapy session, does that wipe out your good bacteria? How does that work? How do you maintain a really healthy bacterial colony, a diverse bacterial colony in your gut and use colon hydrotherapy on a regular basis?
[1:32:08] David DeHaas: Yeah, good question. So there's a couple of ways we do that. So we do that with what we call reforestation with proper nutrition. We can do it also with foods, but again, if you've got old stuff sitting in there and every once in a while, David will go off and maybe eat some things he probably shouldn't be, maybe travel, a little stress. So, I come do a colonic and oh my gosh, it feels so much better. So yes, through prebiotics, probiotics, foods, sauerkraut, kimchi. All those things going to help reestablish. You got to work here with your Naturopath or your chiropractor who's versed in this and your colon hydrotherapist of course.
So, on our 10-day protocol when we people come here and spend 10 days with us, they've got about 50 hours of being in our office because we're doing a lot of education. We’re giving you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of education. In fact, one gal speaks to me. “Oh my god.” She goes, I would have gone to how many umpteen seminars to even get close to all and spend how much money but I've gotten these last 10 days.” So we were to give you a lot of education so you really understand what's going on so when you leave you really understand how your body works, why you want to be eating those foods. Again, you get rid of the chemicals, now you're not craving the things you used to crave. We teach you how to muscle test so when you go to the store, hey, people call me “Well, David, should I take this?” I go, “You know what, what's your body say?” Your body knows. So we teach them how to muscle test so they can go to the store. People always laugh. I always see people looking at me when I’m muscle testing for something. But they do it. They'll pick up an apple or an orange or they'll pick up some food in a box and it goes, my body want this, is this safe for my body? They go, “Oops, no. Well, maybe not have that.”

Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash
[1:33:55] Ashley James: I love it. It's so funny. Yeah, kinesiology is really interesting. There's this gluten-free market. I don't go there often but once I a while my son wants something processed that’s gluten-free. So we go there for some certain, there's this vegan bread that's gluten-free or whatever. So once in a while a treat for him. I was in there looking at some new stuff they had. This woman was poring over these different brands of bread. She's like, “I don't know.” She goes, “I normally don't eat bread. I just really want to try one. I don't know which one's going to help me or which one's going to harm me.” I said, “Have you muscle tested? The guy who works there looked at me like I had two heads. He was horrified. He was just silently horrified I could tell. Somewhere along my life I gave up that embarrassment should bother me. I'm going to be myself no matter what. I can't control other people or what they think of me. So, I I'm just okay with that. I'm not going to let embarrassment stop me from helping someone.
So she put her stuff down and I showed her. I said, “Have you ever muscle tested?” She didn't, had never heard of it before. I said, “Put your arm out.” I did the experiment. It's like think about something you really, really don't like and just hold your arm, try to keep her arm up. I just push on her arm like with four ounces of pressure. She can't even keep her arm up. She was like, “What.” I said “I just take two fingers and just push on her arm.” I said, “Okay, now think about someone you love, think about love.” I pushed down on her arm as hard as I could and it wouldn't budge, I couldn't move it. I said, “Okay. So now, close your eyes so you don't know which package I'm giving you. So like your conscious mind can in your fear and just hold it into your energy field and then hold your arm up.” So just with two fingers I'm just gently pushing on her arm. We tested all three and there was clearly one was a very strong. She could keep her arm up. I said, “Okay. This is the one.” She felt it. She could feel. When she really got quiet and felt her energy and felt her body and felt the tension or the relaxation in her body when she held that item, she could feel that there was strength or that there was a weakness that would overtake her depending on which package she was holding. So she thanked me and got that package.
I thought that was really neat that we can use this when we kind of come to a crossroads. Obviously we should use our cognition, read the label. That's my first step is use my conscious recognition of ingredients. If I don't recognize, if an ingredient looks suspicious, I don't need to eat that. If I read it and there's tons of ingredients in it that aren't really meant for human consumption, I don't need that. If it comes to whether I should have an apple or banana, not a banana because I’m allergic to bananas, but whatever an apple or an orange then yeah it can be fun to do muscle testing to choose as one of the tools in our tool belt. I think the most important thing is that we start listening to our own intuition and use muscle testing as sort of like after we've checked in with our intuition, after we've checked with our conscious mind let's just check with our neurology and see what our neurology is saying about this item as a third check. So I think that's really cool that you teach that.
Can you walk us through and pretend like we are coming to your clinic for a 10-day detox and wellness retreat in Boise, Idaho. Beautiful Boise, right? Tell us what it looks like. So do we stay at a hotel? What do we eat? Just tell us the whole thing like we're preparing to come to your clinic.
[1:37:51] David DeHaas: Sure. So prior to arriving, you're going to get a book and some videos you're going to watch. You're going to get about three and a half hours of just understanding some basic things that you need to be aware of before you come in. The power of the mind, what you eat the supplements you're going to take and so forth. We give you all the supplements that you need for this cleanse. So everything is inclusive. Then when you come in, so the first morning you come in you probably go back and grab a juice, organic juice. If you're coming in midday you might decide to have some organic soup. Then you'll go off and you'll meet with my lovely wife Wendy, who is an amazing intuitive healer. We have a pulse frequency machine that is called the on-demand. I don't know if you're aware of it but we use it and we start muscle testing right away. We want to get the body back to balance. So it's using pulsed frequency to help, as I say, clear the blockages so that the energy grid in your body is now unblocked so that the power lines are running true.
[1:38:51] Ashley James: Is this machine, you put it on the wrists and on the head?
[1:38:57] David DeHaas: No. Well, there’s a couple of devices. You can put it a couple different ways, but basically there's one that goes around your neck, there's one you can hold and there's one that goes around your belly or your knee or wherever you're working on. So, you've taken your supplements that that morning, there's going to help there. Then they’re there to move stuff through. Then you're going to go and you may watch an educational video. For example we are going to teach you a bunch of emotional tools. So we all got our emotional stuff and at the end of the day what create all this disease is your emotional stuff. I mean we pick up stuff from when we were little kids and most of us have got cell memory that we locked on to that bad event that happened maybe it's someone at recess that said, “Hey, you're stupid,” or “I think you're ugly,” or the teacher says, “You’re not going to be very good,” or whatever it was. Maybe you saw a horrific accident or something. So we have cell memory and these patterns keep rolling and we keep creating. So we're going to teach you a bunch of tools to help break that pattern.
Then you're going to maybe get on our whole body vibration machine, which is going to help move lymphatic fluid and while you're on it you're going to watch another video, another educational piece. Then you may go away on our infrared biomat for a half hour. On some days we may be doing some energy work on you or you may just be in there in a meditative state. You may then go back to my wife for some more instruction. There's some reading material every day. We give you a lot of emotional tools, we give you a lot of stuff to look at. Some things may resonate with you really, really well and other things not so much. It's all good because it's your cleanse and every cleanse we tailor to that person. So, occasionally I get someone says, “Well, what are you going to put my mind? Are you going to like woo?” or people, you better be careful if you go there maybe they might have some religious thing that they do.
No. So, this is your cleanse. When you come here it's all about you. I don't care what your religion is or what your beliefs are. It doesn't matter to us. This journey is for you and you're going to go through it. We don't get caught up in religions and all that stuff.
[1:41:03] Ashley James: You yourself are Christian. I saw a cross behind you. So, I know I have a lot of Christian listeners. So you’re a Christian though and if someone came in there Christian you honor their religion. If someone came and they're of a different religion you honor them like Christ would. You respect people for who they are and where they are. You're just there to help them heal and love on them.
[1:41:28] David DeHaas: Exactly. It's all about self-love. We teach you how to self-love yourself. Most people would begin there. We give you the exercise. Let's say mirror work every day. I love myself. I love myself love. A lot of people, that's really hard to begin with. I've had every religion, non-religion, atheists, agnostics, Jews, Muslims, cults. I mean, I've had everyone come here. When they come to get done they go, “Oh my gosh.” I've had one gal and she’s been everywhere with cleanses and in yoga retreats and all this stuff. She found us somehow and she came here from, she passed like 100 colon hydrotherapist to get to us including her own in California. She comes to us, she said, “I just went. My dad died. I wanted to get away. I want to get rebooted.” She says, “I had no clue all this stuff you did.” I said, “Well, what do you get out of it? She goes, “Oh David.” I go, “What?” She goes, “I’m now, at 66 years of age, I get it.” I say, “What do you get?” She says, “I get the connection between me and God.” I go, “Really?” Now, we don't necessarily teach that but just because of all the cleansing, getting rid of parasites, getting that toxic load out of the body. We serve up all this information, right? I’m going to tell people, “You're going to gravitate to whatever you need to gravitate to and you're going to pull from that and you're going to get what you need to get. I'm not going to get in the way of that. You are going to pick that out.” I always tell people, “When you come here, don't get overwhelmed because we give you a lot of stuff but be like Nemo.” Remember the movie Nemo? He had to get to Australia to find his dad, right? He's out there, he's swimming so hard. He go, “Hey Nemo, get in the flow.” He goes, “Flow, yeah. Get in this current and it's going to be easy.” So Nemo jumps in the current. Poof, easy path to Australia.
So, that's the way it is in our journey is that at the time when we're ready, the information you need and like I say, we serve up a big buffet of information and tools. I've had people sometimes like, “No. I don't want to do that.” I’m like, “Okay, don't do that.” They'll be like, “Wow, this is awesome. I'm going to do this, this, this and this.” So, it's a buffet table of those tools, emotional tools. It's interesting, at the end of the day as we start, like this gal just said to me, “David, I came here purely for a physical cleanse.” I go, “Yeah, what did you get?” She goes, “I've been doing emotional work for years and years.” I go, “Yeah?” She goes, “I just did so much in 10 days. It's amazing. She couldn’t even put it in words,” So, I hear that all the time. Again, it's not something we dish up and say, “Hey, you're going to come here and cleanse emotionally.” Because some people kind of freak out and get worried about that. But the reality is is that if you're open to it you and you're willing, it may happen.
It's been pretty cool watching the happenings. The reason why I'm so excited about this is I get to watch these miracles happen. Not only physically. We have people fill out an exit form where they'll go put a Google review. It's really interesting to me how many people say, “Not only did I heal, my eyesight's better,” or “my Lyme disease is not like it was, it's gone” or “my joints feel better, I'm walking,” whatever that is, they'll say, “Not only do I feel physically better but emotionally, mentally and spiritually.”
So, anyway. So you'll do that. You'll do [unintelligible], you'll get in the colonic bed. Usually people say, “That colonic, I really love being on the colonic bed.” So, even if they come in nervous and kind of scared about it they get done and they go, “Yeah, that's awesome. Give me some more of that.”
[1:44:58] Ashley James: How many colonics do they do in the 10-day cleanse?
[1:45:01] David DeHaas: 10 days.
[1:45:01] Ashley James: Oh. So they get a colonic every day.
[1:45:04] David DeHaas: Every single day. All these tools I mentioned to you, they do every single day. That's why they're here five hours. Then they'll go to their hotel. In the middle of that session they may go get some more organic soup and juice and so forth and hang out. People tell us that they can feel the love. I think we got a really good environment. They feel safe and they're really able to let go. At the end of the day it's about letting go, letting God and just boom, letting it happen.
[1:45:34] Ashley James: Yeah. Do they only eat when at your clinic because they're on a cleanse or do they also eat out at restaurants? What does that look like?
[1:45:43] David DeHaas: Most people do not eat at restaurants. I've had a few that that feast for days. They were like, wanted to go have something. But no, they will at the Candlewood Suites is where we recommend most people stay. They've got a little place you can cook stuff or they'll take the soup home from us. So they may have a little something, something, maybe an organic hard-boiled egg or they'll have some soup. It's a soft food diet so you're not fasting. So soft food means what? It means, hey, if you have a yam don't eat the peeling, don't have an apple and eat the peeling. Don't have nuts or seeds, don't have a salad. We want you to be very soft food diet. We want to give the digestive system a break because you're pushing things through and moving things through and we want that carpet to re-heal and rebuild and regenerate and it will do it very, very fast. It's amazing how fast that.
So if you got nuts and seeds you don't want to put a carpet down over nuts and seeds. You want to make sure that pathway’s clear and open. So, you don't starve, the food's good and if you want to eat something else when you leave here, we coach you up on what to eat. So just basically the soft food diet. So that could be some scrambled eggs. That could be anything soft food. But again, we teach people first of all, anything you put in your mouth, you got to masticate. Chew it until it’s juice.
[1:47:00] Ashley James: Chew everything. Everyone all the time should chew their food more. That's a really great advice because it stimulates the liver and the pancreas to immediately create digestive enzymes and tells the stomach to get digestive enzymes going. We do not chew our food enough. There was a listener, we have a great Facebook group, the Learn True Health Facebook group. We had a listener once say or once type into the Facebook group something along the lines of, “Do I have digestive problems? I can see the food I ate like maybe it was olives or corn or something but in the toilet basically.” It was funny how many people wrote back like, “You're not chewing enough. You need to chew your food.”
[1:47:45] David DeHaas: Here's the song you need in your brain, chew, chew, chew, because it’s the right thing to do. Chew, chew, chew, because it’s the right thing to do. Yeah.
[1:47:54] Ashley James: And you just keep going.
[1:47:55] David DeHaas: Keep chewing. I had a gal. Oh my gosh. She told me she had last eaten popcorn eight years ago and what came out during the cleanse? Popcorn seeds.
[1:48:06] Ashley James: Oh my gosh.
[1:48:08] David DeHaas: My mom had eaten cilantro, I remember this, it came out. There's a parasite that came out and it had cilantro. I go, “Did you eat cilantro last night?” She goes, “The last time I had cilantro was like three months ago,” but yet this parasite had had it.
[1:48:21] Ashley James: Had what? The parasite was like attached to some cilantro?
[1:48:25] David DeHaas: Yeah. We had, speaking of parasites, oh my gosh. We had a gal that spent about $72,000 over the period of four years taking nutrition and supplements to help get rid of her parasites. She said to me, “David,” and she appear like sick or unhealthy but she says, “God, if I could cut this down,” I said, “Well, let's just jump on the cleanse.” So she did. She spent fifteen days with us. She had amazing buckets of rope worms. It's on our Youtube channel. That’s probably the most viewed video.
[1:48:55] Ashley James: I watched some of the videos on your YouTube channel of the parasites coming out of people. It’s pretty awesome.
[1:49:01] David DeHaas: Yeah. Anyway, she took it back to her Naturopath and the Naturopath goes, “What are you guys doing? What's happening here?” So, yeah. She got out a bunch of them. What's amazing to me is it's not the big guys. I get these 4’9”, 117-pound women in here and they've got tapeworm 6’, 10’, 12’, 20’ long. It's like, what? Or nests. I mean nests like softball-sized nests that look like spaghetti coming out. It's amazing. They've been in there for a long time. Don't think that you have to go to a foreign country to get your parasites guys. They’re around us.
[1:49:39] Ashley James: They certainly are. We started this conversation talking about Ann Louise Gittleman. That was my experience when I was around 10. Our family got parasites and we read her book, Guess What Came to Dinner. It was just amazing to me that people assume that because we're in a first world country, we have really clean water and we have shoes on our feet that we don't have any that we're like, we live in a sterile environment. That we're sterile. It's just not the case. Life is dirty and we are animals. We have to get that we're equal to, we're on the same level as cows and monkeys that we are animals. We're animals and so of course we're going to get parasites because all animals get it because that's just how it works. It's our job to deworm ourselves. That's something that we knew as humans to do and animals naturally do it. In the wild they'll eat certain foods to help deworm themselves. They just know what to do, but we don't because we've given up our power to the medical establishment. We've handed over all of our thinking over to this idea that we go to a doctor and the doctor just takes care of our body like a car mechanic.
I remember something was wrong with our car and my husband just handed it over the car mechanic. Then afterward, my husband was kicking himself going, because he went to school for mechanics way back in the day and he goes, “Well, why did I do that? I know exactly how to fix that. Why did I totally just give over my power and just assume that a mechanic would know, that I don't know anything and a mechanic knows everything. I know this stuff. I could have done something about it.” That's the mindset. We get into this mindset that MDs are all-knowing and that we know nothing and that they'll know everything to fix us, but they're not taught everything. So giving over our bodies and waiting to get sick and then going to the doctor and not taking any action, not advocating for ourselves that’s the perfect storm to become a statistic.
So, listening to the podcast like this and learning and then implementing everything you learn, that's how we're going to get as healthy as possible because we have to be our own mechanic, right? We have to listen to our body and go, what's going on? Like you said, people say, “I'm healthy. I don't have anything wrong with me. I'm healthy, but I have headaches and stiff joints and I'm tired all the time and I need coffee to get started in the day and I go only poop once a week.” Well, that's not healthy. Any symptom means you're not healthy and 70% of that of the adults in the United States are on at least one prescription medication, meaning at least 70%, at least 70% of the adult population in the United States is sick. Because they're so unhealthy they need a medication. They've gotten to the point where their body is breaking down and is toxic. A medication is fantastic and life-saving when we need it. Unfortunately though, most people wait to get sick and not take the actions needed. So I love, all the listeners here are turning their life around and learning from people like you so they can be the salmon and go swim upstream, go against the grain and turn their life around and be an example of optimal health. Let's live like Jack LaLanne and we could all live well into our 90s being physically fit. I love that idea. You mentioned liver cleanse in your 10-day detox. What does a liver cleanse look like?
[1:53:36] David DeHaas: Well, the way we do it, we start teaching to you about day four. It's about a three-day process that we had to go. So you're going to be taking some things, some supplements and some herbs and so forth. Then you're going to have a night where you go through a process where you're going to help clear out the liver. You may see a bunch of bile stones come out, usually most people do. What's also interesting about that is that usually after liver cleanse day, Ashley, parasites are starting to really jump out. I think a couple of things really happen during that process is that people finally get to day seven or eight and they realize that, “Oh my gosh, I can let go. It's safe to let go.” So when now the liver is saying, “Oh, wow. We're cleansing out.” The colon is saying, “Yeah, baby. Let's go.” Really, that's the next three or four days they’re on the cleanse it's more than the previous seven days. It's amazing.
So, we've really got to that point even though we may say, “Yeah. Well, why would I block letting go?” Well, emotionally, remember your autonomic nervous system, the guy that’s out there jacking you up because they're still wanting those chemicals to be coming, right? So that's gradually changing. As you're mentally, emotionally and spiritually letting go, then more things let go. One of the other things we really are cognitive is about teaching how powerful we are and how we can use our own energy to heal. I mean, what do I want people leave here? I want them to be able to go back and understand that they can use their energy to help other people heal as well. I mean, we're all-powerful beings. It's just not someone that's got the special gift. People tell me, “My hands are really hot,” which they are. I can feel energy and I can help boost energy in people. But it's the person themselves that are doing it.
So, we're teaching heart coherence, we're teaching the mind-stuff, we're giving them as experts what Bruce Lipton has taught us and Gregg Braden and all these. So we're giving all this these, like I say, buffet table of stuff so that people can really start putting the whole. When I spent 20 years fumbling around, reading all these books and going here and there, we're giving it to you, serving it up all at once so that you can understand that, “Oh my gosh. You mean, I can go home and lay my hands on my son?” For example, I had a gal that came in. This the wart story I call this.
So, she says, “David, my son's got warts.” I go, “Oh. Kids are so easy. Get this. This is what's going to work.” So go home and have your son do these affirmations at night before you go to bed. Just tell him, “I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself.” Let's see what happens in a few days. I tried this with my son. My son had got warts and he had warts for like a couple years. We tried all the stuff, natural stuff, unnatural. We tried everything. Finally one day we got the book from Louise Hay and we pulled up what the cause was and she started saying that information and three days later he had warts and he had one on his foot. He's a very active boy and of course now it hurts to walk. Guess what, the warts were gone in a few days. This gal’s son, same thing. Warts were gone in five days. Kids are so easy. Kids just boom, pick it up because they haven't been so programmed like us adults, but yeah that's cool.
[1:56:55] Ashley James: Is it because it turns off the sympathetic nervous response to say the affirmations?
[1:57:03] David DeHaas: Well, okay. I don't know exactly technically what is happening there. I just do know that when we are putting our energy, our feeling – so Gregg Braden in his book he has the Isaiah Effect. Here's the story, so Gregg was up in these monasteries in Tibet and he's asking the abbots, “How do you pray?” The abbot looked at him with a twinkle in his eye, oh my god. Here's the best question ever, right” Because most people ask the question like, “What do you eat? What do you do? How long you pray?” No, he says, “How do you pray?” Here's where we all screw up, right” We go to church and let's pray for Billy Joe. Her husband's got cancer and she's not feeling well and we're saying, “Oh, yeah. Too bad.” We're sitting there and we're praying with, “Oh my gosh, so sad.” The abbot looked at Greg and he says, “With feelings.” So if you've got the feeling in your body, you change your cells. When you're happy and joyous and have gratitude and gratefulness and happiness, those feelings change chemistry. So, when you're saying I love myself, you cannot test negatively when you say I love myself.
When you do a muscle test and say, “I'm going to try to do something.” What's something you love to do, Ashley? What's just something you love to do?
[1:58:25] Ashley James: Interviews, podcasts interviews.
[1:58:28] David DeHaas: Okay. So, when you say, “I love doing interviews,” you're going to test positive for this. When you say, “I try to do an interview. I hope to do an interview. I want to do an interview. Someday I’m going to.” You test negatively. So, boom. All that energy through your cells changes. So when we're praying or we have a setting an intention and it's an intention with sorrowness, unhappiness, wishfulness. Look at it, things aren’t going to change. I've got a group, this is just something I do on the side, is I've read Lynne McTaggart’s book and I've taken her courses and we do an intention. We've got people on the phone.
[1:59:08] Ashley James: Is that the Power of Eight?
[1:59:10] David DeHaas: Yeah. Power of Eight.
[1:59:11] Ashley James: I'm going to interview her.
[1:59:12] David DeHaas: Oh, awesome.
[1:59:13] Ashley James: Yeah, I'm really excited.
[1:59:14] David DeHaas: Yeah. I've been doing it since last summer. We just set an intention. We put the person in the circle and we're just sending positive energy. Some people feel it and all of a sudden, “Oh my gosh, that pain is gone,” or “This has helped.” So we get into a state of coherence where we're happy. The reality is, when we get sick, we're not happy. We don't have joy. But what if we set the intention like, “I'm healed. I feel great.” You put that joy in your heart, put that happiness, that gratefulness, that relief. Put that through your heart center and express that into happiness. You're going to change. You’re changing chemically. Now, you may not be healed right then, but over time that you're changing energy throughout your whole body and things began to change. I've had people walk come in here bankrupt or have emotionally bad relationships or pissed at somebody.
I had one gal, she was so mad at men. She'd had a bad divorce. She had men stalking her. She was attracting the negative energy. She comes to the cleanse and she gets done. The job that she was trying to get all of a sudden, boom, they're calling her. They say, “Hey, we want to interview tomorrow.” Then I go, “You tell me that they haven't returned a call for six months and now they want to interview you tomorrow?” That happened. She walks out of here and six months later stalking went away, six months later she found the love of her life, got married, had another child.
I had another guy he was cirrhosis of the liver. Get this amazing story, oh my gosh. His face was purple. My son called him Santa Claus. He'd played a little bit too much in his earlier life. I needed some plumbing done. I say, “Dennis, you're a dead man walking. I need some plumbing, you need some plumbing too.” I said, “Let's trade.” So he comes over and we put him on the cleanse. I said, “Just be aware,” because the color in his face changed. The purple redness, you see people with a lot of redness around their skin, that's all liver. That's usually a lot of heavy metals and stuff. So that all went down and started decreasing. He walks out of here in 10 days later and he calls me says, “David,” I say, “I don't know what's happened,” he says, “but my phone wasn't ringing before that cleanse and now it's ringing every day. Not only that, I could spend maybe five hours working or some days not working at all. Now I just did 10 hours under a house all day I got energy.” How cool is that?
Recently, get this. Recently Ashley, he says, “David,” speaking of liver cleanses, I remember when he says, “I need to keep doing these and I haven't. I went in to get some life insurance and they say, “Oh, so yeah. Your cirrhosis,” do they say in remission? I don't know if that's the right words or not but he goes, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it. Hold it. What did you just say?” They go, “Yeah, yeah. It's paused, it's in remission. It's not getting worse.” He goes, “You guys told me that would never change. You told me always it would be getting worse, worse, worse.” They just looked at him. They don't say a word. Dennis comes in and he says, “I got to do another liver cleanse. I need this colonics. I need to keep doing this.” I mean, that was a pretty cool story.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash
[2:02:34] Ashley James: What's he look like now?
[2:02:35] David DeHaas: Oh it looks great. Pink face, he's not a Santa Claus anymore. He's had some cancers and he's treated that alternative as well on his own. So he came in here he got empowered. He got the belief that he could heal himself. You give people some belief, you give them the ability to understand that they're the powerful beings. At the end of the day, David DeHaas can't change you. You got to change you. I can give you some suggestions. I always think of myself as a cheerleader. I'm going to help coach you through this. I'm going to cheer you up to get through this. Because you go through this and sometimes people have a healing crisis where they, you get a little worse before they get better. That's the time where I got to get on the pom-poms and say, “Let's go. Let's keep doing this.” Your body's going to detox and you may get a little worse. Every once in a while I have someone who starts, they throw up. They go, “Oh my gosh, that's not good.” Then I go, “No, it's great. Your body is saying, hey, let's get the stuff out. It's going to do whatever it can to move it out and it just happen to be you not only pooping it out but you're also vomiting it out. This is going to go away in a bit. It's going to be okay. You don't want to suppress it.” The problem is that too many times we suppress it like Nicole.
Nicole was 22, worked for me part-time. I gave her a three-day cloning cleanse after she worked with me that summer. I didn't know this at the time but she went home and she threw up, I mean a lot. She says, “I'm not going back. I'm doing that. I'm not doing that anymore. I wasn't aware of this. Well, three days later she's one semester away from graduating and all of a sudden she's got severe migraines. In fact, they were constant, 24-hour a day, no medications would cut the pain. When she sat up, she would blackout for five minutes. The doctors did a spinal tap then they say, “Okay, we need to put a shunt in your brain.” That's when I heard about it. I go, “What? What do you mean? No, no, no. Why isn't she in here?” Her mom says, “Well, the last time she was here she threw up.” I said, “Well, there was your sign. That's a severely toxic body at age 21. To do a colonic and then throw up, there's your sign.” So I called her up. She came in, she spent 18 days. Now, the doctors had told her that, “Look at it, you’re going to be on medication. You're not going to be able to eat Boise, Idaho.” She couldn't look at a computer screen. If she did that would cause problems. She couldn't look at a TV or anything. They say, “Basically, you're going to be on medication for the rest of your life. We'll put a shunt in your brain. We'll help you manage this but you'd have to stay here little girl. This is your life.” I said, “Come on.”
So, she came in. I filmed her just about every day. Eighteen days later she was back at school and she graduated, went out to get her master's and she now works in College of Idaho and is doing great. Pretty cool story.
[2:05:29] Ashley James: She's off all those meds and she doesn't have any migraines?
[2:05:32] David DeHaas: No meds, no migraines. Travels the world, does what she wants to do. Yeah.
[2:05:38] Ashley James: So sometimes you got to push through. It's like maybe the first colonic stirred some stuff up but that means you got to keep going.
[2:05:45] David DeHaas: Yeah. You don't go into your refrigerator and you go, “That stinks all that rotting food.” You don't stop, right? You clean all of it out. We’ll dirty it first, right?
[2:05:54] Ashley James: Are there any contraindications? When should someone not have a colonic?
[2:06:01] David DeHaas: Yeah, there are. There's two types of colon hydrotherapy bed systems, there's open and closed. We use the open gravity-fed very gentle small tube. The closed system is a tube about five inches in diameter. They're pressurizing the system. A lot more contraindications for them. The association puts out contraindications and they got a list. But what I have found to be true over the years is that, I can't remember all of them right now off the top my head, but yeah. There are a few. They’re on our intake form. But anyway, I'm drawing a blank right now. There's a list of them. But what I found to be true over the years is that, well hemorrhoids, for example, are one of them. I've had people tell me, “I don't care. I'm plugged up. I need a colonic.” I mean, I've had pretty severe, but you get a hemorrhoid. What's a hemorrhoid or a cyst or a tumor? It's just a place for your body put toxins. I remember those people that shows on their own volition to ignore those contraindications and that the hemorrhoids went down and actually pretty quickly, pretty surprising.
[2:07:10] Ashley James: Interesting.
[2:07:12] David DeHaas: Yeah. You can only do that with the open system. You couldn't do it on a closed. The tube’s too big.
[2:07:17] Ashley James: That was my next question. What is the difference between an open and closed? Because I've done both. I enjoyed both for different reasons.
[2:07:24] David DeHaas: Yeah. The closed system is, again therapist is in the room, again for some people that's a little uncomfortable having someone there watching you poop. They're going to fill you very slowly, gently. Then now the process are there, they can swish your belly around. That's all great. Then when the poop goes out, you got a 5/8 inch tube. If the poop’s bigger than that, they have to either squeeze that tube and help squeeze that water and hopefully break up that hard. If you got poop as big as your fist, which many people who are constipated do, you may end up getting off that table because they're not on a table that you can just poop on it's a massage table. You go to a toilet and release. Now on the beds that we used, it's a toilet if you will. It's not a toilet, but it's a bed where you just poop.
[2:08:09] Ashley James: It's like a lie-down toilet.
[2:08:10] David DeHaas: Yes and you just let her go. Tubes very tiny, like you say, it's tiny the size of a pencil. The poop just goes around that rectal tube. I mean, I've had people fill our three-inch tube like rock-solid poop as big as that three-inch diameter tube all the way full where I've had to, especially people with opioid, induced constipation, where they filled it, plugged it up. We have a flusher jet. There was one time, the gal, my gosh. We ran that jet the whole time but she was just solid. Now, on a closed system, usually the closest to people –
[2:08:46] Ashley James: You can’t do that.
[2:08:48] David DeHaas: Yeah, they'll send them to me. Then you're going to have constant release. So the beauty of that is it's again, what we want to do when we get peristalsis happening. So think of peristalsis as a squeezing of the colon. That's what helps move the poop. When the small intestine dumps into the large intestine on the right site or just above your hip, that's liquid and then it's going to go up move up. So what moves that up as peristalsis, the squeezing action of the colon. It goes up, moves across your transverse colon and drops down and begins to dry out. So, now the problem is is that stuff can get stuck down there and it could get very constipated. It gets as big as 16 inches. That’s stuff's traveling through pretty slow. So, when we're when you're hydrating with colon hydrotherapy, that's going to help begin to dissolve that. The cool thing about an open system is that, if you just relax and let the water do its work that colons going to start taking directions. It will go, “Oh, I'm going to push now. I got enough water, I'm going to push automatically on your own.” Whereas the closed, you can't push back. You got to let the person turn it off, release it. You might have three releases, wherein an open system it's just constant in-and-out. You're releasing all the time. You might have 30, 40, 50 releases.
[2:10:00] Ashley James: Very cool.
[2:10:03] David DeHaas: Yeah. So, it's fun. It's fun, it's relaxing. Most people, they get done, they come in of course they're nervous, everyone is. I was too. I get done and I say, “Well, how'd it go?” They go, “Oh, you know what? I feel lighter and refreshed.” Yeah. That's most. Now, every once in a while you get someone that goes, “Oh my gosh, I've got nausea.” I go, “Yup.” I tell people, “Look at it, if the next day you're feeling nausea and you feel like you don't want to come in, you want to come back in because your body is saying let's go and there's just a lot of maybe heavy metals or whatever toxins that are moving past. Your body's picking that that's why you don't feel good. Don't wait. Let's get back on the bed. Let's keep cleaning it out. That will pass faster than then if you keep it in.”
[2:10:49] Ashley James: Yeah. There's one of the videos on your YouTube channel where a guy had kept coming in. He wasn't feeling good at the beginning then he kept coming in. He passed the microbiome. The entire microfilm, I should say, the biofilm. Biofilm was this like leathery thick mucus that was coating his colon. It released and it came out. Then he felt so much better. I've heard that from many people who either do water-only fasting or juice fasts or like a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions. When they pass, the body finally lets go and releases the biofilm. They were feeling really sick before and then they pass it and they feel amazing afterward. I've also heard that from people who are on, like Dr. Jay Davidson who I've had on the show, his parasite cleanse. So it's like when you release it though, when it leaves your body, because it's just so diseased and it's housing the parasites that are giving off all these toxins on their own. So, when you release it you feel so much better. Can you tell us a bit about this, the biofilm and releasing it using colon hydrotherapy?
[2:12:09] David DeHaas: Yeah. So, colon hydrotherapy is hydrating. What we like to also have you be using is some bentonite and slim at the same time to help kind of stimulate that action to get things moving through. But think about this, again, I always like going back to the refrigerator analogy. You've got this stuff that's been trapped in there and things are passing very slowly through your system. Like you say, you've got parasites in there you may have heavy metals you have all this gunk. So that's going to come off and you're going to re-establish, as I call it, the new carpet. Now you're going to be able to absorb the micronutrients into your bloodstream, because remember the end of the day, we got to get stuff into the blood to get to the cells. You have 50 trillion cells. So we got to get that nutrition there. So, again, you got to let that old stuff go. It builds up over time. I haven't got a good analogy right now to use. The other thing that people need to understand, here's what people get kind of weirded out too, diarrhea. People are having constant diarrhea or they'll have a lot of diarrhea or they go from diarrhea to rabbit pellets. What's diarrhea? Diarrhea is a body's amazing, it's the fire hose of the body. You recycle two and a half gallons of water per day in your colon.
Well, when you get a bug in there the body says, “Whoa, dude. We don't want this bug in here. Let's get it out.” Well, how are we getting it out? Let's turn on the jets. Let's just give him some diarrhea. Let's blow this out of here. Okay. Let's go. Now you're sitting on the toilet, you go, “Oh my God, this just feels horrible.” You think, what can I take to stop diarrhea? No. You should probably come in and do a colonic. Hence, that action, clear out that bug, whatever is in there and change it. So, that's usually a severe microbiome dysfunction. You've probably got a lot of yeast Candida with it. Everything is out of balance. Look at it, we got to clean it up, reestablish. The sooner you get all that toxicity out of there the faster that will heal and repair. Then again back to your micronutrients, back to the foods you're eating and getting that restored. The body's amazing. I looked back at Dr. Jensen and the work that he did. I've met some of his sons and daughters of the parents that he helped heal. We've seen them here at Living Waters as well.
I mean, I had a guy come in, just to give an example, severely constipated, in and out of the hospital, on meds of course for six months. When you're on meds, okay again, the brain connections transverse colon. How do we cut pain? Okay, we got to cut those signals. So, now your colons not working when you're on these pain meds. So, we get constipated. I experienced that with my wife. My wife had fell and broke a bunch of bones. She was in the hospital 24 days. We're like, “Sheesh, I wish we had a colon hydrotherapy bed down here.” But he comes in and he had severe fatty liver. He had had a shunt putting in his bile duct, but he's plugged up. He couldn't walk and he wasn't very cognitive either. We had to lift him to put him on the colonic bed. We did that. We did three colonics, he says, “I'm going to do your 10-day thing.” I said, “Okay.” His wish was to get home for Christmas, which is five hours north of us. He couldn’t. No way he'd be in a car at that time for five hours.
Anyway, so he kept and in five days he was actually walking with a walker. Next thing you know he's able to get up on his own, we don't have to lift him. His skin color changed from gray to pink. On the last day I filmed him. On the last day he gets up and sits down, gets up and sits down on his own unaided. Of all the people I've seen, he had two feet in the grave. I looked at him and I say, “Well, as I see it, you're either going to live or you’re going to die. You're definitely closer to dying right now. It's your choice, what do you want to do here?” Of course he's severely backed up and he said, “I can't poop. Yeah, let's go.” So, they jumped on the cleanse and went forward. It's pretty cool.
[2:16:28] Ashley James: So, how is he doing now?
[2:16:30] David DeHaas: He lived another year. He actually got so he could walk unaided. I don't think he would have made Christmas that year but he got another year of life. He had some other heart issues going on. I sent him home with instructions and so forth. They're pretty happy with what happened, but again probably a little too late coming to us. But hey, he got another year.
[2:16:58] Ashley James: Man, he got to go home for Christmas which was his wish.
[2:17:00] David DeHaas: He got to go home for Christmas. He got to see his kids. He got to resolve some things that emotionally he needed to resolve, which was pretty doggone cool. There were some things that he was hanging on to take care of and he met us. He bought that time basically. I've had Parkinson's people come in and dragging on their feet. Then we're learning more now. I mean, we've learned so much about the microbiome in the gut in the last 10 years. There are now tons of evidence about how Parkinson's is definitely a gut issue. I remember, oh my gosh, this one guy comes in first day and again, what caused it? “Well, David, back in the 50s I was putting my arms up in DDT up to my elbows. I was growing these root crops.” So he had a lot of chemical toxicity, DDT. To get up out of a chair someone had to pull him up. He'd shuffle. First, he stayed with his daughter here in Boise. He says, “David, the first night it took me a half-hour to get those stairs, thirteen steps.” He says in three or four days I think it was he says, “I went up and down like I should normal person. On the fifth day here, again, I always had to lift him up off the clinic bed, pull him up off the massage table. Fifth day, he sits up on his own, flips his round and stands up and he go, “Dang.”
This is so interesting, human behavior is so funny. Great guy, awesome guy. I mean, very wealthy. Hands-on lots of businesses, in his late 70s. He had this big real estate project going on. He says, “David, I got to break away from here for a few days. I just got to go do this. I got to take care of transaction. It's a $4 million transaction.” I say, “Well, I think it'll wait a few more days,” but he got, “I'm feeling really good though.” So he got driven here by someone else. Shuffles in. He goes out there hops in his truck he says, “I'll be back, I promise. I'll be back.” Hops in his truck, takes off like and I look at him and go, “Amazing.” So anyway, you can't get everyone. I mean you can only coach people so far but he was like, “Hey, this has been awesome dude. This has been really great. I really appreciate everything. I have to take care of this.” I mean, he's in late 70s. The guy’s probably worth millions.
[2:19:30] Ashley James: Did he come back?
[2:19:31] David DeHaas: He did not come back.
[2:19:33] Ashley James: That's so funny. So, he was just hobbling. He was hobbling in and then you just got him to the point where he was healthy enough so he could go out and work again. Then he's like, “Okay, I'm good.”
[2:19:45] David DeHaas: Right. Of course, what happens to us human beings we've all did this, I did this, right? Oh well, I'll do it tomorrow. I'm not that bad. I mean, okay. I'm tired, I'm fatigued, I can just kind of push through this. Yeah, it hurts the morning when I wake up, but maybe tomorrow, right? We all, us human beings we’re so, we're crazy most of the time. We think, “Oh well, we should take care of this first.” We don't really look in the mirror and say, look at it, “I need to be selfish and take care of me first.” Especially moms. Moms will take care of everybody first even when they're sick and they can barely move. That's just human nature. But my goal as a cheerleader is to get people to take, hey, self-love. Be selfish. It's okay. Take care of you first especially you moms. Look at it, if you're not well, no one else is going to be happy. Take care of you. On the airplane they say, look at it, “Parents, put your oxygen mask on first before you put it to on your children, okay.” Take care of yourself first. You're going to have a happier household. When mamas are well and dads are well, you know what, everything else is going to be a lot happier. It's just human nature. I see it all the time. You know what, I do the best to – again, from where he was, he was 1,000% better. So, I can't blame him. I mean, he was like, “This is great. I don't need to be any better,” is what he's thinking, right, and I'll get back to it. Of course, you got for him, he had like several businesses and so he's taking care of this and this and this and yeah.
[2:21:29] Ashley James: Not taking care of himself. That's a really good lesson because we get to this point, even with injuries or with getting over a cold, like you just, the second you feel better, you overexert yourself and then you feel worse again. I've had so many times where people come to me, I get them on a really healing protocol, supplements. Get them on a really great protocol and they're doing amazing. The first week they feel like a million bucks. Then they come to me sometime the second week and they're like, “Oh, I'm in so much pain.” This happened so many times, I know exactly why. I say, “Well, tell me what you did this week. What activities did you do?” “Well, I ran through the yard playing with my grandchildren. I went for a walk with the ladies. I gardened” and they started listing off all these things. I'm like, “Before you started working with me, what was your activity level like?” “Well, I sat all day and I watch TV.”
It's like the second people feel good they just, when the pain is gone, we totally overexert ourselves. Then of course you are aches and pains, you just did more activity in the last week than you have done in the last five years. Of course you have. That's just normal, but you’ll still have a long road of wonderful healing and building a foundation of health. This is what I do, is if I have the cold, a head cold or whatever, then the next day I'm feeling good then I’m like, “Okay. Great. I'm done. It's over. Let's go,” and I go 100% again that my body's like, “Nope. You have to rest still. After you're recovered from a cold or flu, you should really take two weeks to slow, like really go to bed early. Even earlier than you should and drink lots of healing soups. Even if you're not feeling sick anymore, your body has to recover from that and you need to do extra self-care.
So, it's interesting that people get to this point where the second they feel a little better, they're just like, “Oh, I don't have to do any work anymore. I'm good.” That's when they should double down because its money in the bank. Every activity that is building a foundation of health is money in the bank. Every glass of water you drink, every colon hydrotherapy session you get, every vitamin or eating an apple or a whole food, going to bed early is your depositing money in your health bank. The best time to do it is when you don't feel like you need it. The same goes money for actual money in a bank. When you need money and you haven’t been depositing any into your bank account, that’s when you need it the most, but when you should have been doing it the most was when you didn't need that money and you just put it away, tuck it away in the bank account.
So, when we don't have ill health is when we should be building our health to prevent it, to prevent illness. We can really clearly see that when we spend time every day doing emotional self-care, mental self-care, spiritual self-care, physical self-care, energetic self-care; when we spend the time, carve out time for ourselves that we will see for years to come the positive ramifications of that. You can see people in your life who neglected themselves and they are now experiencing the result of that. I keep coming back to that the body is like a garden. You tend to the garden all year long and you fertilize and you mineralize those soil. There's a microbiome in the soil. There's so many things we can do to constantly create a healthy garden. Our body and our gut is really, there's a lot of similarities between a healthy garden and a healthy gut. It does take constantly helping it and avoiding things that harm it. I love that this another tool, colon hydrotherapy is another tool we can add to our tool belt.
Robyn Openshaw was a guest I've had on the show before. She's green smoothie girl. She is vegan. She does promote a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Although, I think she does things once in a while like bone broth. She's not against it but she does eat whole foods and lots and lots and lots of plants. Just recently her boyfriend did her cleanse, which is a whole food plant-based eating basically where you're not eating processed food you're just eating lots of plants, a variety of plants. I think he's about two weeks into it. She just posted this on Facebook. She posted it publicly so people can see it, but she said, “My boyfriend just, he never believed me when I said that your poop shouldn't smell. That if your poop smells, that you're actually toxic and your diet is wrong. Because when you're really healthy and you're eating a really healthy diet your poop shouldn't smell. He didn't believe me. Two weeks into this whole food plant-based eating, his poop doesn't smell and he couldn't believe it.” I made a comment in that thread about, yeah. It's interesting that people eat dead decaying flesh and dairy products, which contain infected pus. This is proven. It's not conspiracy. The USDA, they allow a certain amount of particles of blood and pus from infected cows in dairy. I know that sounds really gross, but if someone is consuming dairy, they have to understand that it's not clean at all. Also, us humans are not meant to consume the milk of any animal at all. We're not meant to consume milk after we're an infant let alone the milk of another animal. Although we have adapted to in times of survival, humans have used dairy because they had to. I'd rather have someone trick dairy than die of starvation. So in those terms we did, but we don't need to anymore. It's not healthy.
So, there's a lot of evidence that dairy is really unhealthy for us, but the marketing in the food industry would tell you otherwise. That eating rotting decaying flesh of animals is very toxic for the colon. Now, you've mentioned eggs a few times. So you are not promoting a whole food plant-based or a vegan diet. You have a lot of experience around colon health. What kind of a diet do you see is the most healing and healthy for the gut?
[2:28:40] David DeHaas: Yeah. You said you interviewed Peter, Eat Right for Your Blood Type. Peter D’Adamo.
[2:28:47] Ashley James: I haven't interviewed him. He was my Naturopath growing up. Yeah.
[2:28:53] David DeHaas: He wrote the book Eat Right for your Blood Type. So, we have found that, we typically ask people what the blood type is. We have found that to be pretty much true. Every once in a while I get an A, if you’re type A that usually means you should be plant-based. Dr. Huggins was pretty big. He was a guy that did a lot of studying. He inherited all of Dr. Weston Price’s research and did a lot of studies on his own. He was pretty big on eating what's right for your blood type. He says if you're Type O, you need a lot of protein he says, “You need to get it from a hoof.” So, we have found, I’m a B+, my wife is O. She takes some supplements, some extra protein, amino-based supplements as well, which really helped her. So we found that to be pretty accurate over the years. Again, I tell people look at it, muscle test. What's your body telling you?
So, yeah. I do. I've always been an egg guy. I love eggs. I do. I don't eat near as much steak as I used to. Lamb, for B guys, that’s B+ people, because we're so positive. Lamb’s good for us. I noticed that to be true for me. So, I always say to people, “Again, at the end of the day, let's clear out your body. Let's see what you're testing for and go with that and understand. Your body knows. Once you understand how to do this, you can choose. That will serve you. If someone's saying, “Hey, you know what, everyone has to be a vegan. Everyone has to be a vegetarian,” whatever. No. I don't get on that bandwagon. I have found some people that go on that sometimes they're having some issues later on, but again, you know what, you know you. You do you. Muscle test. Understand what you need and I think you'll be okay.
[2:30:55] Ashley James: Yeah. I always thought, because I was O blood type and I was raised to just almost only eat meat and vegetables are a garnish, when I did so much to correct my health, like I just couldn't get over the hump and then I interviewed so many people that said the most healing, cleansing thing for the body is whole food plant-based no processed foods. So I tried it, and I thought, now I was of the mindset that I had to have meat at every meal. So even the thought of having a one meatless meal was just absurd, like my brain couldn't wrap my, didn't make sense. But I tried. I did a 21-day challenge, 21-day cleanse where I ate lots of salad, steamed vegetables, two pounds of steamed vegetables a day, lots of starchy vegetables and also non-starchy vegetables, brown rice, tons of legumes, nuts and seeds. Basically lentils, beans, peas. So all plant-based protein. I was getting around 50 to 70 grams of protein, but it was from plants. I was getting 50 to actually between 50 and 70 grams of fiber a day, which was amazing. So good and I couldn't believe it. Because before that I struggled to get even 15 grams of fiber. I felt full and I could not believe, within days I had more energy, more mental clarity than I ever had. I had already been on eating organic, eating whole foods. I had done paleo and keto. I’ve tried everything, but this, this for me has been revolutionary. I don't have cravings anymore. I don't have the feeling of being weak. I used to feel weak if I didn't eat meat. I don't get that. I just thought that was really neat that I feel very strong in my core.
So, even if someone were to just eat more vegetables or just get a variety of legumes and nuts and seeds and just eat more plants and learn how to cook. That's why I started this membership called Learn True Health Home Kitchen. It was to teach people how to eat more plants. Some people don't want to cut out meat, but eating more plants is healthier and is healing. Would you find that you help people to eat more plants because people just are not eating enough fiber? What kind of diet changes that you help people that you see helps a 100% the population?
[2:33:37] David DeHaas: Yeah. So again, I go back to when of course when they’re here we're teaching lots and lots of things. Like for example you mentioned eating lots of beans, my wife, beans she can't touch beans at all. So, she stays away from those. So again, I talk to people about, “Okay. Let's definitely fruits, vegetables.” I've got people here in Boise that advocate for being a fruitarian. That doesn't resonate for a lot of clients especially if you've got heavy metals and you got yeast candida and you're doing a lot of fruits. Some people go, “Oh fruits, yeah.” So you're going to have more sugars and that's probably not going to serve you well. So, there's a balance and I think that people need to, that's why I always have them start out with, “If you want, here's some education. Eat right for your type, look at that, see what resonates. Let's start muscle testing yourself. See what you are resonating with.” Then I think that is something people need to become empowered and begin to figure out what is best for them. But again, I always start first of all, organic only. You got to have organic. You can't eat the non-food. Well, you can but you’re going to be sick. Usually people get on that as you probably experienced as well, after a while, guess what, your body you eat something that you used to think you liked and you eat it now, you got a reaction. You're not going to feel as well. So, yeah. God gave us fruits and vegetables. I think it's why I like Thai food so much. I like a little spiciness to it.
[2:35:21] Ashley James: Yum.
[2:35:22] David DeHaas: Yeah. Turmeric and cayenne. Cayenne is a wonderful ingredient. Cayenne is so amazing. Amazing thing. I'll tell you my first experience with cayenne, because I had a lot of allergies. I had severe allergies. One of the things that my in-law says, “Well, you know, cayenne is great for allergies.” So I started taking a little bit and they told me a story. I didn't really believe them because he told me the story of my father-in-law was out logging one part in his life. His chainsaw bucked and hit him in the cheek. He's three hours from a hospital. So he had a whole bag of cayenne because his mother drank cayenne pepper every morning. Every single morning she'd have some cayenne in water and she lived all-natural until 105.
[2:36:09] Ashley James: Nice.
[2:36:10] David DeHaas: So, he takes the cayenne, puts it in that wound and butterfly bandages it and goes back to work and no scar. My brother-in-law says, “Yeah, David.” He says, “It was bad.” He was telling me chainsaw bucks and hits you in the face, it's not going to be pretty. No scar. I go, “Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Sure.” He says, “Yeah. I got in this car accident and I cut my hand here and I put cayenne in it, butterfly bandaged it and I didn't have stitches.” “Yeah. Yeah. Sure.” So one day I'm out, this back in the 80s and I had the old mobile phones where it had the big box in the trunk and a phone handle upfront. I'm taking it out and I raised up and I hit my head on the edge of the car lid. I got blood spurting everywhere. My in-laws were there so I say, I walked in and of course blood’s everywhere, “Should we go to the hospital?” He says, “Well, hold it. What the hell. Let’s try to this cayenne thing. Let's just cut this back and throw some cayenne in there.” It was bleeding pretty good. So, we did it, we put cayenne in it, cut my hair back and put a butterfly bandage over it. I don’t know, for some reason about a week later I was at a doctor's office. He goes, “What did you do to your head? So, I cracked it open. He goes, “Wow.” I go, “Yeah.” I said, “How's it look?” He goes, “Looks really good.” I say, “Yeah, all I did is I put cayenne pepper in it and put a butterfly bandage in. He goes, “Well, that didn't anything.” I say, “Well, you're looking at it and you tell me it looks great.” I said, “Dude, I had blood everywhere.”
[2:37:42] Ashley James: That’s so funny.
[2:37:43] David DeHaas: So, anyway, that was just part of the learning experience that I had. Anyway, I don’t know how we got off on cayenne pepper but great thing to be –
[2:37:53] Ashley James: To add to your food?
[2:37:55] David DeHaas: I just had another great guy in here who's very well known for, speaking of soils. He runs some garden centers here in the area. He was telling me some of his cayenne stories. Pretty interesting stories, but yeah, cayenne’s awesome. Everyone have that little cayenne. If I went back on the day when I used to get sick, I don’t get sick anymore but I get really sick. If I ever got a sore throat I would take some cayenne, put it in some water juice and I would juggle it down. Of course you’re going to feel the heat against your throat, but I did it every two hours with vitamin C in between and another product called Immune Formula which has Echinacea and goldenseal and some other products in it. I can alternate every two hours. Cayenne just cut that pain in the throat. I'd heal that day.
[2:38:34] Ashley James: Yeah. My mom taught me fresh lemon juice, hot water, cayenne and some maple syrup or honey. We would drink that all day long if we had a sore throat or if we were coming down with a cold and then it would just blow itself right out.
[2:38:50] David DeHaas: She was too kind to you giving you the honey, I just take her straight.
[2:38:53] Ashley James: Well, I was a kid. She had to figure out how to get it in me. Yeah, the cayenne and between the cayenne, I think we also put ginger in it. Yeah, that's right. We put ginger in it and the lemon juice for the vitamin C and the ginger for the tummy and then the cayenne for the throat and then the honey because I'm a kid. Yeah. That was the home remedy. Absolutely.
[2:39:16] David DeHaas: That’s going to help move out that mucus too. So if you’ve got some mucus, that will help it. The other thing too, I've had a guy come in with pneumonia. In fact, his daughter was on the 10-day cleanse and she was having this amazing changes. She says, “Yeah, my dad was at the hospital last night.” I go, “What for?” She says, “Well, he's got pneumonia.” I say, “Well, why is he in here?” He had never done colonics yet, right? So he sends his daughter but he hasn't come in. I go, “Tell him get down here.” So he comes down and he comes in. After the first colonic he said to me, “David, I have not slept through the night in years. I slept like a baby. I can't believe how much better I feel.” I say, “You’ve only done one day.” He goes, “I know. What's going to happen today?” I say, “Oh, it's going to get better.” So yeah, he did I think three or four colonics in a row. His eyes got clear and all that. Yeah, getting that mucus out, getting that gunk out of the trunk. Again, what you're doing with cayenne and the lemon juice another great thing to help move that out. We also use ginger here and lemon on the cleanse as well. Good stuff.
[2:40:16] Ashley James: Fun. Awesome. Do you add anything to the water when they're doing colonics like at the end? I've been to places where the last sort of water flow into the colon contains probiotics. Do you do anything like that where you add stuff to the water?
[2:40:34] David DeHaas: Yeah. So we don't generally add some stuff to the water but we do add some stuff that you can and you muscle test to see what exactly you need. So, again giving your body the ability to drink that from the hinder parts is a cool thing.
[2:40:51] Ashley James: Awesome, Is there anything that we didn't cover today that you just really want to make sure that we cover?
[2:40:57] David DeHaas: If people really want to do a deep dive, I did a webinar that goes into a deep dive on how the colon works. I even bring on Dr. Charina Holmes and she talks about what's going on in the gut. That's at healingtheincurables.com, healingtheincurables.com. So, people could go watch that and really get an education on colon hydrotherapy and how the gut works and how all those nerves, I have pictures on there of how the nerves connect to the gut. I go into a whole and its very layman’s terms so people can understand. I think everyone from first grade up should probably watch that webinar just to understand.
[2:41:35] Ashley James: Oh, cool. We homeschool our four-year-old so he's about to be five. He's already doing first-grade level stuff. So we'll watch it together because he's really interested in anatomy. He likes to draw and color the body, like the anatomy of the body.
[2:41:51] David DeHaas: Awesome.
[2:41:52] Ashley James: So, yeah. Neat. I know we have a lot of parents that listen to the podcast with their children, actually. That's why we keep it a clean show with no swearing, friendly for the whole family. Some topics though, when it comes to like some kind of health things maybe should be PG-13, but other than that, it's a safe podcast to listen to for the whole family. So your webinar healingtheincurables.com. Is it incurable?
[2:42:22] David DeHaas: Incurables.
[2:42:23] Ashley James: Incurables, with an S.
[2:42:24] David DeHaas: Healingtheincurables.com. I teach a thing called the four natural laws of healing. Thank you V.E. Irons for that and Dr. Bernhard Jensen. So, yeah. There's a lot of good stuff in that. Of course we got stuff on our website as well at livingwaterscleanse.com so a lot of good, in fact we have a video on there on how a colonic is done. So if you go to livingwaterscleanse.com, you'll actually see my wife show you how a colonic is done.
[2:42:55] Ashley James: Yeah. I’ve watched that video.
[2:42:57] David DeHaas: Ten minutes long.
[2:42:58] Ashley James: Yeah. A lot of your videos. They’re fun. Just go watch the videos and see the testimonials and see the stuff that comes out of people because that's like crazy. That's so crazy. Then you really want that stuff to come out of you too. I know my listeners are really into parasite cleanses or at least I am, and then the ones that are interested, they talk in the Facebook group about it. So yeah, if you think you've got parasites, if you've never done a parasite cleanse and you're an adult, you have parasites. That's basically what it is.
[2:43:30] David DeHaas: Parasites don't like the warm water. They don't like that. They hate it. I mean, that's what really helps all the herbs and all that stuff and using zappers and pulse frequency. All that's great. People come in and have done all that over the years they come here and they add the water by doing the colonics. Those guys can only hang on so long.
[2:43:52] Ashley James: It's like a tidal wave. It just pulls them out.
[2:43:54] David DeHaas: Whoosh.
[2:43:55] Ashley James: Yes. Nice. Awesome. David, thank you so much for coming on the show today and sharing all this great information. It's been wonderful. Livingwaterscleanse.com is your website. Of course, the links to everything that David does is going to be in the show notes of today's podcast at learntruehealth.com. Is there a final message that you'd like to leave listeners with to wrap up today's interview?
[2:44:21] David DeHaas: Oh, final message. Well, I think the important thing is you need to poop like a boss. If you're sick, get a colonic, come on. Guys, it's really simple, really easy. It's going to cut your sick-care costs and it's going to improve your well-being. Find a colon hydrotherapist. I mean, we'd love to have you come to Boise, Idaho and join us. But look at it, there's great colon hydrotherapists throughout the country. My mission is to make colon hydrotherapy as popular as those little stand-up pharmacies on the corner.
[2:44:54] Ashley James: Very good, very nice.
[2:44:56] David DeHaas: Bring your friend. I always tell couples, there was a couple that came in yesterday and I say, “Are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend?” They say, “Yeah.” She had done colonics and he hadn’t. I say, “You can't date him until he's cleaned up. We can't date the unclean.” He looked at her and like, “Oh, I guess I got to get some colonics.” I say, “Yeah, because what he has, you're going to have.” So, yeah.

[2:45:18] Ashley James: Very interesting. Bring a friend. All right. Thank you so much, David. This has been a pleasure to have you today.
[2:45:26] David DeHaas: All right. I appreciate it. I appreciate what you've been doing. I've listened to quite a few your podcasts. They’re awesome.
[2:45:32] Ashley James: Oh, thanks.
[2:45:34] Outro: I hope you enjoyed today's interview, I know I did. It's such a wonderful journey to be on this health journey with you, learning alongside you. I've been so into health for so many years building my health back. To be able to share it with you is a real blessing. Come join the Facebook group the Learn True Health Facebook Group if you haven't already because it's such a wonderful community to be part of a supportive community of people like you who are looking to build their health and gain their health back and be as healthy as possible. Sometimes we feel like black sheep but our own family or in our own social circles, but when you come join the Learn True Health Facebook group you feel supported and you feel like you're not alone.
Another place you'll feel supported is my new membership, the Learn True Health Home Kitchen. Whether you don't know how to cook at all or you cook all the time, you are going to get so much out of our membership. I paired with a really good friend of mine, Naomi, who's an amazing cook and is a total health advocate. She figures out how to cook in a way that makes children happy, that makes the whole family happy and that's healing using healing ingredients, healing foods that can be adapted for all different kinds of diets and lifestyles.
So come join the Learn True Health Home Kitchen. Go to learntruehealth.com/homekitchen. That's learntruehealth.com/homekitchen and use the coupon code LTH. I made it affordable for everyone because I want you to join me. You can support the Learn True Health Facebook group, support me in continuing to do these interviews by joining the membership. Also support you to gain more recipes and more ideas more lifestyle tips and tricks. I put a ton of work and a ton of effort into the Learn True Health Home Kitchen to teach so that I can empower you to get your health to the next level and to always be cultivating true health.
Every week I add new lessons so you'll continue to gain more and more and more. There's well over seven hours of content that you can pour through right now and I add new lessons every single week. So please, come join the Learn True Health Home Kitchen, support the Learn True Health podcast, support me and what I'm doing. My mission to continue to bring you these interviews and support you and your family in optimal health. Go to learntruehealth.com/homekitchen and use the coupon code LTH. Thank you so much for being a listener and thank you so much for supporting the Learn True Health podcast. Have yourself an excellent rest of your day.
Get Connected with David DeHaas!
Recommended Readings by David DeHaas
Guess What Came To Dinner: Parasites and Your Health – Ann Louise Gittleman
Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management – Dr. Bernard Jensen
Dr. Jensen’s Guide To Better Bowel Care – Dr. Bernard Jensen
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Colon Hydrotherapy – David DeHaas & Ashley James – #412
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Ashley James
Health Coach, Podcast Creator, Homeschooling Mom, Passionate About God & Healing
Ashley James is a Holistic Health Coach, Podcaster, Rapid Anxiety Cessation Expert, and avid Whole Food Plant-Based Home Chef. Since 2005 Ashley has worked with clients to transform their lives as a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming.
Her health struggles led her to study under the world’s top holistic doctors, where she reversed her type 2 diabetes, PCOS, infertility, chronic infections, and debilitating adrenal fatigue.
In 2016, Ashley launched her podcast Learn True Health with Ashley James to spread the TRUTH about health and healing. You no longer need to suffer; your body CAN and WILL heal itself when we give it what it needs and stop what is harming it!
The Learn True Health Podcast has been celebrated as one of the top holistic health shows today because of Ashley’s passion for extracting the right information from leading experts and doctors of holistic health and Naturopathic medicine
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